Film "Battalion" (2015): Release date, Actors, Roles, Channel One


In 2015, the film "Battalion" directed by Dmitry Meshieva came to Russian screens. The release date fell on February 20, and a year later a television show was held on the first channel. The project is devoted to the events of 1917 during the First World War. The actors and roles of the military drama are in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the history of the formation of a female battalion under the command of Maria Bochkareva. The girls of different classes are in line with their own example to raise the morale and inspire the soldiers in the trenches to the victory. Women recruits are trained and sent to the front.

However, waiting does not coincide with reality, and the army was on the threshold of political transformations. To confront the enemy yesterday's young ladies, workers and peasants to be alone.

Actors and roles

Maria Aronova - Maria Bochkarev. The prototype of the heroine was the legendary personality. Behind the shoulders of a woman two unsuccessful marriage and breaking husbands. The disappointment in the female share led her to awareness that it could be useful to Fatherland. In the creative biography of the aronovoy, the roles in the Multi-Sewing Project "Brothers" and the film "Ice" were noticeable. In 2020, the premiere of the series "Filatov" took place with the participation of celebrities.

Maria Kozhevnikova - in the storyline of the actress was supposed to play Maria Jidlov, Adutanta Bochkareva. However, pregnancy has changed the plans and the performer appeared as Countess Natalia Tatishcheva, which arrived at the battalion along with a girlfriend. During his stay in the battalion, the Countess will hear a non-wellhead, but by the time the service is completed, it turns into a woman with a steel character.

Maria Kozhevnikova was remembered by the audience on the role of Allochka in the series "University". The film "Battalion" allowed the performer to reveal in a dramatic role, and later in the creative biography of the actress will appear in the "Sobibor" project and the TV series "execute cannot be pardon."

Alena Kuchkova - Singer Nadia, who lost his support in life after the death of the groom. Behind the external fragility of the girl hides a spiritual hardness that helped in hard tests. The actress is known to the roles in the series "Alex Litiy" and Drema "Dlatta", where the celebrity performed Tanya.

Valeria Shkyrando - Princess Vera Neklyudova, who was in the battalion to prove his father that a decent representative of the military dynasty. However, unexpectedly, it wakes up interest in the fellow soldier, which gives her the opportunity to reveal more and female qualities. The performer is known for roles in the "Exchange" and "Duet on the right" series. In 2020, it was released on the screens of Storiz, where the actress played the main heroine.

Yanina Malinik - Dusya, who came from the village to change the situation at the front and speed up the process of restoring peaceful life from the peasants. Debut work in cinema became a role in the series "Oh, Ma-Ur-Ki!". Then the performer appeared in the multi-manary projects of "Godunov" and "Trigger". In 2021, the premiere of the film "Palma" with the participation of the actress is expected.

Irina Rakhmanova - the servant Nadi, whom the hostess paid, so that she returned his daughter home. However, during the heroine service, military unity was penetrated and did not want to leave the battalion. Snow White from the "9 company" is also known for the role of Wangelia in the series of the same name and work in the criminal multi-seater film "Detective per million", the continuation of which came to teleexed in 2020.

Polina Dudkin is a factory worker who is in a hurry to realize its leadership ambitions. However, her actions undermine the authority of the bocharoy battalion commander. The film "Battalion" became a turning point in the career of the performer. Later, it can be seen in such multi-metering projects as "walking on flour" and "Bridge 2", as well as the Drama "Dovlatov".

Film "Battalion" - Trailer:

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