"Has anyone seen my girl?" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


Those who are closely familiar with cinema, it is known to shoot films on the books of the epistolar genre - the task is not from the lungs. Spectators such paintings often seem too boring and monotonous, unlike literary masterpieces, in which the reader is completely immersed.

The release date of the film "Has anyone seen my girl?", Shot on the autobiography of the wife of the famous film critic of the 90s, - November 12, 2020. Angelina Nikonova became the director of the dramatic tape. In the material 24cm - interesting facts about creating a picture, actors and roles.


The plot is based on the history of the acquaintance and relations of the famous film critic of Sergei Qossor and his wife Karina, who was his student. In the film, the heroine was given another name - Kira, and also changed the name of the characters to Dobrovolsky. In the bohemian St. Petersburg of the beginning of the 90s, they were considered a bright and beautiful pair of intellectuals who were insanely in love with the cinema.

But instead of the happy life of Heroes, the drama outcome was waiting: Cyrus met a new love and went to another city, and Sergey remained in St. Petersburg and died a year after the divorce. After 17 years, the successful spouse of Critica came to understand that her heart was forever been occupied by Sergey, and she no longer had the chance of finding happiness.


The main roles in the film "Has anyone seen my girl?" Played:

  • Anna Chipovskaya - Kira in youth;
  • Victoria Isakov - Kira in adulthood;
  • Alexander Gorkilin - Sergey Dobrovolsky;
  • Yuri Chursin - Maxim, the second husband of Kira.

Also in the picture starred : Fedor Lavrov, Alexey Zolotovitsky, Maria Shalaeva, Ivan Dobronravov, Daria Ursulak and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Angelina Nikonova, who made the director and the author of the project scenario, is known to the audience on the films "Portrait at dusk", "Velkov Hom", "Winners". In 2021, the premiere of the first multiserial tape is expected - "Mikhailov method".

2. Movie "Has anyone seen my girl?" He became a kind of adaptation of the real history of love, which had the tragic final. The scene was based on the autobiographical work of Karina Qotorovskaya "Has anyone seen my girl? 100 letters to Seryozhe ", which was published in 2014 by several circulations. The book covers events that happened for 7 years, and consists of separate letters that did not fall into the hands of the addressee. The phrase that became the name of the film, the protagonist said before his death.

3. Among the readers of the autobiography turned out to be a producer from Kiev Natella Krapivina, which the book made to cry. She wrote Karinya that he wants to rent a movie in her work. However, the answer did not receive. It turned out that the letter fell into the "spam", and I discovered his writer randomly after 6 months. It is noteworthy that the answer came Nitelle on her birthday, April 7th.

4. Natella Krapivina is a beginner film producer. In an interview, she said that she wanted to show this story to the young generation, to which her daughter belongs. "For me it was a huge shock that, when the film ended, my child sat all in tears and said:" Mom, I never looked at the phone "," producer shared.

5. To accommodate memoirs to the plot and a given timing, the authors of the script had to significantly reduce the volume of the work. Also, the film also changed the names and surnames of the acting persons, the life of the main character, Sergey, is reduced, for three years (he died at 37 years old).

6. The film sounds the compositions of the group "Bi-2", Diana Arbenina and Natalia Vetlitski.

7. The premiere of the film "Has anyone seen my girl?" It took place on September 16, at the framework of the annual film festival "Kinotavr" 2020.

8. The picture received ambiguous assessments of critics and connoisseurs of cinema. Claims were made to the creators of the differences and inconsistencies with a book and facts from life.

9. "For us it was more important to maintain the main thing - the truth of the feelings, experiences, the intensity of passions. I understand that we in the "Girl" stood on a dangerous path. Do not please everyone. However, we did not try. But I am glad that the film causes an emotional ok the response from the spectators, that he likes the producers and the author, "Angelina Nikonov told about the film.

"Has anyone seen my girl?" - trailer:

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