Faramir (character) - Photo, "Lord of the Rings", Eovin, Boromir, Actor, David Wenam


Character History

Faramir - Captain, and then governor of Gondora, Prince Itilyan and Vladyka Emin Arnena. The younger son of Denetor II was in disfavor of his father, who first sent a squancement for a deadly battle, and after he tried to burn alive.

History of character creation

John Tolkin, working on writing the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", appealed to mythology. To a greater extent, the Ancient Kitchensky Artovsky Epos influenced him. Gandalf absorbed the bright features of the good wizard of Merlin. And Aragorn with the sword received from Elves is close on personal qualities to the very king arthur.

Faramir, according to some researchers, are similar to the prince of the prince. The Trojan people read him as God. He was not only a brave warrior, but also a man with a big soul and a noble spirit. Tolkien's hero also embodied all ideas about courage and courage. In addition, he did not need the sake of glory.

The name of the character name is rather curious. The root of "headlights" is literally translated as "suitable." And the end of the "world" is interpreted as a "treasure" or "diamond". The etymological analysis of the Word clearly shows the attitude of Denetra to the Son, which considered the "suitable treasure."

If you disassemble the name Boromir, then the root in this word means "faithful". In the plot of books, Gondor's governor preferred to the eldest son, Famira was considered insufficient and hard. Such a interpretation of the names ("suitable" and "faithful") and the relationship with Denetor II priorities is only an observation, John Tolkin himself did not comment on such coincidences.

The book was encountered critics approvingly. In Russia, the tolkinism boom fell at the end of the 20th century. And in the early 2000s, after the release of the filmmaker, the whole world learned about the "Lord of the Rings". The picture received many awards, becoming the most successful commercial project of its time.

Image and biography of Famira

Father Famira, Denetor, was a powerful person, and from the moment of death, the wife of Finduilas became even colder. When a woman died, the boy was 5 years old. Boromir looked at the younger brother, and there was no rivalry in their relationship.

The brothers are similar to each other - high growth, wide shoulders, gray eyes, black hair color. But in terms of the nature since childhood there were discrepancies. Faramir was much softer and kinder, closer to ordinary people.

The child willingly traded and fasted a military business. But besides, it was vividly interested in science and spent a lot of time for reading the ancient manuscripts of Minas Tirite. Soon he met Gandalf. The magician told the new friend about Isilloura and Saurone.

Gondor's governor did not like the sovereign with Gandalf, in personal conversations with Farramir he asked him to pay attention to her older brother and be as he. But the young man was much closer there were legends and songs than "feats for the feet."

The reader first finds out about the character when he meets Sam and Frodo. At that time, Boromir, who consisted in the brotherhood of the ring, has already died. It greatly influenced Denetra, who lost the main hope and pride.

From the story of Frodo, Captain Gondora concludes about the mission of the Hobbits. He misses half amenities further and even gives them permission to be in these lands during the year. Also, a man orders to supply travelers to provisions and water.

In the battle with Nazgulov, the commander of the detachment was seriously injured. Imrachil, uncle of the brave warrior, transported him to Minaas Tyrit and gave his father. Denetor commanded to transfer the body of the son in the White Tower.

At this time, the Sauron's army has already surrounded the city and organized arson. Gondora's governor regretted that he did not have time to bless the Famira before the battle. He gave his people a strange order - folded the funeral fire in the tomb.

This was recognized by Pippin, who gave an oath of loyalty to the governor. He rushed for help, realizing that the captain could burn alive. Bereurust came to the face, which until the latter did not allow the governor's governors to wait for torches.

Pippin managed to bring Gandalf, and at the same time the warrior woke up, with a zowa of his father. The magician raised an exhausted captain, but Denetor tried to return the Famira back to the fire. I realized that he could not succeed, set himself in his eyes in his eyes.

A severe man was transferred to the chamber of healing. Aragorn, having examined him, noticed that the state of the warrior was caused by a non-poisoned arrow, but by morally decline and the effects of black breathing by Nazgul.

After Aragorn cured Famira, he woke up and admitted to the Savior King. While walking around the garden, Goreds saw in the wards of Heovin's healer.

After some time, the man fell in love with the Rokhan Princess. He confessed to the feelings, and Ehovin also realized that Faramir became her close. The wedding did not make himself wait for a long time, and soon the niece of the king Theoden became the legitimate wife of the governor of the gondeta.

Spouses settled in Emin Arnene. Soon the heir appeared to the world - the son of Elboron, who after the death of the Great Father inherited his title.

Faramir in films

Orlando Bloom and Itan Hawk were trying to the role of the famous gondoant. However, the decisive factor in the choice of actor was the question of similarity in appearance with Sean Binom (playing Boromir in the picture).

As a result, the role was given to David Wenam, the Australian performer, whose filmography by that time barely exceeded a dozen paintings.

The young actor, however, managed to demonstrate the role of brave warrior, not deprived of honor and kindness of the soul. In the film from the artist, the hair color is much lighter than in the book. Of course, the full conformity of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" can not be, and yet Peter Jackson sought it.

As for the role of Famira, the image of Kinogeryman became a worthy embodiment of the literary prototype. Eyes sparkled with decisiveness when Gendorec in the armor and helmet was bravely rushed to the right death on the orders of his father. And the moments of rapprochement with Eovin became one of the most beautiful pictures in the script.

The best personality character describes Pippin quotes:

"It was the leader, followed by people, even go to the shadow of black wings."

Interesting Facts

  • The younger son of Denetor lived 120 years.
  • Between the biography of the hero in the book and the film there is a small difference. In Tolkina, the warrior is wounded during the retreat from the osgiliata. Peter Jackson - in attempts to win the city.
  • Faramir in the scene, where he rises a ring, played by a professional fencer. David Wenam himself was afraid to hurt his colleague Elaju Wood.


"Praise from the fall of the one who deserves praise, the highest award." "I love the sword not for the fact that he is sharp, and the arrow is not for her flight, but warrior is not for the power. I love them for protecting our homeland: her beauty, antiquity and wisdom. "There are dangers from which you can only run, and it will not be cowardice." .


  • 1954 - "The Lord of the Rings"


  • 2002 - "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses"
  • 2003 - "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"

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