Series "Moonbar Base 8" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, Showtime


On the case of the conquest of outer space, it is possible to watch not only through the prism of scientific documentary or fantastic fiction. Humorous attitude to the issue to the viewers also like. Confirm this was decided by the American channel Showtime, running the comedy series "Moonbar Base 8", whose outlet date came on November 8, 2020.

On the plot of the show, who played the main roles of actors and the project-related curious facts - in the material 24cm.


An entertaining folk surveillance claims that the couple of those gathered in one place of personalities experiencing certain difficulties with rational thinking is power. When a bunch of such characters increases another similar individual - it's already power. Well, if the above-mentioned originals are distinguished by the whole and increased proportion of initiative, the scale of the upcoming disaster and is presented at all.

The Trinity of Astronauts, which has long inscribed by colleagues in the category of eternal losses, they want to go to conquer space for anything. But for this, they need to first confirm their own skills, withstanding the workout in the lunar base simulator located in the midst of the earth's desert. Here, only the produced heroes constantly turns the routine learning process into an enchantment. On the adventures of three losers and tells the series "Lunar base 8".

Actors and roles

In the series, the main roles performed the following actors:

John Christopher Riley - Robert Caputo on the nicknamed CEP, head of a small group of astronauts, passing special preparation on an arizona state desert in the depths of Arizona, designed to simulate the conditions of existence on another planet. The path to the stars will open Troim stubbornly seeking to make a dream and go into cosmos crisp only after they successfully pass qualifications. But from the inside the picture does not look so rosy.

The mediocre skills of the participants in the qualifying experiment, the total uncomfortable and catastrophic inability to work in the team lead to very depreciation. That expensive equipment will fail, the monthly stock of the water will disappear in a matter of days. And with all the troubles, there is to cope with the "team of unbelievous" led by the CEP, the former pilot of the excursion helicopter, arguing that he is a combat veteran.

Tim Hyideker - Scott Sloan, call sign - hands, the second inhabitant of the base-simulator and the ward Cap. A deeply believer Christian, who seeming the main goal of his own existence in the spread of the Word of God throughout the Galaxy and beyond. Having learned about the overruns of water on the basis, Sloan first of all suggested drinking vegetable oil in hope similarly to maintain vital activity. But the initiative did not receive approval from comrades.

Fred Armixen - Dr. Michael Henai, a third member examined in the simulator for compliance with the established requirements of the Group. As a son of a man who constructed Spacek for the Mission "Apollo", wants to leave the planet and visit space. However, the situation with the passage of qualification tests is not the best.

Also in the series were filmed : Joshua Davis, Mike Connor Gaine, Janet Hoskins, Adam Lambert and Thomas Mann in the role of Cooper.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Lunar base 8" shot directed by Jonathan Krisel. Cinematographer managed to gain certain fame due to participation in the work on television shows, like "Portland", "a man is looking for a woman" and "Ghosts". In the new project, Krisel not only took the chair of the filmmaker's head, but also put his hand to creating a scenario, which performers were helped by the leading roles in the series.

2. On the creation of the authors series inspired seen on the channel National Geographic plot dedicated to the lives of people in the research base in Antarctica forced for three months to exist in the conditions of the polar night. Also, the TV program showed what changes the relationships are underway within the researchers team.

3. In order for the series "Moonbar Base 8", though both ridiculous, but realistic, leading major roles at Spacex headquarters engaged in the manufacture of space technology, and JPL Research Center (reactive laboratory). There actors took interviews from employees. Also preparation for shooting, according to artists, included and view a large number of Youtube rollers.

The series "Moonbound 8" - Trailer:

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