Rimas Tuminas - biography, personal life, news, photo, "Evgeny Onegin", theater, wife 2021



Rimas Tuminas - Lithuanian director of dramatic performances, whose performances go on scenes of Russia and Europe. He repeatedly became a laureate of the prestigious awards of theatrical festivals. The master works as a practitioner and is engaged in pedagogical activities.

Childhood and youth

Rimas Tuminas was born in the Lithuanian town of Kelme on January 20, 1952. His childhood had to be at the postwar years, when the USSR was restored after the monstrous destruction left by the Great Patriotic War. The boy grew up in the family of workers. Mother was Russian and belonged to the number of old goods. She earned sewing clothes and drawing. Remembering childhood in an interview, the director told that he lived on the farm in the middle of the field in poverty and often did not have the most necessary.

Despite the burden with which Tuminas faced his youth, these years were remembered by positive moments. He loved nature, religious holidays with amateur and feasts, freedom to be granted to himself.

The tendency to creativity woke up at Rimas at 7 years old. I liked the boy to reclaim, and he taught peers with public speeches.

At 14, Rimas Tuminas visited the professional theater for the first time. Together with classmates, he visited the play "Cat in Boots", which was walking on the metropolitan scene. Impressions were contradictory. Children's setting was not impressed by the young man who had already earned his life. Tuminas worked as a film mechanic and did not live with his parents.

The guy is for cinema, believing that he is a harbinger of the future. After graduating from the evening school, he moved to Vilnius. At 18, Rimas entered the Lithuanian state conservatory. To prove a former beloved potential, Tuminas became a student of the Director of the Faculty. The soul did not lie to the profession: the guy seemed to be a sculptor or pilot much more interesting.

Study was not easy. The only thing that kept a young man from the departure from the institute is the unwillingness to come home with anything. Acquaintance with Chekhov drama opened the essence of skill for the novice director. In the 3rd year, he began to think about where to distribute after graduation. Deciding to continue professional formation not on television, Lithuanian moved to Moscow. There he became a student of guitis.


The creative biography of Rimas Tuminas began in his native Lithuania. The debut formulation of a recent graduate of Gitis was the play "January", the premiere of which took place in 1978 in the Theater of the Lithuanian Drama. A year later, he put in the Moscow theater. K. S. Stanislavsky "Melody for Peacock".

At first, Tuminas worked under the contract, and in 1994 he became the main director of the State Academic Drama Theater of Lithuania. The performances of this period entered the "Cat on a hot roof", "King Edip", "quiet night" and others.

In 1990, Rimas Tuminas organized the Small theater of Vilnius and headed him as an artistic director. The creative vector of the theater Tuminas asked in 2020. For 30 years of work on this scene, the director presented to the audience its version of the Pieces "Cherry Garden", "Galilee", "Masquerade", "Waiting for Godo", "Three sisters" and others. The repertoire of the theater was abounded by classical works, and the talented Lithuanian loved experimenting with examples of Russian classics.

Gradually, proven itself on the stage, Tuminas gained a reputation as a director who is peculiar to grotesque, allegory and image. The director won the authority in his homeland and received invitations to cooperation abroad. Debut performances in Finland became "Uncle Vanya" and "Don Juan", issued in 1992 and 1995, respectively. It was then followed by cooperation with Icelandic artists as part of working on the performances of Richard III and Don Juan. Tuminas worked in Poland, Sweden and Russia.

Since 2007, the director works with the Moscow theater. E. B. Vakhtangov. Interaction with him began in 2002, when Lithuanian put on this stage "the auditor" on this scene. Becoming the artistic director of the institution, Rimas Tuminas brought him to a new stage of development. He returned to the previously used dramaturgical material and experimented with the texts.

One of the main productions of this period was the play "Eugene Onegin", for which Rimas received the highest theatrical award "Golden Mask". Working on the dramatic scene, Tuminas managed to be implemented both as an opera director, releaseing the "Katerina Izmailov" opera and "peak lady" on the stage of the Bolshoi Opera Opera.

Personal life

The man was married twice. The first wife of the master was the actress Yrata Anyulita. The couple met in the conservatory when the girl played in the graduation performance. The marriage of young people turned out to be short. A pleasant reminder of him remained a daughter named Monica.

In 1982, the director married again. The wife became an actress and a former student of his inga exchange rate boat. Now it serves in the Vilnius Maly Theater. After a day, a daughter appeared in the family, who subsequently went to the footsteps of the parents and took up dramatic art.

In the mid-2010, the director attributed a romantic connection with actress Anastasia Rugownaya, but these rumors did not affect his family life. The director himself did not comment on the published rumors.

The 2010 was not easy for the Tumba family. In 2014 it became known that the director was sick with cancer. The state of his health and personal life was interested not only by children and relatives, but also the media. The director was treated in Israel. It seemed that the situation had changed for the better. However, in 2017, journalists learned about the cardiovascular disease of the Tuminas. True, it did not become an obstacle for an ambitious master. Taking a little break, he comma and soon returned to work.

The name of the Lithuanian director infrequently appears in the press. In 2020, he was involved in the scandal that broke out around Alexander Domogarov, as a result of which the photos of both men appeared in newspapers and magazines. The director replaced the artist in the play "Henry and Ellen". The first reasons for the change became interested in journalist Angelica Zaozerskaya. She raised the topic in the "Express Newspaper".

The author of the text is familiar with Tuminas since 2012 and repeatedly took an interview with him, but this material had a negative impact on its reputation. In the article, Zaozerskaya extended to the opinion of the Tuminas on the dramatic potential of artists Vladimir Mashkova, Konstantin Khabensky, Alexander Domogarov.

Director of the Theater. E. B. Vakhtangova Kirill Krok sent an open letter to colleagues in which he blamed the writer in non-compliance with journalistic ethics. In the theater, the article was called in fiction, but the news about the undervalued relationships of artists and the director flew the theatrical bond.

Rimas Tuminas now

In the spring of 2021, theatré made the fans wander - information appeared on the network that Rimas had infarction and was hospitalized in the capital hospital. True, after a while, the rumors were refuted by the director of the theater. E. B. Vakhtangova Kirill Krok.

According to official information, Tuminas really applied to doctors. The reason was the ailment - the director was examined and did not reveal any life threatening diagnoses. On the same day he returned home.

In May, the next series of the mini-series "One Children's Non-Device Question" called "Phone of God" was published. Attending participation in the project, including Rimas, asked to be pofantized on the topic that they would have said if on the other side of the tube from them was the creator of the universe. "What is infinity?" - Here is such a question asked Tuminas Most High.


  • 1990 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1993 - "Seagull"
  • 1995 - "Don Juan"
  • 1997 - "Masquerade"
  • 1998 - "King Edip"
  • 1999 - Richard III
  • 2002 - "Auditor"
  • 2005 - "Three sisters"
  • 2006 - "Waiting for Godo"
  • 2007 - "Mount from Wit"
  • 2011 - "Pier"
  • 2013 - "Eugene Onegin"
  • 2016 - "Katerina Izmailova"
  • 2017 - "Peak Lady"
  • 2018 - "Fake Notes"

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