Series "Bomb" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


In early November 2020, the spectators of the Russia-1 channel saw the series "Bomb" director Igor Kopylov. The historical drama tells about the weekdays of Soviet physicists, which are on the threshold of creating an atomic bomb. Actors and roles, as well as curious facts about working on the series - in the material 24cm.


The plot of the multi-seater film is unfolded from 1945 to 1949. Before the group of young physicists, the task is to create a Soviet atomic bomb. In order for the team to work simply, Mikhail Rubin is liberated from the camp, which fell behind the bars after the conflict with Beria.

Peaceful life presented surprises to a scientist. Favorite girl married a friend with whom he has to work. In addition, old love is not rusting, and the feelings flashed again as soon as he saw the former bride. Work on the verge of personal drama in the conditions of Avral, scientists can not. In a short time, the globility of heroes is changing, and love becomes inspiration that helps to make discovery and restore hope for peaceful existence.

Actors and roles

  • Evgeny Tkachuk - Mikhail Rubin, a nuclear physicist who joined his colleagues after several years on Kolyma. Love for Ana overshadows work on the project, and conflicts with the Soviet system suppress the creative adventure agent. However, over time, the feelings for the lover goes to a different level, and it works to reign peace all over the world.
  • Evgenia Bric - Anna Galeeva, heavily survived the gap with Mikhail. With his wife, Cyril Anya lives on one wave, but confidence in the right thing of the former groom interferes with family life. A woman is tormented by contradictions and is not ready to make a choice between a reliable husband Kirill and talented, but quick-tempered, ruby, who once betrayed it.
  • Victor Dobronravov - Cyril Muromsov, who turned out to be drawn into a love triangle and forced to endure the throw of his wife. However, he is ready to wait for the benefit of mankind.
  • Gennady Vynepayev is a young physicist who barely fulfilled 20 years. He believes in Soviet ideals and looks at the senior colleagues with delight. The hero is changing the feelings for the Castelian Son, and he passes the hard way of growing up with decisive actions inherent in a real man.
  • Aglaya Tarasova - Castelian Sonya. Girl with good heart and hard fate is ready to take love. Everything changes when she learns to give and sacrifice in the name of feelings.

The film was also filmed: Alexander Lykov, Mikhail Hmurov, Olga Smirnova, Andrei Smelaov, Vitaly Kovalenko, Victor Rakov and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the series - November 9, 2020.

2. Shooting the project was completed in the fall of 2019. However, post-sales was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Valery Todorovsky, acquaintance of the audience, as director of projects "Country", "Styles" and the series "Thaw" made a producer of the picture.

4. According to the producer, the audience will see history full of human passions and drive. In tasks for the film crew, there was a movie, which will show ambitions and relationships between people. And the most difficult to register the dialogues in the scenario, which should contain phrases about physics, but remain clear the viewer.

5. The director's chair took Igor Kopylov, in the creative biography of which Kinokarttina Rzhev and the series "Leningrad-46". According to the director, the films about scientists are not so much and it has become a decisive argument to work in the project.

6. Four of the main heroes is a collective image of physician scientists. In episodes, the audience will also see historical personalities: Igor Kurchatov and Lavrentia Beria. The series "Bomb" advised the state corporation Rosatom.

7. Create a decoration of a nuclear reactor, the height of which in reality is comparable to the 9-storey house, it turned out to be impossible. The film crew had to visit the present reactor and create a structure approximate to the original. But the scenery of the first atomic bomb of the USSR made, leaning on the layout, which is located in the closed Museum of the city of Sarov.

8. In the frame, the audience will see the famous laboratory number 2, where Igor Kurchatov worked. And the Semipalatinsky polygon rebuilt for filming in the vicinity of Rostov-on-Don.

9. Actor Viktor Dobronravov stressed that it was not easy to work on the project and had to learn the technological text. And Aglaya Tarasova, to be convincing in the frame, revised the films of that era.

10. The series "Bomb" came to the list of expected premier. The project rating was 93%.

Series "Bomb" - Trailer:

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