Saifer (character) - Photo, "Matrix", film, actor, Joe Pantoliano


Character History

Saifer - Fantastic Matrix Matrix Character 1999. A person who once chose a red tablet decided that the virtual world is much better than the sobering reality. His subsequent betrayal launched a chain of events, which was destined to happen.

History of character creation

Brothers (now sister) Vachovski found world glory after the release of the first part of the "Matrix" franchise. The idea of ​​"brain in the flask", the power of intelligent machines, the virtual world, presented as the present, caused Furore. Star cast - Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishborn, Carrie-Ann Moss - and today is associated with the heroes of the blockbuster.

The film shows the future in which people are enclosed in capsules and produce energy energy activity for machines. From the "Sleep World", Thomas Anderson - an office working programmer, who is destined to become elected and save humanity from fatal illusion.

The picture involved not only scientific and popular fiction, but also a deep philosophical background, as well as religious aspects. Almost each of the main characters became compared with biblical characters.

So, neo is identified with Jesus - the Savior of mankind, Trinity - with the Holy Trinity. The ship, which gathered a bunch of people liberated from the oppression, was called Nebuchadnezzar (in honor of the biblical commander). Also in the film are given references to ancient Greek mythology: for example, Morpus is a lady of dreams.

The metaphorical comparison of the red tablet with the forbidden fruit is another confirmation that in the "matrix" as many philosophical meaning as well as fantastic action.

In this regard, the Chairper character who became a traitor compares with Juda. The full name of the hero is Louis Cypher - by mixing words turns into Lucifer. If you look at, then the appearance of a man with a pointed beard also says in favor of this theory.

The franchise antagonist traveled the truth and the righteous way to the illusion, yielding to the sweet speeches of the Smith agent. The traitor was played by the American actor of Italian origin Joe Pantoliano. In Russian, Leonid Belozorovich voiced the role of Leonid Belozorovich.

A man dies in the first part of the franchise. Nevertheless, he continued the existence in general course. A certain sect called "Saipherites" seeks to force people who escaped from the matrix to return to capsules. This plot arose in the Matrix Online game Monolith Production Studios, created as a canonical continuation together with the Vachovski brothers.


The character of the character to the events described in the "Matrix" can be judged from separately extended quotes of other heroes. So, Morpus reports not that he rarely "wakes up" adults, as it greatly affects the psyche.

The future traitor before the arrival of Thomas Anderson on Nebuchadnezzar worked as the operator of the ship for 10 years, from which it is possible to conclude that they endured a man from the matrix not in childhood. Franchise fans express ideas that Louis then mistakenly considered the chosen.

In this case, the causal relations caused by betrayal. The Safe is pushed out of a comfortable environment in any unknown reality, called great and talk about a high role in the salvation of humanity.

It begins to experience the romantic feelings of Trinity, as Pythia predicted her love for the Favorites. But soon it turns out that an error occurred, and Louis is an ordinary person who is now forced to languish in the "iron box" and wait for the arrival of another Savior.

His love for Trinity does not cool - these viewers could observe repeatedly. Jealousy to Neo, the threat from reasonable cars - all this is not what a man expected from real life.

Therefore, in a conversation with Neo, the villain reports that if Morpheus initially told the truth about what awaits him after choosing a red pill, he would never agree hero. Saifer hates what surrounds him is a tasteless porridge, a state of permanent fear, the lack of human joys.

It is not surprising that when the un-tempter came to him in the form of the Smith agent, he did not have to persuade for a long time. In the film, the spectators saw the scene, in which a traitor meets with an agent and a deal agreement is committed.

Smith asks who would like to be like to become after returning to the matrix, to which Louis asks to "wake up" his rich and famous. A computer program in response calls him Reagan. This name, the fans consider, was not chosen by chance, but for the comparison of Safefer with President Ronald Reagan. The politician was an actor and suffered from the manifestation of Alzheimer's disease.

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Everyone to forget and stay in illusion is the main desire of Lewis. And it is not difficult to understand it: why to endure cold, hopelessness and fear until the end of days, if in return is offered to get any benefit of the virtual world - wealth, success, celebrity.

The position of the man gave rise to many reasoning. From the point of view of critics, such behavior, despite the immoral painting, is quite explained. On the other hand, the betrayal of the teacher - a man who opened his eyes and showed the truth - it is unacceptable to justify the desire for comfort.

The character included in a dozen of the most famous traitors in fiction, as he does not just want to pump the main characters. Louis really have reasons for treason, and its role is so ambiguous that a single-sided grade is simply impossible.

But if the motives are clear and, perhaps, justified, then the methods on the way to the desired deserve a sharp condemnation. From the hands of the antagonist died in any other people. In addition, the Saifer has eased the death of neo not so much from jealousy, as of the fear that the truth is chosen.

Then the power of intelligent machines and computer programs would be finished and all, including it, turned out to be "woken up." Of course, it was not part of the planet plans.

During the next task, Louis arranges the trap the most young member of the ship's team - Muso. Because of the Machinations, the guy's traitor shoots police. Then Saifer kills the doser and causes fatal injuries to the tank.

I coolly pull out the Svitche and Epoma's Zatilkov and Epoma Life-supporting plugs, the traitor began to sew the main goal - neo. Saved elected only that Tank did not die and managed to come to the rescue.

Saifer, unlike the biblical prototype, did not realize and did not feel the guilt before the team. Judas graduated from suicide's life, and Louis took the most terrible death - burned alive.


"We all have fallen for the first time." "The information obtained from the matrix is ​​much more than you can decipher. You will get used to it. I do not even see the code. I see a blonde, brunette, red. "" I know he is not real, and when I put it in my mouth, the taste inspires me a matrix. Do you know what I decided for those ten years, what is free? Happiness in ignorance. "" Everything I did is what he told me to do. "

Interesting Facts

  • The reluctance to eat tasteless food is another reference to the Old Testament. Namely - to the Israeli people who ropal due to the lack of meat, fish and melon, wandering around the desert.
  • Saifer is a bright representative of hedonism, the exercise in which the acquisition of pleasure from life is considered the sole purpose of existence.
  • Translated from English, the name of Saifer means "cipher".


  • 1999 - "Matrix"

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