Stars, which criticized on the "Glacier": 2020, shows, participants, criticism, scandal


The "Ice Age" is a bright and spectacular television show, which is broadcast on the first channel since 2007. During the project, the participants have repeatedly become objects not only admiration, but also tough criticism. Every new season is not accounted for without loud scandals. The anniversary edition of the program of 2020 has not been an exception. In a selection of 24cm - stars, which criticized on the "Ice Age".

1. Olga Buzova

The popular singer and Star "Instagram" Olga Buzova became the object of a new scandal in 2020. Judge Tatyana Tarasova criticized the star and put the low, according to the audience, evaluations. Olga fans noted that other couples, even after gross mistakes and falls, received higher scores, and the duet of Buzova and Dmitry Solovyov looked confidently and fulfilled the room without serious misses. Tarasova noted that the beginning of the figure skater lacks artistry, and the movements on the ice were too "careful." Olga barely was able to hold back emotions and said that she was "sank hands." However, loyal fans hotly support the star on the network.

2. Tatyana Navka

In the 6th season of the show in 2016, a real loud scandal broke out, which provoked the speech of Tatiana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky in the costumes-robes with a yellow star of David on his chest. The room turned out to touching and earned high evaluations of judges, however, the world media had long varied with provocative headlines that the spouse of the official approximate to the President of Russia, the "fun" danced "Holocaust on Ice". Understand this story and see the number until the end did not want all the audience and journalists. Dance director Ilya Averbukh called the work of world publications "Violence".

3. Yuri Nikolaev

In 2009, an next scandal occurred, in which a member of the Jury of the project, TV presenter Yuri Nikolayev, unwittingly replenished the list of stars, which criticized on the Icery period. Judges Tatyana Tarasova and Yuri Nikolaev could not find a compromise, evaluating the speeches of the contestants. Tarasova, with indignation, expressed his opinion about a colleague, criticizing his assessment, and intended to leave the project directly on the air, but she persuaded to remain as part of the jury.

4. Anastasia Volochkova

Another scandal broke out in 2009. The duet of the star Ballet Anastasia Volochkova and the Anton Siharulidze Olympic champion was in Outsiders, when the participants failed to fulfill complicated support and received low evaluations of judges. Ballerina could not detain emotions to the camera and was going to leave the project. However, still remained after long persuasion.

5. Elena Isinbaeva

The champion in jumping with the sixth Elena Isinbayeva also entered the selection of stars, which criticized on the "Ice Period" in 2020. The athlete rigidly discussed the audience in the network for the bias and low points, which she put promising participants. Commentators attacked Ilya Averbuch with the requirement to "remove Isinbaev". However, the producer stopped the discussion and stood on defending the judge.

6. Tatyana Tarasova

Few people dared to criticize the permanent chairman of the jury of the project - a well-deserved coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasov. However, in 2006, when the show was still called the "star stars", the fans did not hold the emotions and condemned Tatiana Anatolevna for the immeniously low estimate of the Duet Ekaterina Guseva and Roman Kostomarov - 5.5 points per artistry. According to the public, the participants performed the brilliant number under the introductory part of Cantata Karl Orfa "Carmina Burana". The actress was also offended by a categorical judge and stated that Tarasova "tries to throw them out a couple from the project."

7. Julia Barsukova

Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Julia Barsukova, who spent in a pair with Anton Siharulidze, was criticized by the failed member and a member of the jury, Showman Andrei Malakhov. He described the performance of the participants so described: "Little sex, few emotions, little skating." The audience also noted that the duet showed not figure skating, and focused on stretching the gymnasts and the game of Muscles Siharulidze.

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