Tina Kandelaki: biography, personal life, 2020, husband, "smartest", children, match TV


The owner of his own brand cosmetics and the general producer of the channel "Match TV", a popular TV presenter and a meticulous journalist. It knows as a personality multifaceted, affecting not only the speed of his own speech or causing admiration for beauty that continues to flourished over the years. On November 10, 2020 celebrated its 45th anniversary of Tina Kandelaki. On entertaining facts from the personal life and the labor biography of celebrities - in the material 24cm.

1. Thanks to the ancient poet

His name, in reality, sounding like Tinatin, Tina Kandelaki received thanks to the love of his own parents to the National Folklore. Dad and Mom decided to call the newborn girl in honor of the heroine of the poem Shota Rustaveli "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure", distinguished by a rare intelligence and amazing beauty.

2. His way

Initially, Tina Kandelaki's career plans built at all in the field of journalism. After graduation, the girl went to study on a plastic surgeon - the choice was explained by the profession of a mother who worked as a doctor. However, soon the future leading TV shows "the smartest", which used throughout the existence of a great popularity in the audience, concluded that the chosen direction of activity was far from its sphere of interest.

The decision to change the place of training did not make himself wait - coming delight from the poetry of the famous Joseph Brodsky Kandelaki chose to choose a more creative profession. And he entered the faculty of journalism in the Tbilisi State University.

3. Dad's hopes nourish

Even during his studies at the Tina Institute, I tried to break through into television, for which I attended all sorts of castings, conducted by local channels. And once faced a difficult task: Kandelaki was ready to take the position of leading on one of the regional channels, but could not because the girl practically did not know the Georgian language. Which, in theory, should have been native for her.

Then Tina managed to agree and take a delay at three months - during this time the future celebrity pledged to learn the Georgian - both oral and written - perfectly. With the task of Kandelaki brilliantly coped. True, the first ether has failed. The fact of his own father, who continued to feed the hope that his daughter was drawing and would be in normal operation - in the field of medicine.

By the way, at that time, while the charming TV presenter was mastered with the tongue, the texts to Efira were provided in a specific form - in them the pronunciation of Georgian words was written in Russian.

4. Not in vain believed

In order to move to the Russian capital and pass the advanced training courses for radio workers and television, the amount of the Tina family was needed. Then the girl managed to convince the parents in the need to sell an apartment, promising that in the shortest possible time to transport them to Russia. Father and mother agreed with the proposal of the daughter, who managed to cope with their obligations.

5. Useful speed

The habit of speaking extremely fast, which often became the reason for the appearance of both all sorts of jokes and parody numbers of humorists, Tina Kandelaki appeared in childhood. The general producer of "Match TV", grew up in a Russian-speaking environment and attending Russian school, argues that in such a way he tried to get rid of the characteristic Caucasian accent.

6. To be an example

Own canals in Twitter, "Instagram" and other social networks Tina Kandelaki calls part of its own style, which gives you the opportunity to explain to fans, how to organize your life. In an interview with various editions, TV presenter has repeatedly argued that simple placement of various comments and photos without a certain goal considers meaningless. Although the understanding of this, admitted, did not come immediately.

7. On love and relationships

With the first husband who became an entrepreneur and owner of his own dental clinic Andrei Kondrahin, Tina introduced Stanislav Sadalsky. Which, according to the confidence of the TV presenter, and paid for young, then did not have enough money, the wedding. Two children were born in marriage: the daughter of Melania and the son of Leontius.

After parting with the spouse in 2010, Kandelaki was not free to be free - in 2014 the journalist married Vasily Brovko, the founder of the Holding "Apostle". In this union, joint children has not yet appeared. Kandelaki itself argues that to solve the problem that has arisen is ready to even agree to surrogate motherhood. But still hopes that it will be able to become pregnant from the beloved naturally.

Tina Kandelaki argued that he had been able to become the subject of the romantic interest of the famous Bruce Willis. Allegedly "strong nut", who had a journalist interviewed, offered a charming interlocutor to go along with him in the United States.

But in memory of another love relationship, which Tina Kandelaki, striving to save the family from destruction, was in no hurry to advertise for several years (with the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov), celebrities got a resembling a treble tattoo key on her hand. So the TV presenter hid the burns left after the accident, in which she got along with her lover.

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