Harold Shipman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Serial Killer



Harold Shipman is the only doctor in the history of Great Britain, recognized as guilty of killing his patients. Without a pronounced motive, he took the lives of older women, introducing Morphine. In the culture, the maniac received the nickname "Doctor Death". It is considered the most "prolific" shredding in the world: 15 people were accused of heraway at the court, and the total number of victims is supposed to be 250.

Childhood and youth

Harold Frederick Shipman was born on January 14, 1946 in the British estate of Bestwood in Nottingham. He is a middle child of pious Methodists of Faith Brittan and his full father-father, who worked as a truck driver.

In the youth, Shipman was addicted to the sport. He was the vice-captain of the team High Pavement Grammar School on athletics, well played rugby. Perhaps the biography of Dr. Death went through a peaceful way if not a tragic event.

From an early age, the mother was for the boy the closest man. In the late 1950s, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. From day to day, the young man watched the Woman's hotly beloved to them fades them. Morphine injections helped to cope with pain. But forever live on opiate Vera Brittan could not. Her death, coming on June 21, 1963, was deep injured Harold.

In memory of the mother, Dr. Death decided to devote himself not to sports, but medicine. He wanted to save (or, at least facilitate torment), such as Vera Brittan, - dying, seriously ill.

Shipman has never had learning problems, the final exams he passed on excellent, so the Lida School of Medicine took it with open arms. In 1970, Dr. Death received a diploma of a general practice.

Personal life

On November 5, 1966, the man's wife began to Primrose Mei Okstobi. Like the parents of Dr. Death, she followed the commandments of the Methodist Church.

Protestantism, like any religion, considers sexual relations before marriage sinful. Therefore, when Primrose Mei Okstobi learned about pregnancy, Shipman led her to the registry office. The wedding was formal, passed without a wedding dress and rings.

On February 14, 1967, the firstborn of Harold and Primrose - Sarah Roszreni appeared. After her, other children were born: Christopher Frederick (1971), David (1979) and Sam (1982).

The murders who made Shimpan did not affect personal life. Otherwise, not to explain the fact that the spouse believed in the innocence of her husband even after the court proved the opposite.

When the offender was put in prison, Primrose Mei Okstobi and her children changed personalities to avoid public censure.


Some time after the end of the Lida school, Medicine Harold worked at the West Riding-Yorkshire Hospital, and in 1974 it settled in the Medical Center Abraham Ormerod, which is located in Todordenin County West Yorkshire.

And the years did not go like Harold Shipman caught on the fake recipes: he wrote down Petidin to many patients, and then left the drug to himself. Simply put, Dr. Death fell on opiates, became a drug addict.

Shipman committed a serious professional crime, but remained at his medical license. His apology in front of the center of Abraham Ormerod was limited to a fine of £ 600. Probably, the reason for such a gentle punishment lies in the fact that the doctor voluntarily passed the rehabilitation.

In 1977, healing from narcotic dependence, Harold Shipman settled the therapist to the DonneyBrook Medical Center in Heide - the town near Manchester.

Shipman in Heide knew as an experienced doctor who could determine the diagnosis and appoint effective treatment. Colleagues, friends, close-friendly deaths trusted him to the lives of relatives. The killer was characterized as a good-natured, open person - this can be noted even by photographs. Impeccable reputation over time ensured the therapist an extensive network of patients (more precisely, potential victims) - more than 3 thousand people.

In 1993, Harold opened his own office. The court above the doctor remained 6 years.

In March 1998, Linda Reynolds, an employee of the Donneybrook Medical Center, told the familiar coronor about high mortality among patients of the doctor. Confused the woman and the fact that almost all the dead were cremated. The question was brought to the attention of the police.

The police failed to assemble the evidence necessary for the arrest of Shimpan, and on April 17, 1998, the case was closed. According to Richard Enriches - the prosecutor, thanks to which Dr. Death came to prison later, - while the incompetent officers after the sleeves have studied the Reynolds information provided by Linda, the drug addict killed three more.

In June 1998, Taxi driver John Show turned to the police. He often brought Harold to patients and could not not pay attention to the pattern with which they were dying. According to John Show, Dr. Death killed at least 21 people.

On June 24, 1998, Kathleen Grandi died from old age - so it was indicated in the death certificate filled with her Shipman's hand. And this crime would be able to hide if not sharply awakened the greed of the Doctor Death.

According to the testament Kathlin Grande, £ 386 thousand. It was supposed to leave the "excellent doctor Harold Shipman." The document was drawn up with errors, a non-solid hand, as if writing suffering from Alzheimer's disease. This fact drew the daughter of the deceased Angela Woodraff. She reported the police that Kathleen Grande signs of dementia did not show out and knew English perfectly well.

Usually, the families of the victims of the doctor agreed to its urgent requests to cremate the body, but not in this case. An exhumation took place. The inspection revealed the true cause of the death of Kathlelin Grande is a high content of Derimfin (simply speaking, heroin) in the blood.

When the circumstances discovered before Shipman, he stated that Kathleen Grande was a drug addict. On September 7, 1998, Dr. Death was arrested, and on October 5, 1999, the court began.

The psychological portrait of a former physician does not indicate the motive of crimes committed. Dr. Death did not take money or jewelry, did not defile the corpses. Psychiatrists Opinion: the serial killer wanted to feel omnipotent. He took his life at his own desire and admired himself.

Harold Shipman was condemned for the murder of 15 older women and forgetting the will. He was given 15 lifetimes.


On January 13, 2004, on the eve of the 58th birthday, the prisoner was discovered hanged in the wakefield prison cell. As a rope, the killer used sheets. He never confessed to crimes.

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