Olivier Martinez - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Olivier Martinez is a French film actor who managed to make a good career in Hollywood. Each role played by them becomes unforgettable. In the filmography of the artist - deep colorful images, among which there is a place and passionate lovers, and dangerous criminals. No less interesting for the public is the personal life of a man filled with bright novels.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on January 12, 1966 in Paris. The father of the boy, a leaving of the Spanish Morocco, was engaged in boxing, the Franco Mother's Mother was a secretary. In addition to Olivier, the family was another child, the son of Vensen. Martinez did not think about working in the film - the young man more attracted boxing.

In his youth, he wanted to go in the footsteps of his father, however, the injury received in the automotive accident made him forget about the Boxer's career. After graduating from school, the guy entered the highest national conservatory of dramatic art.

Personal life

The beloved artist at different times became world-class stars. In 1995, on the set of the film "Hussar on the roof", a young actor met Julietary Binos. He and French beauty played a couple enthusized with each other. From the screen, the Roman smoothly switched to real life. However, the feelings did not stand the test of time - the love that lived 3 years, gone.

After parting with Binos Olivier moved to the States where he dreamed of doing a career. In a short time, the guy met with his beloved Quentin Tarantino Miroy Sorvino, who had time to become a popular actress by the time. Without waiting for a hand and heart sentence director, the blonde switched attention to a pretty Frenchman with Spanish roots.

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Together, the couple even starred in the film 2002 "Passionate Week", but in the same year the relationship ended. Martinez did not last long - his heart conquered a miniature Australian Kylie Minogue. Acquaintance at the Grammy Award Ceremony quickly turned into a passionate novel.

Soon, life forced a couple to pass through serious tests - the singer had discovered breast cancer. The actor remained with the beloved during the whole treatment, but in 2007 the press found out about the parting of the artists.

In an interview, Kylie said that due to illness could not have children. Later, the man started a novel with an Israeli model and a vocalist of Savay Givati, and after gap with her - relations with the British mannequin Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. These hobbies were short.

In 2010, Martinez found new love in the face of American Holly Berry. With her, the Frenchman got acquainted with the filming of the painting "Caster Shark". The feelings were mutual, and already in 2012, the couple announced the engagement. In the summer of 2013, a wedding was held in France, which was attended by close newlyweds.

In the fall of 2013, beauty presented her son's son - Masseo Robert. Also, Olivier, together with the beloved, began to bring up her daughter born from marriage with a mannequin Gabriel Obery. Over time, harmony that reigned in the family began to collapse. 3 years after the acquaintance, the spouses broke up, and in December 2016, officially divorced.

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In 2017, journalists were watching Martinez and his former girl Kylie Minogue. In online news photos have appeared a couple of pairs that demonstrated that the man and the woman are again passionate about each other. In 2018, 2 years after the divorce with his wife, the actor attended the birthday of Son Masseo.

In March 2019, the actor fell into the lenses of Paparazzi with a long-standing friend Michel Rodriguez, with which in the early 2000s shot in the criminal militant "S.W.A.T.: Special forces of the city of Angels." The couple left the Gjelina restaurant and was smelled on a motorcycle. Earlier, rumors about their novel have already appeared in the press.


As a student of the Higher Conservatory of Dramatic Art, the young man starred in an episodic role in the film "Commissioner Navarro". In 1992, a young man played in the painting "Mastodontov Island", the last project of Iva Montana. And a year later he worked on one set with Marcello Mastroanni in Bethran Betran's tape "Once, two, three ... Zanri!".

For the image of the field, the performer at the age of 26 received the "Cesar" award in the "Most Promising Actor" category. Others followed by other works - film crimits were noted by Talent Olivier, his organic game. In the late 90s, the Frenchman went to conquer Hollywood. One of the first noticeable role was the role of Lazaro Gomes Carilles in the film "Until the night will come."

Martinez partners in the project were Javier Bardem, Johnny Depp, Sean Penn and other stars. In 2002, the guy starred in erotic melodrame "Invalid". In the plot of the picture of his hero Paul Martel becomes a random lover Constance Sumner, which Diane Lane played. A woman is married, but the relationship with his spouse has time to lose passion.

Olivier Martinez and Rosie Huntington Whiteley

Meeting with a young seller of books awakens in the lady for long forgotten desires. The heroine is holding back for a long time, but still amenable to feelings. Lovers begin to meet regularly, and the husband of Constance, the image of which on the screen embodied Richard Gir, learns about treason and kills the fields. Spectators appreciated the sensual game of the Frenchman, which strengthened the popularity of Olivier in the world cinema.

A psychological thriller "Taking Life" became a psychological thriller in the career of the artist, in which Angelina Jolie and Yatan Hawk starred with Martinenes. Here the man had to play one of the victims of a dangerous maniac, whose crime is trying to reveal the heroine Jolie.

In subsequent years, the actor was often shot in the paintings of different genres. In 2016, his filmography was replenished with the role of Ed Grenn in the series "Mars", and in 2018 - work in the project "Pavel, Apostle Christ". Photo from the shooting sites, the artist posted in "Instagram".

Olivier Martinez now

In 2020, Martinez continues to work in the cinema. With the press now the Frenchman almost does not communicate, not wanting to share the details of the biography.


  • 1993 - "Once, two, three ... Zamri!"
  • 1995 - "Hussar on the roof"
  • 1996 - "Male of my life"
  • 1997 - "Maid with" Titanic "
  • 2000 - "Until the night does not come"
  • 2002 - "Invalid"
  • 2003 - "S.W.A.T.: Specnas of the city of Angels"
  • 2004 - "Taking Life"
  • 2007 - "Blood and Chocolate"
  • 2012 - "Clay Shark"
  • 2016 - "Mars"
  • 2018 - "Pavel, Apostle Christ"

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