Ashwaganda: What, therapeutic properties, contraindications, for women, for men


Ashwaganda, she is a winter cherry, or Indian ginseng - this is a plant that uses Ayurvedic practice for 5 millennia to return the joy to life, improve well-being or restore potency. However, traditional medicine refers to the experiments of ancient healing. And in Russia, the means is prohibited.

What is Indian ginseng and how useful properties prevail over side effects - in the material 24cm.

What is Ashwaganda?

Ashwaganda nodes from India and the northern part of Africa. It is a shrub of a height of 1-1.5 m, on which small bright red berries appear. Each part of the plant is useful. Nevertheless, in Indian medicine, powder from leaves and roots are often used.

"Ashwaganda" is translated as "the smell of a horse", which is associated with the characteristic aroma of roots and the force, which appears even after one-time reception of the dietary supplements using the plant.

Saponins, alkaloids, phenolic acids and phytosterols are served by components of the plant. The presence of trace elements, kumarin and vegetable antibiotics was also found. Specialists of Ayurveda are convinced that the assets of Indian ginseng help to solve problems with the metabolism, restore immunity, heal during exhaustion, rejuvenate and attach strength during sexual weakness.

Medical properties

Ashwaganda is devoted to a number of studies that proved therapeutic properties and revealed side effects. Plant extract is classified as an adaptogen that helps to cope with stress, as well as with the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

By the way, there is evidence of the influence of plant assets for amyloid plaques arising from Alzheimer's disease. And although the test was conducted on mice, now they do not exclude the possibility of using Ashwaganda extract in the fight against a non-ailment.

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The conclusions about the positive impact of the plant on diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, oncological diseases, heart disease and muscle weakness are also made. Foreign official medicine nevertheless warns that it is impossible to heal the disease, and it recommends Indian ginseng extract as additional therapy.

However, the real find was the possibility of Ashwaganda extract to help in the treatment of pathology in female and male reproductive spheres.

For women, the part of the shrub help to normalize the menstrual cycle, as well as weaken the symptoms of PMS. Indian ginseng treats fibromomy and mastopathy, heals from benign neoplasms and smoothes the consequences of menopause, helping to extend the youth.

For men, the plant action is aimed at increasing potency and improve the quality of sperm. There is a study confirming the effectiveness of Ashwaganda extract in the prevention of development of prostate cancer.


Traditional medicine prohibits the use of preparations with vegetable extract:
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • Women applying drugs from thyroid diseases.

Men and women should also give up experiments with Indian grass, if there are a history of:

  • allergic diseases;
  • gastritis or gastric ulcer;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Increased intracranial pressure.

Ashwaganda bases are contraindicated for children.

Ban in Russia

Phytopreparations based on Ashwaganda are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation. This is due to the number of side effects that block the benefit from the use of plant extract.

With uncontrolled use or ignoring the recommended dosage, problems are observed with sleep, the development of apathy, the inhibition of the reaction, the irritable intestine syndrome, the temperature differences, fainting. In the complex with sedative means of Ashwaganda causes reactions leading to anaphylactic shock. But the main thing, plant extract is addictive, similar to narcotic dependence.

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