Sergey Mosin - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, rifle, weapon



Sergey Mosin is a designer and gunsight, which owns one of the main inventions in the profile sphere at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Being an offacarious military, he devoted his life to the ministry of his homeland, received a lot of awards and developed a weapon, saving the lives to many people.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Mosin was born in Voronezh province 2 (14) of April 1849. The family house was located in the village of Ramon. The boy's father was a retired guarantor who ruled the affairs of the sugar plant. Sergey's mother died, burning the second son - when brother appeared on the light, the boys remained orphans. They were brought up by the Father, who managed to provide children with home education. Moskin knew mathematics and owned by French.

In 1861, the teenager was taken to the Tambov Cadet Corps, where he studied the basics of military disciplines, and also learned vocals and dances. A year later, Sergey received a direction to Voronezh Mikhailovsky Cadet Corps. Teachers of the educational institution made an emphasis on the study of the exact sciences. Here Mosin realized that he wanted to tie a biography with a military career.

After 6 years, Sergey tried to enter the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, but no vacancies did not turn out, and I had to be content with the Moscow 3rd Alexandrovsky School. True, the required place was freed by 3 months after 3 months, and the dream of a young man was fulfilled. The institution was famous for producing highly qualified officers. Here Sergey received skills and knowledge, and later applied them as a gunsmith. In the 1870s, Mosin became a graduate in the rank of the Moskin and was sent to the Tsarskoye Selonartillery Brigade.

After 5 years, the graduate Mosin received the title of headquarters and the direction to the imperial weapon plant in Tula. For the first years, Sergey received practical experience. The man learned the nuances of the instrumental case, spent all the time in the lock and dashboard, often remained in the fixed workshop.

Personal life

A fateful turn in the personal life of Sergei Mosina became acquaintance with the Arsenyev family, held in 1875. Nikolai Vladimirovich and Barbara Nikolaevna became a good acquaintance of the officer. And with time, Sergey fell in love with a friend's wife. Marriage Arsenyev was not happy: the husband often leaving in Petersburg, and the young wife remained locked and engaged in raising two sons.

Being an unsecured military personnel, Mosin was afraid to confess the feelings, although he understood that they were mutual. Parting in a length of 4 years gave the opportunity to stand on his feet, and Arsenyev to disperse. Barbara Nikolaevna gave birth to a third son and moved to live in the estate of the Father. In 1879, Mosin came to visit, and an explanation took place in feelings.

At first, lovers lived together. Sergey replaced the children of his father, but Arsenyev did not know about these changes. In 1883, men accidentally collided in Tula. Nikolai Vladimirovich insulted the former spouse in a conversation, for which he was called for a duel. The fight did not happen, because, on the complaint, the head of the plant Mosin was awarded three days of home arrest.

The next meeting of opponents has already occurred in the Noble Assembly. Sergey Ivanovich Mosin expressed his opinion about the opponent and repeated the challenge to the duel. A new complaint followed, addressed to the head of the plant and the head of artillery in the Moscow district. Arsenyev cowardly escaped, and Mosina was planted under the castle for 2 weeks.

In 1887, Mosin requested an official divorce with the former spouse from Arsenyev, but the process occurred only in 1891. 16 years after dating, a wedding of Barbara Nikolaevna and Sergei Ivanovich took place. Together with his wife and steps, Mosin lived in Sestroretsk.


Locking production was under the leadership of Mosina from 1877 to 1880. At the Tula factory during this period, the rifle was improved by a rapid pace. The release of a new model deretected the Russian-Turkish war. After her, the military industry was decaded. The managers thought about the distribution of resources to construct better weapons. An example was taken from copies of foreign production, and Mosin led the developments.

In 1885, he provided a commission of 5 options that were approved by experts. The military ministry purchased a thousand trigger rifles. This weapon was equipped with a spreading and applied mechanism and interested in European purchases.

Sergey had a rich experience in the modernization of domestic weapons and was aware of the features of the specimens of the Sestroretsky and Izhevsk factories. In parallel, he worked on the author's project - a rifle of a shopping type. A competitor Mosina in this direction was Belgian Leon Nagan, demonstrating products in Russia. The development of both designers had advantages and shortcomings. At first, officials preferred to a foreign manufacturer, and in the 1891-m "three-line" Mosina went to ensure the Russian army. It was used until the 1970s.

Mosina rifle was called "three hundred". For the invention, the designer received the Order of St. Anne 2nd degree and the Mikhailovsky Prize. For the first time in the history of Russia, the weapon was named after the Creator. Varieties of rifles were produced at one plant in Izhevsk. Production was put on the stream. It helped to improve the skills of local masters, who subsequently called Mosina Teacher.

In 1894, Sergei Mosin received an appointment to the post of chief of the Sestroretsky weapon plant. In addition, the soldier has become a commander of the garrison. This position belonged to him until the last days of life.


Sergey Mosin died on January 26 (February 8) of 1902. The cause of death was the bruboral inflammation of the lungs. How significant was the rifle, which he invented, Mosin did not recognize, but the memory of Major General is kept by descendants and the successors of his business. The tomb of the serviceman is located in Sestroretsk, and his photo is printed on the pages of military-technical textbooks.


  • 1881 - Order of St. Anne 3rd degree.
  • 1884 - The Bulgarian Order of St. Alexander 4th degree.
  • 1886 - the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.
  • 1892 - Order of St. Anne 2nd degree.
  • 1895 - the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree.
  • 1896 - Medal "In memory of the reign of Emperor Alexander III"
  • 1898 - The Bukharsky Order of the Golden Star of the 2nd degree.

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