Alexey Adshev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Ocolnichy, Andrey Kurbsky



Alexey Adashev was an approximate Russian king Ivan the Terrible, the keeper of the personal archive and the owner of the press for "secret cases." In the rank of governor and the Ocolnic man became an indispensable adviser, but preserved the privileged position before the end of the life failed.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of Alexey Adashev, who originated from the genus Olgovy, researchers of the history of the Russian state is not known almost anything. His ancestors from the Kostroma region owned extensive rural patrimony and, judging by the preserved testimonies, did not miss their own.

Father, distinguished by significant abilities, in his youth consisted of royal service and, most likely, was an approximate lord in the area of ​​the 1500s. The mother of the future of the governor, as an ordinary Russian woman, brought up children who appeared in marriage, and watched the state of home bills.

In adolescence, Alesha and Brother Daniel, later participating in the Kazan campaign, with the help of an influential parent, received a place at the court. The young men be friends with Prince Ivan, the Senior Son of Vasily III, and often spent time in the wards or summer tent.

Apparently, this circumstance contributed to the fact that in the future, Adshev performed the responsibility of a false at the wedding of the sovereign with the first wife. He segained the newlywedbird to the bath and chalned the wedding bed, that according to the customs of the centuries was considered a traditional folk game.

After the conclusion of the official Union with Anastasia, Romanovna Zakharian-Yurieva Ivan closer to Alexey as an adviser on important matters. In the summer of 1547, a young man without the title of nobleman entered the sovereign service and joined the highest circles.

Personal life

Adashev, boyar by birth, carefully took care of his personal life and with the consent of the ancestors played a wedding with a noble rich prince. Anastasia Satina, a representative of the famous dynasty of Moscow Rurikovich, who became married and became a devoteed wife.

The beauty of Slavic nationality participated in the marriage of the sovereign and, apparently, helped the bride in the tedious fees to the crown. Together with his spouse and his loved ones, a woman achieved a high position and, according to a number of researchers, also had access to the palace.

Over time, the family of the approximate Russian king Ivan Grozny was replenished with daughter Anna Alekseevna, who became the only one of the children. She, inherited the beauty of the mother, married a nobleman and lived with a member of a compeble family.

In early 1561, Ivan destroyed the order of Adashev, a spouse and one-barred brother Daniel died from the hands of the arms. It was believed that the sad fate was avoided by the heirs of the rally, but no one confirmed this information and verbally.

Public service

After a series of terrible fires, divorced Moscow farms, as well as the confused of their instratchors who belonged to noble childbirth, Ivan IV, who came to power, changed the course of Russian history, contacting the support of non-financial, but bright minds.

Alexey Adashev with Pop Sylvester fell into the royal environment and in the blink of an eye found himself at a privileged post. A man had legitimate powers for the leadership of the elected Rada and the convening of the Zemstvo Cathedral in 1550.

Ivan's adviser became the initiator of a number of reforms in the Russian state, so in the domestic history he was awarded a special chapter. As the Tsarskoy Ocolniche, boyar developed the stamp and the judiciary, which became the basis for weaving the political canvas.

In 1552, when Kazan takes place, Adashev participated in the talks with Shig-Alya, the Tatar king. Subsequent diplomatic instructions on the lands of Poland and Livonia forced the statesman for a long time to leave the house.

In the absence of Alexey, enemies and enviouss, under the leadership of the relatives of Queen Anastasia, decided to get rid of the governor and expel it from the palace. The fertile soil for the beginning of the conspiracy was the disease of Ivan Grozny, forced to take care of the heir in anticipation of the tragic end.

The ruler demanded that the subjects commemorated with loyalty to the infant Dmitry, but Prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky unexpectedly presented the rights to the throne. When the boyars and the courtiers supported the senior challenger, Adashev, as a man loyal sovereign, was angry.

Fortunately, Ivan IV recovered, and Alexey returned to the service, where he had a number of like-minded people from among noble people. Among them were Andrei Kurbsky, Peter Shuisky and Semyon Mikulinsky, as well as other representatives of boyars and prince families.

In the 1560s, when the war began in Livonia, the Tsarsky Ocolnichesky with the consent of the sovereign left the palace and Moscow. The conspirators from the genus Romanov took advantage of the established circumstances, and soon their desires came true.

Ivan the Terrible, who survived the death of a potential heir, turned away from Alexey to learn his wife. A devotee, since childhood a friend, the king decided to exile, and Adshev turned out to be in Estonia, far beyond the native country.

Pop Sylvester, a former compathereer and a follower of the rally, was concluded in the monastic walls, where the future Metropolitan Philip owned. Thus, the Russian ruler made a tragic mistake, considering that it destroys a painful hazardous polyp.


In the early 1560s, the people of the Tsar arrested Adashev and put it down from Russian borders. The man learned that numerous relatives, spouse Anastasia and the daughter of Anna because of the persecution and persecutions lost their property to the last grains.

Over time, he learned about the execution of relatives on the orders of Ivan IV, which caused a storm of anger to the cruel king. The prisoner of the Baltic fortress was reflected about what happened, feeling a disintegrating sinner in the pot of the cave monastery.

Ocolnichesky did not cope with the experiences of the sad fate of close and a month after what had happened to health and fell ill. Death due to nervous exhaustion At the beginning of 1561, the former royal approximately perceived as the best ship.

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