The series "Nastya, Gather!" (2020): Release date, Actors, Roles, Kinopoisk HD


On the autumn of the film "Movie" Kinopoisk HD "in the fall of 2020, the new comedic project is subscribed to the new comedy project - the TV series" Nastya, Gather! ", Which is released on November. Konstantin Mayer, familiar TV viewers on "Fizruku", were made by the show, a couple with Sergey Cornichene, who worked on "Lucky". On the summary of a multi-sieuled film associated with it curious facts, as well as the actors who performed the main roles are in the material 24cm.


Life, according to the assurances of sages, is an infinite alternation of white and black stripes. But sometimes the number of concrete broods of the concrete person is so great that the impression is created, as if the highest strength turned away from this representative of the human clan. And there will be no more alternation - only a solid depressive black background. Then not to fall into despair, it remains only to believe in yourself.

To such a decision came and suddenly found the heroine of the story that the series "Nastya, gather!". People who trusted and on which hoped, betrayed either turned away. And the work that brought a lot of pleasure is lost due to the will of the capricious client. And in order to get support and get rid of uncertainty, the girl remains only to look inside ... and reconcile all living there, like any lady, contradictory essences.

Actors and roles

In the series, the main roles performed the following actors:

Lyubov Aksenova - Anastasia, a successful 29-year-old woman who worked in a successful company as an architect designer. The case is appreciated and loves his heroine, and her talent in the profession is in demand by customers. But because of one client, it turned out to be relevant to representatives of weak gender, Nastya suddenly remains without adorable work. Yes, in addition, it turns out that her beloved changes with the best friend.

It is not possible to turn to the mother - that suddenly stops to climb her daughter, leaving the last solve problems independently. Support as a result of the heroine begins to look inside himself - where the five of its contradictory sucks live. But to help the hostess, the colors of the inner "I" need to first be with each other. And it is hard - to make a small-scale schoolgirl get out, a scrolling housewife, a lady-vamp, an activist feminist and a lady-boss.

Julia Aug - the mother of the main character, habitually managed to take care of his own habit, climbing with the unreasonable advice, boring his native daughter. But at that time, when Anastasia was really required in the difficult life situation, the help of a native person, Mom "Generously" decided to leave the last alone with its problems. What made a young woman look for ways to get rid of their own insecurity within himself.

In the images of the components of a single internal "I" of the main heroine of sublipses, the following actresses will be presented in front of the audience: Margarita Abroskin, Svetlana Kamynina, Ekaterina Strogov, Vera Strokov and Alina Alekseeva.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the comedy TV show was the vera Smolina, for which the TV series "Nastya, gather!" He became a debut project in a full-meter format. Prior to that, only the short film "Parade Planets" was listed over the shoulders of the film-cinematographer - the half-day comedy melodrama was presented to the general public in 2018 within the framework of the show at all kinds of international film festivals.

2. The creators of the project argue that the series "Nastya, Gather!" - This is not only a story about growing and becoming a person. But an attempt to look into the soul of a person to demonstrate in the comical form to demonstrate on the example of the main character, as in each conflicting the faces of the character forming an internal "I", helping to make important life decisions.

3. Even before the series "Nastya, gather!" The service "Kinopoisk HD", film critics saw in the project a number of moments relating to a new domestic product with the British comedy show "Flibug". First of all, it was mentioned about the similarity of the names of the characters proposed in them and proposed by the viewer. Although about copying or significant borrowing, of course, speeches did not.

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