Oleg Menshikov: biography, personal life, movies, in youth, interview, wife


This actor is perfectly familiar and connoisseurs of cinema times of the USSR, and the younger generation of Russian spectators. And there is nothing surprising - on the shoulders of the artist's mass of roles in the most diverse projects: from the lyrical "Pokrovsky Gate" and the Military "Monsund" to the fantastic "attraction" and mystical "Gogol".

On November 8, 2020, the 60th anniversary of Oleg Menshikov noted. On the entertaining details from his creative biography and personal life - in the material 24cmi.

1. The spotlight

In school years, the future artist in terms of the progress of stars was lacking from the sky. But at the same time, it was followed that a triplex did not appear in the table, - pride did not allow. But on the attention of the opposite sex, then Oleg is not offended.

A cute young man attracted classmates as his own benevolence, not passing, however, the boundaries of a restrained friendly attention and skill at the right moment fun to joke. Yes, and classes in a music school were useful - Menshikov, which was popular with numerous peers, is able to surprise the original musical improvisation.

The coarterebns remember that in many classes in many classes were the piano, and Oleg often on change gave small concerts, gathering around the guy of various listeners.

2. Young connoisseur

More in school, Oleg Menshikov was seriously carried away by the operetta - they tried to get out of the performances, they were not less common to the pair once a week, and some productions were not looking at them for one time.

Atypical For a schoolboy, a hobby for senior classes has found and practical application - the future actor began to create plays for amateur in independently, where the fragments of the felled works from the repertoire of the Operetta Theater, complement the resulting material with its own musical developments.

3. Unattached diamond

An adult recognition of his own talent, Oleg Menshikov received early, still learning in the ninth grade. Then, Vladimir Monakhov taught his testing word in the Schepkinsky Theater School.

They say, Madre visited the wedding of the daughter of the artist in costumes from the Small Theater. The event was the young Oleg Menshikov, who came with his parents. The young man began to demonstrate his own multifaceted talents, accompanying singers and dancers than the attention of the monk did not pay. That gifted guy recalled the French actor Gerard Philip, even if he had not achieved perfection due to the lack of profile education.

Fix the last omission to the teacher and decided - suggested trying Menshikov after school of power in the "pinch" than and determined the further biography of a talented schoolboy.

4. 30 minutes to death

Once the artist almost died due to peritonitis. According to Menshikov, because of the underestimated painful threshold, he did not feel a characteristic threshing in his stomach, and therefore, even falling into infamousity, could not understand the reasons for his own bad well-being. Saved the position of the artist's wife, despite the protests of the latter, which caused the brigade of physicians. As doctors said, make a spouse to challenge half an hour later - and Oleg Evgenievich to pull out no longer possible.

By the way, Oleg Menshikov was a long time to be a convinced bachelor, up to 45 years old diligently avoiding marriage shackles. But the meeting with the actress Anastasia Chernova changed the sight of the artist for the willingness to create a family. Children lovers who played the wedding in 2005 until they got.

5. Error

In his youth, almost immediately after entering the screens, "I am looking forward to and I hope," Oleg Menshikov turned out to be gripped - he was wanted to see in his films and Nikita Mikhalkov, and Mikhail Kozakov, and Roman Balayan.

The latter, however, almost abandoned his venture. As the director later recalled in an interview, filmed with a young artist, provided by Suren Shahbuzyan, who had his debuts, made him think about the game of the student "Sliver" leaves much to be desired.

Fortunately, Balayan decided not to trust the film and visited the applicant for the role in the dressing room - take a look around. The results of "Sewn" director satisfied - Roman Gurgenovich concluded that the reason for the misunderstanding was hidden in operator work.

6. Partially Gardenarin

Although Svetlana Druzhinina persistently persuaded Menshikov to play in the film "Gardenaryarins, ahead!" The artist invariably refused - did not like the script. But afterwards, after all, the project took part - renounced the character of Sergey Zhigunov, since the last role was "piled up."

Money Oleg Evgenievich was needed at that time, so Gardemarine Alexander Belov in the picture speaks his voice. However, this fact did not affect the negative attitude to the ribbon from Menshikov.

7. Recognition

Menshikov has repeatedly honored all sorts of awards. Here and the state premiums, the laureate of which the actor became three times, and the honorary title of the People's Artist, and even the French Order of Academic Palms, issued for merits in the field of education and science.

However, there is Menshikov and award in the service list, truly allocating it among the other Russian artists. Oleg Evgenievich is the only domestic actor awarded the Lorenz Olivier award for the best role of a second plan, awarded to him by the British Academy of Arts. Moreover, Oleg Menshikov managed to get this not the most common in the world in general - and among the Kinobomonda of the Russian Federation and not at all occurring - the reward three times.

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