Famous men who have become widows: 2020, Russian, Hollywood, reasons


Life often hurts. In this sense, the loss of a loved one is considered grief, and the ability to engage in creativity and arrange a personal life after loss compared with a mental feet. Famous men who have become widows, but managed to go back to life, - in the material 24cm.

1. Vyacheslav Malafeev

Marina and Vyacheslav Malaffeyev's spouses were often compared with a couple of beheads. The couple brought up two children, and Marina built ambitious plans for the future: engaged in promoting the M-16 duo and managed beauty salon.

On March 17, 2011, Marina did not cope with the control of the car, which at high speed crashed into a tree. From the damage gained, the woman died in place. After the death of the wife "Zenitovsky", the goalkeeper fell into depression, from which he saved his new love.

2. Liam Nison

British actor Liam Nison met Natasha Richardson's future wife in 1993. The spouses have two sons and weather.

In 2009, the actresses did not. The cause of the tragedy turned out to be a cranial and brain injury obtained on one of the descents of the ski resort in Quebec. Immediately after an unsuccessful fall, Natasha refused to help, and in an hour it became bad, and she was hospitalized.

When the husband came to the hospital, the spouse was already in a coma. Two days later, Nison turned off his wife from life support devices. The decision was made after the promise he gave once a beloved. After the death of Natasha, the actor remained in the status of a widow, focusing on a creative career.

3. Yuri Moroz

Famous men who became widows were able to once again be happy. Actor and director Yuri Moroz was happy in marriage with Marina Levty 20 years. However, in 2000, the life of beauty-actresses broke off as a result of an accident. Slowing on a snowmobile, Marina crashed into a tree and received a cranial and brain injury from which he died in the hospital.

3 years after the tragedy, the director married again. His chosen was the actress Victoria Isakov. Yuri Daria Moroz's daughter did not immediately take a stepmother. In 2015, Victoria gave birth to the daughter of Varvaru, who returned calm in the family.

4. John Travolta.

On July 13, 2020, it became known about the death of the spouse of John Travolta Kelly Preston. In marriage from Kelly, Hollywood actor lived for 30 years. Two years Woman secretly fought with breast cancer. Immediately after the tragedy, Travolta said he thinks to leave the profession and devote himself to his son Benjamin, who was 9 years old and her daughter Elle.

5. Vladimir Konkin

In 2010, the actor Vladimir Konkin remained a widow. In marriage with his wife Alla, the actor lived 39 years old. Recently, the actor in the program "The Fate of Man" was discounted and told that the beloved was shouted his nerves and hid information about the state of health. The fact that she remained to live for about a month, and the oncological disease reached the 4th stage, he found out by chance.

The last days of the wife of the spouse spent in the hospice. The woman weaker in his eyes, but urged to put the play "Husband, wife and a detective". Every day the actor visited the sick spouse and told her how rehearsals are held. After Alla's death, Vladimir Konkin said that only one queen was in his life and he would not look for another.

6. Konstantin Khabensky

In marriage with a journalist Anastasia, Smirnova, Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky lived for 9 years. The joyful news about the recharge in the family came simultaneously with the diagnosis of brain cancer at the future mother. Anastasia refused chemotherapy to not harm the child. In 2007, the son of Ivan was born. However, the state of the woman worsened.

She was sent for treatment to the American clinic. The new father worked for wear to save the beloved. In December 2008, a woman died. Konstantin focused on creativity and charitable activities. Only in 2013, he was able to build relationships with Olga Litvinova actress, who gave her husband two daughters.

7. Keanu Reeves

Hollywood actor Keanu Rivz came to the list of "Famous Men, who have become widows, which fell a lot of dramatic events in life. In 1998, Rivz meets actress Jennifer Saim, and a year later, the couple expects a girl. But, unfortunately, a week before the birth of Trombus blocked Utina, and the daughter was born dead.

Jennifer fell into depression and addicted to alcoholic beverages. And in 2001, a woman died in a car accident. Double tragedy handled the star. He walked out the eccentric, led a modest lifestyle and avoided noisy companies. In 2019, it became known that Reeves made an offer to Artist Alexandra Grant. Fans criticize the new choices of the actor, but he is so happy that he does not pay attention to the peres.

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