Performances on the "Ice Page": 2020, show, bright, participants, Channel One


In the fall of 2020, the first channel started the anniversary, 10th, season of the "Ice Age" show, where professional skaters in a pair with movie and pop stars compete with other duets. During the existence of the transfer, the audience saw a lot of spectacular numbers performed by favorite stars. In a selection of 24cmi, the brightest performances on the "Ice Page" in the entire history of the project.

1. Arthur Smolyaninov and Tatyana Tutmianin

In the final of the 2014 ice age 2014, Arthur Smolyaninova and Tatyana Tutmianin and Tatyana Tutmianin was remembered by the audience in that it was held under a torrential rain. Partners showed a spectacular and technically complex dance on the ice under the piercing composition of Hallelujah. The judges and the public appreciated the technique and artistry of Smolyaninov and Totmianin, noting this in the comments.

2. Chulpan Hamatova and Roman Kostomarov

One of the best and spectacular performances in the "Ice Period" in the 2009 season was the Irish dance performed by Chulpan Hamaya and Roman Kostomarov. The spectacular number of the couple rolled back brilliantly and caused a flurry of enthusiastic comments on the net. Some loyal fans believe that this dance still has no equal on the project and worthy of the highest praise.

3. Ekaterina Gordeyev and Egor Beroev

Participants in Ekaterina Gordeev and actor Egor Beroev in the 2012 final presented to the public a complex dance for the song of the Queen group. The speech used support, jumping and other spectacular elements. The judges noted the execution technique and the artistry of a duet, and the audience drew attention to the talent and professionalism of the partners, and also noted the special tenderness, beauty and love, with which Gordeyev and Beroes acted on the project.

4. Irina Medvedev and Povilas Vanagas

The duo of Irina Medvedeva and Potalas Vanagas took first place in the 1st competitive day of the 2013 season with a dance number under the romantic composition "There is no me" Vladimir Presnyakova. Spectators noted the dramatic feed, the complexity and expressiveness of the elements used in the room, the plasticity and the talent of both participants.

5. Yulia Kovalchuk and Roman Kostomarov

A couple of singer Yulia Kovalchuk and Roman Kostomarova performed on the project a spectacular Tango "Roxana" from the film "Moulin Rouge". Speech received higher evaluations of judges (12 points) and enthusiastic public feedback. A complex dynamic dance on the ice became a memorable speech at the "Ice Period" of 2009.

6. Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov

Tatiana Navka and actor Marat Basharov In the first season, the show was performed by a complex tango on the ice under the song "Tired Sun", and continued to "light up" under the composition "Rio Rita". The duet used the original reception: the skater in a waitress suit presented a member of the jury to Vladimir Zhirinovsky waters. The public noted not only professional equipment and plastic of both contestants, but also an excitement, courage, a spark and a 100% hit in the image. The commentators in the network agreed that the number is worthy of the title of the brightest performance at the "Ice Age".

7. Tatiana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky

Speech by Tatiana's participants Navka and Andrei Burkovsky Beautiful That Way on music from the movie "Life is beautiful" turned out to be touching, bright and spectacular. The judges unanimously put the highest score. Unfortunately, not all viewers divided such an assessment of the production. The fact is that after ether in foreign media, articles appeared with criticism and condemnation of participants and their dance. Navka and her partner were accused of blasphemous to rose theme of the Holocaust. However, most of the public expressed support for contestants, and their performance is worthy of entering the list of memorable numbers of the show.

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