Andrei Kostenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Nancy Group 2021



Those whose youth occurred in the 1990s will not be able to remember it without musical accompaniment of the Nancy group. Their first slow dance in 90% of cases occurred under the "Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol", and in the energetic dance, young people were laughed under the "Girl of the Dreams". And let the majority do not remember the name and face of Andrei Kostenko, his voice fell in memory, becoming an integral ring of nostalgia.

Childhood and youth

The Soloist of the Nancy Group was born on March 15, 1971 on the island of ITUUP, which is part of Kuril. However, the childhood of the future artist passed in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, where he graduated from school number 6 and local music school. Music's passion brought a guy pleasure and popularity from the opposite sex, but Kostenko was not going to turn the occupation to the profession.

The specialty chose serious - I decided to study medicine in the School of Konstantinovka, where he moved to student years. However, he did not cool the creativity and in his free time he was engaged in artistic amateur-in-friendly friends. In the Palace of Culture, where the rehearsals were held, Andrei met Anatoly Bondarenko, who played there along with the Hobby group.

By the time Anatoly was already a star star, earned a well-known money at the time, speaking at weddings and dances, and cherished plans to conquer the country's musical Olympus. He gathered to conquer Moscow and called Kostenko with him, who played well on the keys and sang well. Andrei not thinking agreed. Since then, a cross was raised on a medical career, which the artist subsequently did not regret.

Personal life

About the biography and personal life of the singer is known not so much as his fans would like. A man rarely gives an interview, while open for subscribers in "Instagram", where it is primarily divided by creative news. The photo of Kostenko on stage and in the company colleagues regularly appear in the account, unlike the pictures with the family. According to Internet sources, Andrei has an adult daughter Anna.


Having decided to take the storm in Moscow, the young performers primarily puzzled by the selection of titles for the new group. There is a legend that the Nancy team was advised by a professional fortune teller, which predicted that this name would bring glory and success to guys. A man was not superstitious in either youth, nor now, however, in the prediction of psychics believed no joke. And he did not lose: the guys soon won the title of the most popular group in Russia and the CIS. Their songs on discos ceased to turn only with the coming on the dance floors of the "Hand Up" team.

Recovering the album "Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol" in 1992, "Nancy" fell into the esters of all radio stations. The guidance ballad of a friend with a broken heart, which "found another", but can not love her, became the main slow song of the post-Soviet space in good years 5. The team of the team Anatoly Bondarenko became the composer and the author of the text, which began to compose the track still as a schoolboy. Heit brought to the mind in the Donetsk Academic Music and Drama Theater, where the studio entry was held.

But "Nancy" cannot be called a group of one hit: their writings "Pure Sheet", "As I loved you," "Drunk Birthday", "Hotel" used not less love of listeners who walked for concerts of Donetsk guys who turned into stars first magnitude. Sometimes the performers had to be selected from the speeches through a black move so as not to be "torn to souvenirs."

In the mid-1990s, Andrei moved to Moscow with a comrade. Tours, television ethers and corporate performances were more convenient to spend living in the capital of Russia. The guys annually recorded albums, filmed clips and reached the fruits of well-deserved fame in the form of love of fans and rabid fees.

The recession of popularity fell at the end of the 1990s, when new idols have appeared in young people. "Nancy" did not cease to perform and replenish discography, but now I had to dream about the former glory. For Andrei and Anatoly, the period of foreign tour began, since Soviet emigrants who moved to Germany and other European countries were the most grateful and solvent public.

Andrei Kostenko now

All Career Kostenko, one way or another, turned out to be connected with the Nancy group. In the early 2000s, the performers encountered the problems of copyright on the songs, which were in the hands of record companies: in the "Liche 90s" the musicians did not particularly delve into the legal details of the contracts, for which they subsequently were subsequently paid.

Waving the right to play their own compositions, "Nancy" returned to concert activities, speaking in front of the audience, infinitely nostalging the days of his youth. Andrei now continues to sing old hits, getting a hot response of listeners. Judging by the announcement in the "instagram" of the soloist and the keyboard player, 2 large concerts were planned for the autumn of 2020 in front of the public of both capitals: in the Moscow Crocus Hall and in the Oktyabrsky BCC.


  • 1992 - "Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol"
  • 1994 - "Black Cadillac: Part 1"
  • 1994 - "Black Cadillac: Part 2"
  • 1995 - "New and Best Songs: Part 1"
  • 1996 - "New and Best Songs: Part 2"
  • 1997 - "Wedding"
  • 1997 - "You are far away, or a magical world"
  • 1998 - "Fog, fog"
  • 2000 - Romeo
  • 2001 - "Moon"
  • 2001 - "Iva"
  • 2002 - "My Spark"
  • 2004 - "Read, please my letter!"
  • 2005 - "Santanavi"
  • 2019 - "On Earth and in Heaven with SB Music" (Sergey Bondarenko's memory)

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