Stars who have grown without mother: Russian, Hollywood, early age, death


Statistics by dry language numbers explains that the reasons for which children remain without maternal caress are divorces, death or deprivation of parental rights. However, for each specific case, the fate of the child, who had to survive and take place as a person in spite of circumstances. Stars that have grown without mother - in material 24cm.

1. Lion Leshchenko

"Not rebelled", - with such a phrase begins the history of Lev Leshchenko. The future "nightingale" of the Russian stage lost mom at an early age when he was 1.8 years old.

The newly gave woman had something cancer, or tuberculosis, and there were no medicines in 1943. Later, the father married again, and a warm relationship was established with the stepmother. However, the artist towards each woman applies to his sown feeling and sees the main purpose for the ladies - "Head, Center, Family Support."

2. Madonna

The singer and Hollywood actress Madonna remained without mom, Louise Fortin, in 5 years. During the 6th pregnancy, the woman abandoned the treatment of breast cancer and died after giving birth.

The tragedy in the family turned the worldview of the future celebrity, and she began to think about the fact that a person does not know when his life breaks around, and therefore "you need to do as much as possible." Later to the star came awareness that Mom was left with her, along with other angels who defend it.

3. Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel's style icon remained orphan from birth. Mother died in childbirth, and the girl who was born, called Gabriel in honor of the midwife, which took the baby. Up to 11 years, relatives were engaged in the upbringing of the future celebrity and her sisters, and then girls were determined in the shelter.

Later, the star that turned the idea of ​​fashion will say: "I remember my childhood." And when it was uttered the word "sirota", Chanel became bad and behind the outbreak of anger followed confusion. "I hate this word! The orphan is when you are not needed to anyone, anyone can ... declare about it in all, "Coco Chanel said.

4. Roman Abramovich

Stars who grew up without mother, learned from childhood to adapt to circumstances. Oligarch Roman Abramovich was born in Saratov. Old-timers remember how the young mother of the future billionaire asked the neighbors to help root the baby, which was distinguished by stall and strength.

And the day before the first day of birth, the mother of the businessman died from infection of blood. After 2.5 years, Father did not become a production injury. Above the child I took care of uncle, who raised the novel.

5. Yuri Shatunov

Solist's fans of the "Affectionate May" group Yuri Shatunov believed that the parents of a sweet-haired teenager died. However, things were a little different and he became an orphan with living parents. The mother and father of the future singer got married early, but the relationship in the family did not make shape, and the grandmother and grandfather were engaged in their upbringing. After the divorce, the mother married, but stepfather did not believe the stepper.

The child had to wander in relatives. And at the age of 11, the mother gave the heir to the boarding school and two months later died from heart failure. Father did not want to pick up his son, and the upbringing took up Aunt Yuri, who was difficult to cope with the teenager who survived the tragedy in life. After a year, the guardianship commission identified the child to the children's home of Orenburg, and then to the boarding school, where a fateful acquaintance with Sergey Kuznetsov occurred.

6. Ekaterina Tokarev

Ex-participant of the TV project "Dom-2" Ekaterina Tokarev remained orphan from birth. The girl saw the cause of his mother's death in his father and began to take revenge, doing everything in a chance. A stepmother intervened in the situation, which was able to warm up the girl with a prickly character and helped the father of finding a common language with his daughter. Nevertheless, Katya publicly does not advertise his feelings and prefers not to suffer.

7. Lyubov Uspenskaya

2020 became a turning point in the life of the love of the Assumption, who fell into the list of "Stars, grew up without mother" and believed that she died at birth. However, it turned out that from the legend of chanson many years hid the death of the parents in the train from the strikes of the brick on the face.

Trying to get to the truth, Uspenskaya tried to find the grave of the mother in Kiev, but to no avail. "I was told my grandmother that in 1954 there was a hunger strike and she could see, went to seek earnings. I know that it is not alive. She would never leave me in life, "celebrity in an interview.

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