Clara Oswald (character) - photo, TV series "Doctor Who", Actress, Jenna Coleman


Character History

Clara Oswald is a mysterious character, a protagonist of the Lord of the Time, which stayed next to him longer next to him in the scientific-popular TV series "Doctor Who". On the screen appeared in three incarnations, while she had millions of copies.

History of character creation

The British television show in 2013 noted the half-century anniversary, becoming cult. After restarting the film dealers in 2005, dozens of premiums and awards were gone in a piggy bank. "Doctor Who became a record holder, receiving 24 nominations for 9 years.

The success of the series is justified - fantastic adventures, romantic stories tangled in time plots. But the main difference of this film dealers from other accomplice projects is the original substantiation of the substitution of actors.

Scripts thought out the idea according to which new faces regularly appear on the screens. Even the protagonist is the lord of time - the 13 embodiments through reincarnation. Together with him, the companions are constantly changing, which for various reasons follow it a limited period of time.

Thanks to this reception, the audience did not have time to get used to the characters. In addition, the history of "retired" from the plot of satellites received an unexpected continuation in subsequent seasons and special issues.

In 2012, BBC One announced participation in the project of Jenna Coleman's actress. For a long time, information was concealed, as whom she will perform in the cinema. Interestingly, Jenna did not watch any series to the casting.

Scripts and producers decided that the new heroine should differ in a qualitative way from previous satellites. And they managed to come up with her the role of "abnormal." According to the quotation of the doctor himself, Clara is the "only mystery, a decent solution."

Initially, Coleman tried on the role of Jasmine's governess during the reign of Queen Victoria. But in the end, appeared in the form of Young Oswan and Clara. So, the actress demonstrated different versions of one character with the characteristic person characteristic. And for the audience, for many episodes, it remained a mystery, which of the embodiments is real.

The first appearance of a mysterious companion took place in the 7th season of the restarted series, in 2012. Here it turned out to be the only surviving person after the fall of the Alaska cosmolete. Once on the planet of the aliens, ultimately the heroine turns into a far. And before death helps the doctor to escape.

After this character is a waitress, which will be fighting with the agents of the Great Mind. Then, standing in front of the grave of the girl, the lord of time understands that he has already met her earlier, and decides to solve this mystery.

In the 3rd time, the viewer again meets Oswald, and she becomes a doctor's permanent companion until the last series of the 9th season called "with the devilish perseverance".

Image and biography Clara Oswald

A doctor's companion in the 11th and 12th embodiments, according to his recognition, was "impossible". Even the timing of the time was difficult to understand her secret, because he met her earlier and his own eyes saw how she was dying. Nevertheless, Oswald is a man. So argued the TARDIS scanner and Emma Grayling.

Despite several versions of the character, the real Clara is from the XX century. Date of birth of the heroine - November 23, 1986. The fact that she herself received "millions of fragments", scattered in time in parallel worlds, becomes clear much later. And it was connected with the fact that the girl entered the temporary flow in the fight against the great mind.

All her reflections had the same face and pursued one goal - to save the doctor. Although the Clare itself needed help, since her death was recorded in one of the points in the stream.

From the early biography of the character, it is known that the girl in childhood visited Sunday school and was interested in science. At the age of 9, he visited her parents in a restaurant tower with a glass floor in Southport. Frightened by the behavior of two guys who began to jump and suffer visitors to the fact that the floor would break, the girl began to be afraid of heights.

In 19 years, I lost my mother and was going to go on a journey to forget. But it remained working a nanny, feeling the need to be near the children. Meeting with the main character could seem by chance. The fact is that Clara did not understand computers, so called technical support in order to get qualified assistance.

So the girl talked to the eleventh doctor, who was then stayed in 1207. By clicking on the Wi-Fi connections button, it accidentally set a connection with the great mind, collecting human souls. At that moment, the lord of time broke into the house and Savd Oswald. So his next acquaintance with the companion took place.

The heroine worked at Koal Hill School by a teacher, combining teaching with travel travel. In her eyes, the eleventh doctor reincarnates.

Initially, the girl met with a teacher of mathematics - Danny Pink. For a while she hid the two people close to her from each other. The tragic death of the beloved strongly sucks Oswald - she even tried to make the mentor to change the past and save Danny from under the car's wheels.

They manage to contact Pink, however, Danny turns out to be one of the cyberlyudes, part of the army of the main enemy of mankind - the master. Former beloved Clara helps prevent the next catastrophe and turns the Master weapon against him.

Subsequently, the guy gets a chance to return from non-existence. But decides to resurrect a child from Afghanistan, who he himself killed during the war.

Clara after these events is depressed. The girl says goodbye to the doctor, trying to gain a new meaning in life. And even finds the strength to lie to him that Danny is alive and she is happy.

But suddenly understands that he loves the doctor. The heroine decides to continue the wanderings with this man, becoming a faithful girlfriend and the Soviet. The last appearance of the character took place in 2017 in the special issue of "twice in time", where its cameo is demonstrated in memories.

Clara - a girl aged 24 years old with an attractive appearance. The height of the character is 157 cm, it prefers loose hair - haircut Kare - and natural makeup. She has a special sense of style, and it is often shown on the screens in the dresses. Spectators also see the traveler in the clothes of the Victorian era.

The character of the heroine is inquisitive, brave and smart. Osawald of flirting, often relies on intuition and does not tolerate high speeches. This is a person who is used to achieving the goals. Creates the impression that he was born with a concrete plan for life.

Interesting Facts

  • Sexual orientation of the character became the subject of disputes. Even the doctor noticed that his companion expressed sympathy for Jane Austin and Eschilde.
  • A little girl Osvin on a T-shirt in the Akhatna Rings series shows an art photo with two hearts. Fans counted this hint that she is another time surviving time.
  • The fan fiction develops the opinion that Clara Oswald and Rosa Tyler - versions of the same personality.


"I do not deserve such a friend as you." "I don't know where I am. I seem to smack a million fragments. And I remember only one thing: I have to save the doctor. "" And from what time is done? If you can travel in time, then it consists of something? As a jam consists of strawberries. "


  • 2013 - "Pokrov Sorrow"
  • 2014 - "Crouching Horror"
  • 2014 - "Blood Cell"
  • 2014 - "Silhouette"
  • 2015 - "Royal Blood"
  • 2015 - "Deep Time"


  • 2012-2015 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2017 - "Twice in time"

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