Homeshnik (character) - photo, pictures, film, bugmen, "Dream keepers"


Character History

Homeshnik - Cartoon Character "Dreams". The gloomy villainas became the cause of children's nightmares, creating the horror of the black sand. With regard to this Antiger, another name is used - a bugman. And the roots of the origin of the legend about the spirit is initially leading to the Old Slavic legend.

History of character creation

In mythology, such a nickname serves as a common name for unclean. The etymological analysis of the word indicates relationship with such a concept as "blood pressure". It inhabits sinful souls, devils and other supporters of dark forces.

A deep analysis shows more words such as "edge", "edge". Thus, therchshniki include not only unclean spirits, but also the creatures that the following definitions apply: "located on the edge", "other", "outside the limit."

In the folklore of the ancient Slavs, a legend of the family consisted of malicious spirits, which settled in homes. It was distinguished by three mythological characters - logic, lucanki and sloping.

Subsequently, these entities began to be associated with beech, and later they were embodied in a rather young budget.

According to legend, the Bugmen can treat a person or animal. This is a monster who scared babies due to bad behavior. It was believed that he was hiding under the bed and got out from there only in complete darkness. This characteristic brings closer to the villain of Misty Albion and North America with a beech known in Russia.

Anyway, the bugmen and therchshnik exchanged with the characteristics exchanged. Today, the latter is considered to be the king of nightmares, an unclean spirit who satisfy horrors, or a feature that can drag the victim to the "most edge".

If you contact the dictionary of Vladimir Daly, then it is curious to see that the word Homeshnik is identified with the scram. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible phenomenon of the oprichnin marked a terrible page in history.

They brutally killed those who considered the threat to the state and the king, seeking to kill not only the body, but also the soul. Oprints destroyed whole areas, guided as if the good goal. Great Russian writers in their works called these people Homeshniki.

The word scrapper comes from the ancient Russian "Occupic", which means "except". A similar origin can be traced at the concept of Homeshnik. However, in Christianity, it also acquires natural philosophical meaning.

In religion, synonym for hell - "Darkness Pitch". In Russia, under the term, he understood the essence of evil, non-existence in which there is nothing material, human and light. Accordingly, the hodshiki began to call those who experienced hatred to the world. And they personified them with the physical manifestation of absolute evil.

The image and biography of Homeshnik

In Slavic mythology, special attention was paid to the unclean. People in ancient times were confident that every corner on Earth is endowed with spirits. For interaction with each of the characters of the other world, a scenario was developed - what actions to take not to become a victim or get rid of the nesting entity.

Homeshniki lived only in homes, truth and untrue trying to worsen the relationship between relatives. The whole family of dark spirits - Pope, Mom Lukanka and a child of undepers - seeks only to one: to dragose someone from households for the edge of human life. And we are not talking about actually death, but about vices - gambling, abuse of alcohol and other excesses.

The name Lukanka comes from the word "crazy." The broth's wife is responsible for vicious passions, personifies the rapidly destroying colorful lie. Unknobrik - a decent son of his parents, is anger and irritation. Sometimes he draws an animal or even a man, approaching drunken people in this form.

It was believed that if this family of unclean spirits settles in the house, drunkenness, love for gambling, scandals are justified there. And get rid of such a neighborhood, according to beliefs, you can only contact the Savark.

Ground in books and films

Mythological characters tend to reincarnate in the characters of fairy tales, children's films and even horrors. There is a huge amount of encyclopedia, the pages of which are the incredible work of the Folklore researchers.

Homeshnik is one of the most small figures in the culture of figures, because his biography and even appearance do not have any specific outlines. However, today, this entity under the larvae of Bugmen was at the peak of popularity thanks to modern literature and cinema.

A new life in the character inhaled William Joyce, American writer. The author of a whole cycle of fantastic books spoke not only about such famous personalities as Santa Claus, a tooth fairy and Easter bunny, but also about less "promoted" heroes of legends.

Homeshnik appeared on large screens in 2012. Peter Ramsey took up the screening of a series of Taken by William Joyce and soon released a full-length cartoon "Keepers of dreams".

The main antagonist of the picture was the incarnation of horror and nightmares familiar to everyone since childhood. The terrible spirit voiced American actor Jude Low.

The appearance of the kinherman is strongly reminded by the vampire image. He is high in growth, stored, wears a black mantle. Only golden yellow eyes are highlighted in his appearance. Brilliant hair is united in front, and behind the back to the side, as if spikes.

The king of nightmares does not please when parents tell children that it does not exist. And he is terribly unhappy if the child ceases to be afraid. Therefore, the characters are greatly envied, which consist in the list of "pets", such as Santa Claus or Easter bunny.

Homeshnik decides to destroy the children's faith in them. A skillful manipulator knows how to play the fate and minds of others, so he does not make it difficult to knock off the main trump card keepers - Ice Jack (Jack Frost).

Also, the villain curls a sandplash, turning it into a tool for the formation of fear and horror in dreams. The kids began to forget the good wizards, which loosely weakened the keepers.

But the good intention and dedication of Jack led to the fact that the nightmares were sent by the monster began to turn into good dreams. With each moment of the strength of the keepers increased. At the end of the cartoon on the main antagonist, his own horrors attacked and took it into their lair.

Interesting Facts

  • Fans express the opinion that the appearance of the cartooner was written off from Edward Cullen from the Saga "Twilight". He also has a stylish hairstyle and shadow under the eyes.
  • The angular face and the pale skin of the villain in the cartoon "Guardians of dreams" resembles the appearance of Aida from "Hercules".
  • When Jude Low on Casting read the character quotes, the director was delighted. Subsequently, Peter Ramsi argued that Jude has a "velvet touch of Homeshnik."


"It is impossible to get used to fear." "Look how much we can do together! What is more suitable for each other than cold and darkness?! We will make children believe in us. "" You can not get rid of you! Never! And fear will always be! "


  • 2011 - The Man in The Moon
  • 2012 - The Sandman: The Story of Sanderson MANSNOOZIE
  • 2012 - Rise of the Guardians: Movie Novelization
  • 2015 - Jack Frost: The Guardians of Childhood


  • 2012 - "Dream Keepers"

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