TV series "Comfort Zone" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, TNT Premier


October 22, 2020 - the release date on the launched TNT on the PREMIER online platform of the Master Series Comedy in the popular SCREENLIFE genre. A new project proposed by the subscribers to view the Internet video service was the series "Comfort Zone", filmed by the director Mikhail Shulaev at the Production Support of Medium Quality ProDuction.

About the plot of shows involved in actors and their roles, as well as related to the series entertaining facts - in material 24cm.


In spite of any folk tips, which are recommended to be mastered in life, looking after the misses others, every person, without exception, is in a greater extent on their own mistakes. Until a sufficient number of times arrived on other rakes on a personal path to wisdom. And it's time for such a journey to be frightened during such a trip, as a rule, so much that it is often possible to deal with his own problems created in revolt.

Yaroslav Kostov managed to make a lot of mistakes in his life. In his service list and marital infidelity, and problems with the law, and complex relations in the family, which a man has paid attention not enough. And now with all this will have to do something. Yes, only one snag is to solve problems, saving marriage and business, will have to be online, sitting in the chamber. After all, for the next Machination, the hero, the fate of which tells the series "Comfort Zone", threatens 15 years of conclusion.

Actors and roles

In the series, the main roles performed the following actors:

Garik Harlamov - Yaroslav Kostov, entrepreneur, the owner of the transport company, not having to "stupid" and therefore, ready for some deviations from the norms dictated by the laws for its own benefit. Another attempt to earn money on not quite legal cargo turned around with trouble - a businessman who wished to increase his own reseller income allegedly confiscated caviar, found himself in a Norwegian prison.

Although the probable plans for the next 15 years of the hero are not happy, he does not want to lower his hands, trying to deal with other problems that fell on his head. Attacks from criminality. "Disassembly" with his wife and mistress. Business management. All this requires an urgent solution. Yes, they also need to educate. And to engage in "effective management" of its own life will have to be remotely - from the chamber. Fortunately, Norwegian prisons have access to the Internet.

Ekaterina Molokhovskaya - Marina, the spouse of Yaroslav, the remaining one at home with the younger children. Woman evil on his own husband for his eternal excuses and lies. Therefore, even in the fact that Kostov landed abroad for the bastard, at first it does not believe, considering that he went to the next ripples and is now trying to "interfere" in his usual manner. In order to establish relationships with the second half and solve the fate of marriage, the hero will have to make a lot of effort.

Sergey Lanbamine is a lawyer of the main hero of the series, trying to convince his client, which should not be desirable. After all, prisons in Norway, unlike Russian, comfortable, with all conditions for prisoners. Therefore, those 15 years, which, with a large share of the probability, Yaroslav will have to spend behind bars, fly quickly. True, such arguments are not happy.

Also in the series were filmed : Yevgeny Fold, Kai Alex Goetz, Tatiana Lyalina, Jargal Badmatsirenov, Sergey Plaksin and Irina Serov in the role of Mother Yaroslav.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Mikhail Schulaev, under the guidance of which the series "Comfort Zone" was shot, not able to boast an extensive track record. Among the works of cinematographer, relatively well-known audience, it is possible to recall only the short-term tragicomedy "Shadow of Owls", telling the history of misfortunes of a certain Denis, advanced to the post of mayor and suddenly abducted by his own employees.

2. Ekaterina Molokhovskaya, the performer of the role of Spouses of the main character, Marina, familiar with the audience in participating in such projects, as "Rukh", "Moving", "Bones", "youth" and "Tikhonov Investigator". But the most famous actress brought the series "University. New dorm. "

3. MEDIUM QUALITY PRODUCTION company, producing the series "Comfort Zone" for Premier Stringing Service, specializes in the first place to create humorous content. And he takes an active part in promoting those popular on Yutubeub, as "inside Lapenko" and Big Russian Boss Show.

The series "Comfort Zone" - Trailer (18+):

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