Alla Danko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Boris Korchevnikov sin to complain about his work. After all, as the leading "fate of a person", he meets with interesting personalities and recognizes unique information from the first mouth. In addition, the man was often gifted by compliments and gifts wonderful guests. For example, in 2018, Nadezhda Babkin admitted that he was in love with him, and Alla Danko in 2020 prepared her beloved treats - Napoleon cake and salty cucumbers.

Childhood and youth

The famous central television speaker was born as a result of severe birth 10 months after the end of the Great Patriotic War - March 15, 1946. Her parents met two years earlier and played a wedding in the victorious 1945th. Moreover, the head of the family immediately took a rare surname of his wife and after the divorce gave her the second spouse.

Despite the difficult time, the childhood of the girl can not be called unfortunate: the child grew surrounded by the love and care of close people.

The mother of Yevgeny Vasilyevna played the main role in the life of the daughter, with brilliance studied at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and Virtuoso Lowing English. It has served in the army from 1940 to 1947, she worked at the Chkalovsky airfield, where she took armament on Land Liza. The woman received many awards, among which the medals are "for the defense of Moscow" and "for victory over Germany." Subsequently, its new job was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Grandmother Maria Akimovna (in the greatness of Antonenko) and Grandfather Vasily Efimovich, who had a position in the Ministry of Railways took the vast partnership. In the "fate of man" Alla Georgievna described in detail and touching them and uncovered unknown facts of biography.

From the early years, Danko dreamed of the profession of actress - she was engaged first in amateur in amazing, and then in the student theater, where she sang and recited poems. But the adults constantly opposed to such a wish and, wanting the heir to firmly standing on their feet, sent it to "becoming a doctor."

After the Sechenovsky University, the girl entered the clinical residency in the specialty "Neurology" and a lot of years gave medicine.

Personal life

My first husband acquaintance occurred while studying in the ordinature. Alexander worked as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, being almost the God, able to return the patient from the world. A nice young man was out of a good family and was distinguished by an extremely romantic character.

Outlooking sublime feelings soon turned into a marriage, which, after 12 months, destroyed life. The star of the screen recalled that after a long time after the divorce, the man confessed to her that he regret parting.

The next chosen one Danko met at the birthday of a friend. Valery Kornilov came to a holiday with one girl, but after he already had her. For 3 years, he sought the location of his beloved woman - beautifully worked out, surrounded by attention and taught to ride skiing.

However, personal life was not set. At first, the spouse did not like the close relationship of his wife and mother-in-law, and even jealousy to the All-Union Glory of the announcer was added to this. Did not save the situation and the appearance of the only child called in honor of his grandfather. But Vasily, Vasily miraculously contributed to the resumption of communication of Alla Georgievna (and her mother) with his father, who adored aviation.

About the third marriage, the celebrity speaks reluctantly, reporting only the meager facts that got a huge injury. Her heir, graduating from the Faculty of Law, also ended up on television and presented the grandson of Igor. Unfortunately, the marriage of the Son with Olga Dank ended with a loud divorce.


Since 1975, having passed the competition and overtaking a thousand applicants, the Muscovite with four future colleagues was on central television and settled in Ostankino. Later, the celebrity told that when I first saw myself on the screen, I thought about what she was "terrible."

Danko quickly became an all-Union favorite, programs with her participation ("Morning", "time", "Moscow news", "Good evening, Moscow", "Mine School", "What do your names mean") went with great success.

In parallel with the main activity, the announcer was preparing a report on television and programs to Efira and acted as a manager, the author of the script and the leading Olympic balls. Giving 20 years of CT, Alla retrained to the chef editor and deputy producer of the Music Service ORT.

In the zero, the woman worked on the radio, conducted thematic and anniversary concerts and led all the same "Mamina School" on TNT. Subsequently, the creative biography was replenished with teaching in an extras.

Alla Danko now

Now Alla Georgievna successfully combines teaching with the development of its own produced Dankoproduction, where the post of Director General is held. In parallel, the announcer and TV presenter conducts numerous master classes and willingly takes care of corporate evenings.

Danko excessively respects his colleagues, therefore often agrees to the presence in various television programs. In addition to the "Fate of Man" mentioned, in 2020 she came to visit Andrei Norkin and Ivan Trushkin to the "meeting place".

Despite the age, a woman with a succulent as a French singer Mirey Mathieo looks truly gorgeous - slim, tightened, well-groomed. The celebrity has repeatedly emphasized that a public person is obliged to follow himself, and it doesn't matter what it will resort to plastic operations or a healthy lifestyle.

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