Bill Gates: Biography, Personal Life, Condition, Microsoft, Film, Children, Wife


He is not a star show business and not a Hollywood actor, but his name is known all over the world. And not as the owner of the largest charity foundation or a person fighting for a decline in vaccine prices from various diseases. And as the creator of the IT company, the products of which most of the owners of home computers are used on the planet.

On October 28, 2020 noted the 65th anniversary of Bill Gates. On the curious details of his personal life and the labor biography - in the material 24cm.

1. Himself a flower

Bill Gates showed extraordinary abilities in the field of programming in the young years, when attended school at the place of his birth, in Seattle.

At the age of 13, the future billionaire and the Creator of Microsoft, which will shoot documentary films and write biographical books, distinguished himself - created its first serious program in Basic. It turned out to be a game in "Noliki's cross", in which users were offered directly with the computer.

When the teachers drew attention to an advanced teenager, they offered the latter to write a program for school needs responsible for the distribution of students in classes. With the task of Bill coped "On Excellent", and even with the benefit for myself. Compiled code so that the lessons sat in a "flower bed" in the lesson - surrounded by the most beautiful girls of the educational institution.

2. Non-clear

Higher education Bill Gates went to receive in Harvard. And first, following the example of his own father, went to learn to a lawyer. However, subsequently revised the decision and changed the direction, switching to mathematics and the development of programming. However, after a couple of years and interested in his disciplines, a guy was bored - it is more interested in business.

After deducting years later, the university teachers became the famous student recalled that Gates showed the skills of a stunning programmer, but at the same time remained an unpleasant person.

3. The bluster has come out

It is difficult to imagine that the creation of a company that has developed the world's most popular operating system for personal computers, at the dawn of the Internet, considered the network with an unprotected network. However, to the honor of Gates, subsequently managed to recognize his own mistake and managed in the mid-90s to force "Microsoft" to make the creation of online services.

4. Young yes early

The first billion Bill Gates, whose condition in 2020 was estimated at $ 98 billion, earned aged 31 years. As of 1987, when this happened, the Founder of Microsoft Corporation became the youngest billionaper in human history.

5. Business habits

It is noteworthy that, even having achieved a high position in society and accumulating solid financial resources, Bill Gates did not refuse rather original habits. So, for example, a billionaire in the evening personally washes dishes for members of their family, without resorting to the services of hired personnel. According to him, from such a process, as a guidance of order after dinner with native people, the entrepreneur receives true pleasure.
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Another habit has been reading for many years - every day before the departure to Snu Gates spends an hour to study all sorts of literature. At such a pace, the businessman annually reads no less than fifty books - he is in no hurry to stop in its own development.

6. Hiding face

Bill Gates - a person in the world is known. So sometimes, wanting not to be distracted by numerous fans, seeking to communicate with the celebrity, the entrepreneur and philanthropa is forced to disguise. However, no overly serious tricks, a man, as a rule, does not resort to, limiting himself to putting on his head with wide fields.

According to the very founder of Microsoft, there are much less attention to it in such a headdress - or they will not recognize, or they understand that a person wants to keep incognito.

7. Heirs and inheritance

For more than a quarter of a century, Bill Gates lives in marriage with his wife Melinda, in the virgin, who was called Frenc. I met her entrepreneur in the 87th, at a meeting on the sale of the products of his company, held in New York. By the time the girl worked in the company created by him for about a year.

Miss Frenc's impression on the head he was so seized the thoughts of the young billionaire, which, after a week, from the moment of dating, he suggested a walk together. In 1994, a couple played a wedding. Three children were born in this union: Jennifer Catarin, Rory Joni and Phoebe Adele.

It is noteworthy that, according to the testament, the parents will leave the parents with multi-billion-dollar states after only $ 10 million. Bill Gates argues that such an impressive amount of money that has a family for current time, children in life will not give anything good - so The tops the latter will have to get on their own.

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