Famous women who have done the first step: in relations, Russian, Hollywood, marry


Traditionally, it is considered that the right to take the first step in love relationship belongs to a man. But it happens that guys do not hurry to pronounce cherished words, and the patience of girls quickly ends. Therefore, decisive ladies take the initiative to their hands: invite shye cavaliers on a date, they are recognized in feelings and even make a proposal of hands and hearts. In the material 24cmi - the famous women who have made the first step in the relationship.

1. Larisa Luppian

The marriage of Artist Mikhail Boyarsky and actress Larisa Luppian over 40 years is an example of real love and devotion, which is able to overcome any vital troubles and problems. Future spouses met at the time of the student, later the fate brought them in the same theater, where they got the main roles in the play "Troubadur and his friends". Here the pair has mutual feelings. However, their relationship lovers hidden from leadership and colleagues for 5 years. The proposal to legitimize their union did Larisa, and in an ultimative form: or marriage, or parting. Mikhail Boyarsky did not think to call Larisa married, but the question answered "yes."

2. Glory Kaminskaya

The soloist of the Neangels Group Glory Kaminskaya is also worthy of getting into the selection of "Famous women who have done the first step." After acquaintance with the plastic surgeon, Edgar Glory decided that he would become a spouse of this charming physician. On the same evening, the celebrity learned his phone number and sent a text message. The first SMS message man left unanswered, so persistent Glory wrote again, accusing the object of sympathy in unconventional orientation. Glory and Edgar began to meet and soon we looked at the relationship. The marriage existed for 5 years, and in 2019, the spouses issued a divorce. By the way, the initiator of the rupture became the spouse of the singer.

3. Julia Kovalchuk

Singer Julia Kovalchuk does not hide that their love story with Alexei Chumakov took place due to its initiative and determination. The first girl uttered the cherished three words, but the response received a month later. The man explained that it was too serious a step and he needed time to be confident of 100%. In addition, Alexey believes that there is no love at first glance, this feeling consists of many components. To call married the beloved decided only 5 years later, and after 2 years, the spouses were born a daughter.

4. Svetlana Permicova

The story of the love of the Russian actress Svetlana Permikova is a vivid example of the fact that if a woman is doing something much, she will get it. The first unsuccessful marriage presented the famous artist to get acquainted with the future father of the long-awaited child. Maxim Scriabin, the best friend of the first husband Svetlana, the younger Perm for 15 years. But this fact did not prevent a woman to tell the guy's words of love and admit that he wants a child from him. Maxim asked time for meditation. Relationships gradually turned out of business in family, and in 2012, a daughter was born in Varya.

5. Yulia Savicheva

Singer Julia Savicheva also enters the selection of "Famous women who have made the first step in relationships." The 16-year-old Julia fell in love with the voice of the future spouse Alexander Arshinov: Then he was a soloist of the rock band "Bay of Joy". A bold girl found the phone number of the musician and invited him to date. In an interview, the finalist "Star Factory" admits that it is not a problem to take the first step for her, but she is not used to wait. After 2 years, the couple has already lived together, and the stars married in 2014. In marriage they had daughter Anna. Arshinov decided to leave a vocalist career, but still dedicated to the Savicheva song.

6. Victoria Beckham

Among Western stars there are also famous women who have made the first step. Participant of the Spice Girls group Victoria Beckham and her no less famous spouse Football player David Beckham met in 1997 after the match, and the singer told her later that it was "love at first sight." Noticing the constraint of an athlete, the girl decided to take the initiative to his hands and invited a guy on a date by writing him his phone number on the ticket. Since then, Victoria and David have not parted. After 2 years, the lovers led the marriage, in which they had four children.

7. Pink

The outcast American singer Pink, who received a star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory", met with the future husband of Motorker Cary Hart in the early 2000s. The guy asked his hands and hearts with his beloved twice, however, a raging girl refused him. And in 2005 he herself made a public offer by writing a question "Do you marry me?" On the plate that was demonstrated to the beloved during the motocross. The couple got married in 2006, two children were born in marriage. Spouses had to survive a lot together, they even parted for a while. But later again resumed the relationship.

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