Alla Surikova: biography, personal life, movies, director, in youth, children


It is deservedly considered the main director of the Soviet comedy melodram, which is not surprising. After all, the films of the "man from the Kapuchin Boulevard", "Just", "Looking for a woman" and "be my husband", who are "hustled", "Looking for a woman." On November 6, 2020, Alla Surikova celebrated its own 80th anniversary. On the creative biography and the personal life of celebrities - in the material 24cmi.

1. Surname

Despite the fact that most viewers of Alla Surikova are known under the patrols of Ilinichna, in reality her father was called Isaac. So such renaming is an attempt to hide Jewish roots. Like a diligent silence of a real maiden name - Zaslavskaya.

2. Dreams of the theater

In the fact that Alla Surikov, even in childhood, seriously "sick" scene is guilty to her native uncle. Jacob Zaslavsky demonstrated the non-serial artistic talent on the stage of the Lviv Theater, where the little Alla was often visited.

With such a relative, it is not worthwhile to be wonderful that the girl who had seen an artist's performance for the first time, not only caught fire to enter the theater university in the future, but he studied the plays in which Uncle was playing.

3. Not all at once

Despite the desire of Surikova, it did not shine theatrical to her - the parents were desperate against. So after school, the Certificate of Young Alla attributed to the Institute of Light Industry. Unsuccessfully, by the way, - the exams of the girl failed, because of what was forced to get a job on the aviation plant. There, the future celebrity worked as a fitting assembly.

Having arrived after the failure, in 1961, Alla Surikova, after all, managed to "mark the way" to higher education - entered the University of Kiev at the philologist, where in the company with enthusiastic literature and poetry fellow students managed to fully satisfy his own craving for creativity.

To get immediately in Vgik, where Alla Surikov took an attempt to act immediately after receiving a university diploma, the girl was not destined - again failed on the exam. So I had to comprehend the basics of filmmaturegia not in theory, but in practice - working as a director's assistant at Dovzhenko's studio.

The fact that Surikova in 1973 was the same managed to finish two-year directorial courses, says that the immediate "work with the material" was very useful.

4. Mom "Elash"

Among the little-known to the general public of the facts about the life and work of the director, information is found about what Alla Surikova made it possible to appear on the light of the famous "Elash."

She appealed to the State Committee on Cinematography with a proposal to create an alternative to the spectators of the Satyric newsrier "Fitil" for children. The initiative was approved. True, other people already answered for the implementation of the project - Boris Grachevsky and Alexander Khmelik. Surikov's proposed proposal itself was limited to a pair of issues taken for "Elasha".

5. man with boulevard

Among the filmed Surikov Pictures of the greatest love of the audience, the film "Man With Capuchin Boulevard" uses. It is curious that before the scenario got into the hands of Alla Ilinichna, he dust in the shelf for six years - no one dared to take in such a bold appearance.

Attention to the material from Andrei Mironov and the decisiveness of Surikov corrected the situation. True, the director had to make concessions to the actor who had played a major role in the tape, the final was changed. And Mr. Föstor eventually did not go under the final titers in a lonely journey - after him hurried his favorite and revised their own life values ​​a new friend.

6. On the other hand

Despite the fact that artists who had the actual workers were able to remove the remaining workers, among which the operators, sound engineers, administrators and the rest of the staff, and the rest of the staff, argued that Alla Ilinichna repeatedly delayed the salary.

7. Personal life

"On the account" director three marriage. The first, which took place in his youth with Governed His surname of Medvuz's student Vadim Surikov, collapsed after five years. According to cinematographer, did not make testing with household issues. In this relationship, the daughter of Kira appeared on the world, although having time toimes, but choking the path of the writer.

The second spouse of Alla became a sound-operator named Eugene, with whom the director lived seven years - it was necessary to part because the husband did not accept the fact that the cinema remains in the first place in the first place.

To reconsider his own views on the life of Alla forced to acquaintance with the third of his husbands - Alexander Potashnikov, a cinema engineer. Surikova was able to plug on his own directorial ambitions and passion for cinema to give more time to his beloved person.

Personal life directed by marriage was not limited. It is said that in the break between marriages Alla Surikova managed to start a novel with Rolan Bykov, and also tried to win the love of Andrei Tarkovsky. The latter, unfortunately, chose Surikova's girlfriend - Victoria Tokarev, writing scenarios to such pictures as "Gentlemen of Good luck" and Mimino.

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