Edward Erric (character) - photo, pictures, manga, anime, swarm mustang, alchemist, abilities


Character History

Edward Erric is the main hero of Manga "Steel Alchemist" and subsequent film adaptations. Debuting 2003, he and today is among the top ten characters according to IGN. The author of the idea of ​​Hiromo Arakawa not only endowed the young man in the virtue of the merits, but also provided him with many life tests for personal growth.

History of character creation

The comic creator became famous for this project, taking the 8th place in the list of the most successful Mangac Japan. The first room was published in 2001 in the Shonen Gangan magazine. A woman managed to maintain the interest of the audience to his project, released 108 chapters of exciting history.

The transition from manga pages to television was expecting. Bones film studio took up the cinema film adaptation, and already in 2003, the anime series was started with the same name. In addition, 2 full-length films corresponding to the canon came to large screens.

Chirome was fond of painting since childhood and dreamed of making money on comics. She promised to parents, which would return to them in the village when her desire was fulfilled. By the way, the woman had managed to work in Monhly Shonen Gangan before the release of the "Steel Alchemist", before he felt willingness to solo project.

The topic of philosophical stone turned out to be central in the plot of manga, which became hit. The creator was carried away by alchemy, and she thoroughly studied the treatises of medieval authors. It helped the author to build a competent substantiation and a description of the events that occurred with Edward.

In addition to colorful pictures in the comic, witness are also traced. For example, the biography of Edged for Arakawa attempt to tell the world about the need to protect and support orphans. The author also recognizes that the work of other artists was the significant impact on the visualization of images - and Hiroshuki is, and Suicho Tagawa.

Moments illuminated in the narration deserve deep analysis and are forced to think about injustice in society. To smooth out such an impression, the woman diluted the work of a mass of comic and funny moments.

Arakawa placed the characters in the fictional country of AMESTRIS, in which alchemy is considered not natural philosophy, but with accurate science. Two brothers occupy key positions in the plot, but as other heroes do not less affect the fate of the state.

The voice of a young alchemist became Romi Paku.

The image and biography of Edward Elric

Throughout the franchise, the character is in search of a philosophical stone. This mysterious substance gives its owner unlimited power and the ability to convert matter without equivalent exchange.

Such a desire is not caused by the desire to obtain superiority over other people. For Ed, this is a way to fix past mistakes that he allowed in childhood. The history of the boy is tragic, but thanks to such trials, he became the most young alchemist in Amemaris.

He and his brother Alphonse Erric were born in a full family. But soon, Wang Hohenheim's father left them that he had sharply condemned the whole rest life. The mother also left her sons - she died when the older was not 10 years old.

Round orphans took the neighbors on the treatment. And Izumi Kurtis decided to teach children alchemy. Long 5 months of ED and Al stubbornly trained to approach the sale of a cherished dream. The boys have conceived to conduct transmutation - some exchange or transformation, with which you could resurrect a deceased mother.

It was about the equivalent exchange, but no one thought about the price that would have to pay. As a result, the colors are held by the ceremony. Of course, they failed to resurrect Trisha Erric. But the consequences were tangible. Edward lost his leg, and Alphonse got into the Gate of Truth, having lost his body.

Ed could pull out the soul of Alla and conclude his identity in the armor, sacrificing with the right hand. Since then, a young man has never ceased to blame himself in what happened and relied on finding a philosopher's stone to return to the youngest brother physical incarnation.

Steel alchemist was born in the winter of 1899. At the time of the beginning of the narrative, the age of the young man was about 16 years. The hero's height is one of the reasons for its complexes - only 161 cm. Therefore, the guy is trying in every way to appear above - wears the shoes on the platform and combats up the curl of the hair on the top.

The most important feature of the hero becomes its car. Instead of lost hands and legs, he gets steel prostheses that tend to break even due to minor damage. The unchanged element of clothing is a bright red cloak with a sign of Flamel.

Hair The guy chalves into the tail, although a long braid turns more often. It is noteworthy that in the "Steel Chemist" universe, this is the only character that goes with such a hairstyle, and not with a traditional Japanese haircut.

Thanks to the meeting with the gates of Truth, Ed got an amazing gift - to make transformations, building the formula in the head. The hero uses it when he needs to "re-equip" his manual prosthesis into the blade, as well as create other weapons.

The character is attentive, so in the battle notes the enemy's chips and adopt the technique in a few minutes. So, he easily learns the destructive ability of a scar or enjoys the knowledge of Grid in the creation of a carbon shield.

The technique of hand-to-hand combat is also at Elka at the height. Remembering the inspiring quotes of the mention of Izumi Kurtis, the guy develops in all respects.

Physical strength in combination with an alchemical gift turned Edward Elric in a serious enemy, which would give odds to even trained soldiers and homuncules. And with a courageous character and purposeful character, the character is radically changing the life of the country.

In the life of the main character, in addition to the elder brother, there is another close friend - Winri Rockbell. The girl lived next door to the house of Edrikov and sympathized with Ed. It specializes in the creation of mechanical prostheses, so often reversed a young man with the repair of ammunition. Subsequently becomes his wife.

After transmutation, which caused tragic consequences, Roy Mustang arrives to the brothers. This character consists in the state army as a colonel. Hard, discreet and not loving to show emotions, a man offers an assistance crippled EDA.

Erric passes the rehabilitation and after a year she gives exams to become a state alchemist. There is no way back, so the guy returns to the hometown of Risenburg only to burn its own home.

The incredible adventures of the hero lead him to the gates of truth, where he manages to return the body of Alfons and escape with him to the real world, sacrificing with his gift. The brothers decide to go to their hometown, where Ed marries Winri. Spouses are born two children.

Interesting Facts

  • Despite the title of Major, Edward never appeared in anime in military uniform.
  • The nickname of steel alchemist Erric received not only because of the car, but also thanks to the stubborn character and habit of using spears and blade in battle.
  • The name of the main character, Homo Arakawa borrowed from his beloved Kinheroya from the film "Edward's Hand Scissors".
  • In the Japanese game dedicated to the franchise, Ed in the plot becomes a gomunkul - pride.
  • Presumably the birthday of the young man - February 3, which corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Aquarius.


"We have to move only forward, even if we can only crawl." "A person can create exactly so much happiness, how much effort will be attached to it." "When communicating with the villains, the principle of equivalent exchange does not work." "


  • 2003-2004 - "Steel Alchemist"
  • 2005 - "Steel Alchemist: Chambhala Conqueror"
  • 2009-2010 - "Steel Alchemist: Brotherhood"
  • 2011 - "Sacred Star of Milos"

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