Film "Game" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, USA


Directed by Christopher Landon decided to see what would happen if youching the youth comedy about the exchange of bodies with Slachener for Teenage Again, the audience. As a result of the experiments on the "Kinomoy", the film "Dich" was born, the world premiere of which will be held in November 2020 - the release date is scheduled for the beginning of December.

On the plot of the paintings that played the main roles of actors and associated with ribbon curious facts - in the material 24cm.


Milli Kessler, about whose adventures will tell the viewers to "game", and I could not think that one day her familiar and boring life was not popular at the school of high school launches over his head. However, the unforeseen confluence of the circumstances together with the mysterious magical influence put a difficult task before the pretty and young girl, which remains not so much time on the solution.

Blisssfield Butcher went hunting for the next victim - this time the killer's choice fell on Milli. But in the process of killing the girl, something happened, and the shredder with a high school man was changed by bodies. And if for one such turn becomes the reason to truly break away, then for another threatens to turn into serious trouble. So if the girl does not want to stay until the end of the days of a man, then it needs to deal with a 24 hour to deal with the challenge.

Actors and roles

In the comedy slash, Christopher Landon, the main roles performed the following actors:

Catherine Newton - Milli Kessler, main heroine, students of high school classes. A sweet, but modest girl who does not use in the educational institution is popular, and therefore incapable of boasting neither numerous girlfriends nor the presence of a guy. Do not fall into the girlfriend helping her buddies - Nile and Josh. And to calm down the heart does not give a school handsome a buter, not a hurrying to respond to the reciprocity of his loved in him.

But the relatively calm, although not devoid of unpleasant moments, the life of the heroine suddenly goes under Sunshine, when she decides to kill the serial maniac Barney Harris, known as the butcher from Blisssfield. But the hunt for the killer for the victim this time ends with an unplanned magic ritual, as a result of which the exchange of bodies occurs. Now Milli in the body of Harris, followed by the entire police of the city. And to correct the situation, it is allocated only for a day.

Vince Von - Barney Harris, the legendary maniac on the nicknamed Blisssfield butcher, famous for the fact that it was never caught by the police. Choosing a new sacrifice, an aging man was not ready to change with the girl bodies. However, such an outcome has to do with him - in the appearance of Mill Barney, nothing should penetrate the school in order to arrange a real genocide of the near-year-old generation there. And let someone just try to stop the killer who entered the rage!

Also in the film starred : Alan Rak, Juragy Shelton, Celasta O'Connor, Misha Oshners and Melissa Collezo as Riley.

Interesting Facts

1. When it became known that the director Christopher Landon plans to shoot the film "Dick", there were rumors for a long time that the picture will become a kind of remake of the famous "Creek". However, subsequently the cinematographer has denied the information spread. The idea for the new project Landon learned from the book "Fancy Friday", written by Mary Rogers and was shielded in 2003 Mark Waters.

2. The working title of the picture, the shooting of which was held from October to December 2019 and took a total of 35 working days, "Freaky Friday The 13th). Thus, the director made the original reference to those films that were inspired when creating, this is the Roman Rogers "Plant Friday" with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan starring, and teenage horror about Jason Vurchism's adventure.

3. Even before the demonstration of the picture in the cinemas of the world, cinema lovers had the opportunity to see the ribbon on the big screen. The film "Dych" was shown on October 8, 2020 within the framework of the Beyond Fest - a large-scale event called the most visited genre film festival, held in the United States, within which the time is given to watching older horror movies and for the presentation of the future prime ministers.

Film "Dich" - Trailer (18+):

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