Philip II (Philip Kolychev) - Photo, Biography, Life, Cause of death, Metropolitan Moscow



Philip II became a sign person in Russian history. Being a bishop of the Russian Church, the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, he condemned the Okrichnin at Ivan Grozny, considering it unacceptable in the respects of the king. During his life, a man managed to make a lot of good deeds than he deserved fame and honor among the people.

Childhood and youth

About childhood in the biography of St. Saint is known. At birth on February 11, 1507, he was named Fedor Stepanovich Kolychev. Boy's parents belonged to the old boyars.

Mother taught her son to be in Christian's pious. The child learned a diploma on the Holy Scriptures, and also knew how to deal with weapons, ride. But from Early years, the matters experienced cravings not to military skills, but to prayers and reading books.

Under 30, Fyodor Stepanovich served at the courtyard of Prince Vasily III. In 1537, people from the genus of a young man were supported by Andrei Staritsky, who raised a riot in Novgorod against Elena Glinsky, the mother of the future king Ivan the Terrible. The persecution began on Kolychev, many were executed. To avoid death, Fedor secretly left the capital.

Ministry and feat

After Moscow, the man reached the Solovetsky Monastery, where he became a novice. Boyar is on a par with other cut firewood, digging the earth. After 1.5 years, Alexy's Igumen Tesh Fedor to the monks, giving the name Philip. As a spiritual mentor, an old man of Ion Chamine was performed. In 1548, Alexy refused San because of the old age and called the successor of Philip.

After the election of a new igumen of the Solovetsky monastery Kolychev improved a lot in the life of the community. So, under his leadership, structures were built for economic and industrial needs, the mills, the Uspensky and Transfiguration Cathedrals were erected. For the monks made new cells and hospital. In addition, the bells began to use the bells.

Also Philip suffered into the Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the relics of Saints Zosima and Savvatiya. The living icons of each of the wonderworkers were written, and the king Ivan Grozny sent 2 posts on their crayfish. Hegumen was often removed from the monastery to the desert to pray. There is a legend that one day there was the Savior in the Tern Crown. At the site of the meeting, a spring arose, over which Kolychev was later set the chapel.

During the period of finding a man in the status of the rector, the number of donations for the monastery has increased. Thus, Ivan IV presented a large number of land, allowed Salt's duty-free trade. Sent here and precious church utensils. In 1551, Philip participated in the fellow cathedral, where he received a luxurious church vestival from the king.

The time of election of the Moscow Metropolitan was suitable. By the time the chief applicant in place, Archbishop Herman, got into the opal of Grozny, because I did not agree with the politics of the king. In 1566, Ivan IV called Philip Kolychev to Moscow and suggested accepting San.

He said that he would agree to this only after the destruction of Okrichnina. The king was not going to go on concessions to the igumen, and his approximate managed to persuade Fyodor Stepanovich to give way to the ruler.

In the new status, a man sought to imitate the image of Metropolitan Makaria, who walked Grozny to the kingdom. In submission of Philip, there was not only the Moscow Diocese, but also the Russian Church. The time of his ministry was noted by a decrease in the number of executions in the capital, as well as the development of typography. The situation has changed in 1568, at the end of the 1st Livonian campaign.

From the side of the king, a new wave of terror began, mass executions went. The events led to the aggravation of the conflict between the Terrible and Russian clergy. Kolychev continued to adhere to the opinion of the inadmissibility of the existence of an oprichnin. After one of Liturgy Ivan IV, coming to worship, asked the Philip of Blessings. He pretended to not notice the ruler. This act of Metropolitan caused the wrath of the king.

The next day, many of the environments of Kolychev were executed, torture was arranged in order to achieve recognition about the "insidious" plans of the head of the Russian Church against the Terrible. Fyodor Stepanovich left the capital. Soon the Commission arrived in the Solovetsky monastery to collect "accusatory" documents against the former Hegumen.

On November 8, 1568, during the ministry of Fedor Stepanovich in the Kremlin Temple of Assumption Fedor Basmanov announced the deprivation of Metropolitan Sana. A church court took place over Philip. According to the results of the meeting, a man was placed under arrest to the Epiphany Monastery. Written sources are preserved, indicating that Grozny wanted to burn Kolychev. Most likely, the clergy was accused of witchcraft.

However, representatives of the clergy persuaded the ruler. A few days later, the old man was brought to Moscow for the announcement of the final sentence - eternal conclusion. The place of temporary imprisonment was the monastery of Nikola Old.


Later, Philip was exiled in the Tver Ored Assumption Monastery. In 1569, Ivan IV began to prepare for the Novgorod campaign. For the blessing of troops, the king sent to the concluded Malyutu Skuratov. According to some sources, the clergyman refused to fulfill the desire of the ruler, and the scramble strangled him.

The abbot of the monastery of the killer said that the old man died, as it was too hot in the cell. Historians converge that the murder of former Metropolitan was a secret indication of Grozny. Skuratov could not commit such atrocities on their own intent, and after to remain unpunished.


In 1591, many years after the death of Philip II, his power was buried in the Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Solovetsky Monastery. At the same time, the first live of the clergy appears, and the day of honor as the Holy is called January 9. In the spring of 1646 Tsar, Alexey Mikhailovich and Patriarch Joseph sent an emulsion to the abode with an order to move the relics of the former Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia in the cancer in proper closure.

In the 1650th Ivan Kolychev donated for the monastery of the cover on the Cancer of the relative. With the same purpose, the Pokrov was sent here, created in the workshop of Evdokia Streshneva. After 2 years, the king ordered the relics of the Holy in Moscow. Patriarch Nikon arrived during relics. At the request of local servants, he left a part of the relics in Solovki, the other profits with him to the capital.

Throughout the way, Messengers Alexei Mikhailovich stayed with cancer in the temples and with a large cluster of believers were prayers. In Moscow, on the occasion of the return of Nikon with precious "cargo", a congestion was arranged. In July 1952, cancer posted in the Assumption Cathedral. Above the tomb placed an icon with Deesus.

Philip II in Culture

The image of the Saint of Moscow was repeatedly mentioned in culture. So, in the text of the novel, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy Prince Silver, the song tells the song telling about the murder of Philip Malya Skuratov. Yury Nagina "Trip to Islands" introduces readers with the last years of the life of Fyodor Stepanovich in the status of the monastery, before he became Metropolitan.

The personality of Kolychev was reflected in cinema. The image of Metropolitan appears in the film 1944 "Ivan Grozny" director Sergei Eisenstein. The picture of Pavel Lungin "Tsar" tells about the confrontation of the clergy and the Russian ruler. The image of saint and painting appears. For example, in the pictures of Nikolai Nereva, Alexander Litovchenko.

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