The film "What Love Hides" (2010): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


The release date of the film "What Love Hides" - April 25, 2010 on the TV channel "Russia-1". Dmitry Konstantinov became the director and author of the script of the film. Repeated show of the detective melodrama will take place on November 1, 2020. Spectators have to deal with the heroes in the love triangle and reveal the mysterious murder. In the material 24cm - about the plot, actors and roles that they performed.


Spouses George and Elena have long lived together, but warm and tender feelings have already cooled to each other. The husband started a romantic relationship at work: his subordinate albin became a new lover. But to get away from his wife a hero until it seems possible: the couple is experiencing a common tragedy - the death of a child. Conscience does not allow George to betray his wife in a difficult situation.

Elena, who can't come to himself after experienced, asks George to take her to his company to work to distract from sad thoughts. There, the legitimate wife and the lover get acquainted on the first day and begin to communicate. Albina is rubbed into confidence in the new colleague, and the displeased Georgy is trying to prevent the friendship of two women, so that his spouse does not recognize the truth. But Elena receives an anonymous compromising on her husband, and the next day, colleagues recognize the shocking news that Albina is killed.


The main roles in the film "What Love is hidden" played:

  • Vladimir Yumatov - Maxim Zakharych, a pensioner investigator, which is taken for investigating the confused crime. The actor remembered the audience on the roles in films and TV shows "Comrades Police", "Mosgaz", "Shutchiks", "incorruptible" and others. In 2020, Vladimir Yumatov starred in the continuation of the Mosgaz multi-sender-detective tape - "Katran", as well as in the picture "Katia and Black". In addition, the actor is involved in the shooting of another 3 film projects.
  • Alexander Golubev - Georgy Saransky, the owner of the company who is trying to hide the novel from his wife on the side. The actor was also starred in the films and TV shows "Yalta-45", "Bonfire in the snow", "Sherlock Holmes" and other ribbons. In 2020, Alexander Golubev appeared in the Katran detective, as well as involved in the filming of the painting "Ax. 1943.
  • Anna Banchikovova - Elena Vladimirovna, a spouse George, who lost the child and came to work in the firm of her husband. The actress performed the main roles in the paintings "Irckak", "Wings", "Witchcraft Lake", "Butterflies and Birds", "desperate" and others. In 2020, Anna Banchikov starred in the continuation of the series "Irckok 4", the film "Save Kolya!", And also takes back in 3 projects.
  • Yulia Zimina - Albina Sergeevna, Mistress George, who was killed after Lena came to the office of the spouse. The actress was also filmed in the TV shows "Ivanov-Ivanov", "Voronina", "Woman of his dreams" and others. In 2021, the premiere of the 4-serial tape "Ugly", where Julia Zimin will play the main character.

Also in the film "What Love is hidden" is involved : Sergey Zhuravel (criminalist Anton Andreevich), Svetlana Kozhemyakina (Vera), Tamara Mironova, Andrei Perepesyko and other actors.

The film "What Love is Hiding" - Trailer:

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