Kamshat Zholdibaeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Kamshat Zholdibayeva, as a true lady and a real star of pop, does not cease to become the object of close attention of the public. The media in detail crushed her next sensual video, calling the executor of Kazakhstan Madonna. That instagram users lost the gift of speech at the sight of a new photo shoot, where a young woman starred in a short dress and bodies with stockings. However, the last stylish outfit is not all the follovers appreciated by considering it too vulgar.

Childhood and youth

Fate presented with Muratu and Gulnar with Swedybayev Two beautiful daughters. At the end of January 1988, the 28th, in the city of Fort Shevchenko (according to other data, in Aktau), a camshat appeared on the world, then came the turn and Altynai. It is known that the sisters have a brother Ruslan Nurbergen, and, except related ultrasound, unites one common passion for musical art.

As for the names that adults were awarded girls, the personal name of the eldest in Russian translates as "Cuckit", and the youngest - "gold".

From the early years of the child who visited numerous studios and circles, attracted a foreign language. Therefore, by earning up to the 9th grade of the local school, the teenager was subsequently easily entered the college to the appropriate specialty. For higher education, the graduate moved to Almaty in the future and submitted documents to the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.

In the 3rd year, the life of the girl's life plans changed dramatically - she began to film in films and got into the popular maidy "Cesyou" team. In this regard, a beginner actress and singer decided to translate to the pop faculty of the Academy of Arts by Temirbek Jurges.

Altynai, taking the professional biography with the Jayrun group, and Ruslan, who became a student of the same university, went to its footsteps.

Personal life

In 2016, the media discussed the possible novel of the singer with Talgat Kenzhabulatov (Kental). The couple often saw together, but soon the performer spoke all the points above I, explaining that "this is a joke, wedding will not be."

Now kamshat (height 168 cm with weight of 55 kg), thanks to external data, it is successfully coping with the model profession, about personal life prefers not to spread. Therefore, journalists and fans remain only to guess, the heart of a young woman is employed or not.

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"Instagram" celebrities "break" from stylish photos, where it is not afraid to appear in underwear, nor in tight dresses. Periodically, snapshots with representatives of the opposite sex flashed there, but their colleagues are invariably, brother.

It is known for certain that Zholdibaeva is not married and repeatedly fell into a selection of articles on enviable brides under the headlines "Kazakhstani artists who are not in a hurry to marry" or "Kazakhstan stars who are not treated with children".

Music and films

A little earlier than to be in the musical trio, the girl successfully passed the samples in the historic drama "Birzhan-Sal", telling about the life and work of the Kazakh Akyna and composer Birzhan-Sala Kolgul-Ul. After a year, her vocal abilities were not left unnoticed by the producer of the Girl "Kesyou" E E Energy Energyary Trio.

For all the time staying in the team, Kamshat managed to work side by side with Moldir Auelabek, Anel Arinova, Idana Medenova, Zhanar Dougalova and Zhuldyz Omirgali. In 2015, the performer decided to take on the development of a solo career by rending fans with individual singles "Sүyіktim", "Mahabbat Dastan" and Sevdam Olmasa.

Artist, continuing to shoot in the cinema ("Love of Tortanist", "Taraz", etc.), did not cease to record new tracks. So, in the 2018th in Tandem with an India Elemes, Khit "Sair" was born. He was replaced by songs with Mirbek Atabekov "Tyңday Meni" and Kerek Emes Day with a native sister.

The celebrity has repeatedly been confirmed in an interview that half of her popularity and success belongs to Altynai. A relative is carefully monitored by makeup and hairstyles and picks up extravagant outfits of the camshate.

"I am inventing outfits for your sister with a huge love. First, I draw an image in my head, after I transfer it to paper, looking for a good seammy that can embody my idea, and the appropriate material. I am not a designer, I just want my camshatt to always look spectacular, "the youngest Zholdybaeva told.

Kamshat Zholdibaeva now

Having played one of the roles in Drama "Tomiris" and paming the students with music novelties "Padisha", "Caramel", Basym Ketty, "Taғa Yes, and Ex Ex ex, the kamshat in the 2020th placed on Yandex.Music. On other platforms, the single appeared a little earlier, so youtube by that time several video recluses came to him.

Zholdibayev did not bypassed the passion of the popular Tiktok. The singer together with his brother, sister and concert director periodically publishes funny dance rollers there.



  • 2015 - "Sүyіktіm"
  • 2015 - "Mahabbat Dastan"
  • 2015 - Sevdam Olmasa
  • 2016 - "Birga"
  • 2016 - "Saint Mouima"
  • 2018 - "Like Basa Ba"
  • 2018 - "Kasy қasymda"
  • 2018 - "Sair"
  • 2019 - "TIMD MENI"
  • 2019 - "Taғi Yes,"
  • 2019 - "Padis"
  • 2019 - Caramel.
  • 2019 - Basym Ketty
  • 2019 - EX EX
  • 2019 - Garysh.


  • 2009 - Birzhan-Sal
  • 2011 - "Cocktail for Star - 2"
  • 2012 - "Parza"
  • 2013 - "Love of Tortanist"
  • 2016 - Taraz
  • 2016 - "Aliens Children"
  • 2019 - Tomiris
  • 2019 - "Armandastar"

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