Vesta (goddess) - photo, pictures, priestesses, vadillats, temple, goddess of a homemade hearth


Character History

Vesta is a mythological character who meets in cultures of different peoples - Greeks, Romans and Slavs. The goddess is closely connected with the female start, family hearth and the well-being of the state. In ancient Rome, the fall of the empire was explained by the fact that Flavius ​​Grazian ordered the fire in the temple of Vesta.

History of character creation

Vesta in Rome and its antique analogue of the Gestius - the patroness of the family hearth. In ancient Greece, it was believed that any business should begin with the sacrifice of the goddess of fire. This ritual subsequently embodied in the saying "Start with Gestius".

She was born of Rii and Kronos. The hands of the older daughter of Titanium Time won Apollo and Poseidon. But the young goddess hid from the claims of the grooms at Brother Zeus and gave an oath about the chastity. For this, the price was awarded a preferred position in the pantheon. The cities stood altars in which the fire was constantly maintained.

Romans worship this mythological character occupied a special place both inside the family and at the level of the state. Alba-Long and Lanuvium became major cities. Numa Pubrugi built a temple on the Palatine hill.

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Vesta kept his honor, but the god fertility priap tried to take advantage of her while she rested. Woke the virgin donkey with a loud cry. Since then, on holidays in honor of the goddess of the home of the hearth, these animals were freed from work.

The Slavs Vesta was considered the Spring Deity and was identified with the beginning of a new life. The origin of the name of the character was associated with the word "news". Nature update, happy news - all this was associated with mythological heroine.

In Italy, the cult was connected mainly with the concept of perpetual fire. The people went to believe in the people that if he fades, then this is a faithful sign of trouble, grief and even the collapse of the state. In order to prevent the tragic scenario, the priests were followed by fire, who were called - Vestniki.

At the honorary position was selected girls from noble families aged 6-10 years. Some of them assigned the pontiff himself. The duties of the priests were painted for 30 years, which were conventionally divided into 3 periods. The first time interval was devoted to learning. The second 10 years - carrying out rituals and tracking that the sacred fire does not silent.

In the last decade, the Vestniki service was engaged in those who were taught again. After this period, women were allowed to break the vow of celibacy and get married. Nevertheless, many of them after the "liberation" preferred to continue the service.

The most terrible crime was considered the loss of virginity. Jersey forbidden for 30 years to enter into relationships with men. The violation of the chastity oath was equated to the desecration of sacred fire, for which the Vestnik was punished with death.

The execution was as follows - the cellar dug out, which was placed a little provisions and, in fact, the guilty. The servant of the temple turned out to be buried alive, but theoretically could live for some time, aware of the severity of the perfect crime.

Meanwhile, the title of priestesses carried the honorary position in society. For example, in contrast to other women, they had the right to dispose of property - to give, sell or bind. If any of the residents of Rome allowed himself an offensive attitude to Vestatak, he was executed for it. They were easily found on the street. The girls wore long white dresses, and the hair was blocked in 6 braids.

Interestingly, the cult has little was distributed in other cities of Italy, in Rome, the sacred fire for several centuries remained a symbol of the state.

Image and Biography Vesti

Saturn's eldest daughter (in ancient Greek mythology - Ri and Kronos), according to legend, filled the time and space. Unlike other characters of the Roman Pantheon, she did not have any appearance. In the temples there was not a single sculpture and any other image of the goddess, where her face would be seen.

Without accepting the marriage offers from Apollo and Mercury, the patroness of the family hearth received high privileges and became the most revered deity in Rome.

One of the myths testifies to the connection between the West and the formation of the capital of Italy. According to legend, the king in Latia had two sons - Amuliy and a numitor.

Before the death of Cylvia, Cellvium bequeathed between the heirs of Earth and property. Amuliy, who got richness, gathered a gang. Shaka Nogyadayev for a rather big remuneration overthrew his brother. And Amuliy to protect himself from the encroachment of the heirs, ordered to give the niece rey in Vestniki.

According to the rules, Reia gave vows of celibacy for 30 years, but I liked the God of Mars. After waiting until Virgo falls asleep, he took possession of it. Rei had two twins - Rem and Romulus. The boys were thrown into the Tiber river, and a woman's violation of celibacy was sharpened in prison. However, the brothers saved and won the Wolf.

The cult origated in Italy, and starting from the III century to n. NS. Gradually penetrated into other European countries. In the History of West, Vesta was worshiped as a goddess of spring. March 22, in Women's Day, it was customary to congratulate girls ready for marriage. Interestingly, those who have not yet reached maturity, called "not Vessel."

In the houses of women baked pancakes and pancakes, and the husbands are all old and unnecessary burned at the fire. Such a ritual marked the beginning of a new life, getting rid of diseases, offensive and failures. The ashes waved over the fields and gardens, believing that it would help to collect a generous harvest.

Vesta in culture

The image of the goddess practically did not find reflection in painting and sculpture. It was believed that she had no human appearance, although one of the first Vesti images were placed in 106 BC. NS. on dinaria.

At the time of the Roman Empire, a similar picture was minted on the coins of emperors - Caligules, Tita, Avula Vitelly, Adrian and others. On them, the patroness of the state and family sat holding the usual attributes - Palladium or Scepter.

Images of the priest can be found much more often in art. Rafael Monti became famous for the ability to embody the illusion of transparency in sculpture. He owns the famous statue of "Welcome a veil".

The topic of chastity ministers of temples can be traced in the work of the artists of the new time. The list of the most famous reproductions includes a "sacrifice of Vesta" Francisco Goya.

Russian Painter Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge developed a sketch of the painting "Love is stronger than death", in which the dramatic plot of the deadly danger was revealed due to violation of the vision of celibacy.

One of the preserved certificates of cult is the marble sculpture of the gesty. The exhibit is placed in the Museum of Villa Torononia in Rome and is referred to as Geutlia Justiniani in honor of its owner of Marquis Vincenzo Justiniani.

Interesting Facts

  • Initially, the Gesti was considered the goddess of the Moon, and in her cult was not the concept of chastity.
  • In 1807, Henry Wilhelm Olbers discovered a new asteroid in the solar system. Heavenly body was called in honor of the ancient Roman Vesta.
  • In private houses of ancient Rome, the first room was called a vestibule. There was constantly burning fire, symbolizing the homemade hearth.
  • Today, the name of the goddess is associated with the magic of love and the female start.


  • I century - "Fasts"

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