Stars who have escaped children to extreme: 2020, Russian, Hollywood


The popularity of extremal sports has recently increased many times and in 2020 continues to grow in geometric progression. Instead of a relaxing holiday on the beach, more and more men and women give preference to classes that "tickle the nerves" and give a tide of adrenaline. In pursuit of sharp sensations, people are mastering dangerous hobbies, risking health and even life.

Among Russian and Hollywood celebrities there are even those who bring to these classes and their young children. The editorship of 24cmi amounted to a selection of stars who escaped children to extreme.

1. Philip Kirkorov

The "King of the Russian Pop Estrada" Philip Kirkorov opens a selection of stars who escaped children to extreme. Martin and Alla Victoria under the persistent leadership of the star father took up the Weixsurfing - skating on a special board, which moves along the water by towing ship. This famous artist told subscribers on his page in "Instagram" in November 2020. "For those who do not see that life is driving, just need to jump back! And we, as always, received hundreds of adrenaline injections on vacation and ready for new tops, "signed a series of pictures from the rest of Kirkorov.

2. Timati

The daughter of the famous rapper Timati Alisa Yunusov has mastered swimming and surfing from an early age. Subscribers in "Instagram" were surprised and admired the achievements of the famous girl, commenting on the video where Alice makes the first steps in dangerous sport. At 5 years of age, Alice confidently stood on the board and rode on the waves on their own, without the help of his father. However, later, the young lady made a choice in favor of more "female" hobby - ballet. The girl is seriously engaged in dancing and dreams of achieving success in this direction.

3. Angelina Jolie.

The honorable place in the selection of overseas stars who escaped children to extreme is occupied by the famous actress and model Angelina Jolie. The adopted son of Hollywood celebrities, Maddox has mastered piloting at the age of 10, following the example of parents, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, which can boast of excellent air transportation skills. The guy admits that since childhood he loves the sky and was delighted when he first found himself in the cockpit, where Mom led him. Having achieved majority, celebrity heirs plans to obtain pilot rights.

4. Olga Shelest.

The well-known Russian actress and TV presenter Olga Shelest itself is fond of extreme sports and from an early age comes to "dangerous" entertainment of their children. The eldest daughter Musy celebrity decided to put on a snowboard in a completely gentle age - 1.2 years, and at 3 years old, the girl was already able to descend from the mountain.

Later to the extreme of the actress decided to enjoy the younger Iris, putting it on the board in 1 year and 5 months. Of course, we are not talking about serious and long exercises, rather it is just a fun pastime. Olga and her spouse Alexei Tishkin try to regularly be on vacation in the mountains and believe that children should be able to make their parents. Celebrity daughters are also swimming and lead an active lifestyle in the example of parents.

5. Agnia Ditkovskite

Russian actress Agnia Ditkovsky also fell into a selection of stars who escaped children to extreme. Fedor's Son, who was born from a movie star in marriage with Alexey Chadov, skateboard trains a professional coach. In August 2020, Agnia Ditkovskite with pride posted on his page in "Instagram" a video, where the heir demonstrates the first achievements in the danger of sports. Fedor confidently keeps on the board and even performs tricks. Subscribers rated the talent of the boy and admired his successes.

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