Leonid Kravchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, First President of Ukraine 2021



Leonid Kravchuk - the first president of independent Ukraine. Supporters of the preservation of the Soviet Union blame the policy in signing together with Boris Yeltsin and Stanislav Shushkevich, Belovezhsky agreements. Nationalists cannot forgive Leonid Makarovich nuclear disarmament of the state.

Childhood and youth

The future politician was born in the early 1934 in the village of Great Litin, located in the vicinity of the city of Rivne. Among the fellow villagers prevailed media surnames ending with, as well as the future leader, on "-chuk". Writer Sergey Kirillovich Melnichuk - the cousin of the first president of Ukraine, the son of Brother Mother's policy, Efimi Kravchuk (in Melnichuk).

Since the small motherland of a man has departed the USSR on the Molotov - Ribbentrop Covenant, Leonid Makarovich's father in the 30s of the 20th century managed to serve in the Polish cavalry. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the former cavalryist mobilized into the Red Army. In 1944, Makar Kravchuk died in Belarus.

After school, the young man graduated with honors from the Rivne Trade and Cooperative Technical School, the Red Diploma of which allowed the young man without exams to enter the chief university of Ukraine - Kiev State University. Barely Kravchuk began to receive education, as he was chosen by a commercial course. A year later, the guy refused his post, because he did not want to "dance under his dudka" of Porthrag.

In one hostel with young men, the future Ukrainian dissident Vyacheslav Chernovol (Chornovil), who died in the 1999th in the car accident, and Vitaly Vrublevsky, who became an assistant to the 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Viktor Shcherbitsky. Although the native of the Great Jitin had to work out the unloading of cars with fish, the student years Kravchuk recalls as the happiest in their biography.

Personal life

Politician is happy in personal life. Chosen by Leonid Makarovich, Antonina Mikhailovna, also grew up without her father and, too, before entering Kiev, he graduated from the Red Diploma Technical School. A pretty native of the village of Viera Tonya Mishur was great and prepared.

The family of a young man created on the 4th course - a ride to the virgin brought a guy with a classmate, and when he runs down with a temperature, the girl achieved his hospitalization. The Komsomol wedding was played in the Leninist House of Hostel. The bride and the bride congratulated Professor Zhuchenko, who assumed that the newlyweds would make a brilliant scientific career. Snacks on the wedding table were Vinaigrette, Odessa sausage and fried potatoes.

Leonid Kravchuk and the wife of Antonin

The only son of Leonid and Antonina - Alexander, he is a businessman. For the name, men associate the company Nafkom-Agro, which owns 200 thousand hectares of land in Poltava, Vinnitsa, Chernihiv and Sumy regions. Kravchukov has grandson Andrei, in 2005 made Leonid Makarovich and Antonina Mikhailovna Praded and Great Girls Lena, and the granddaughter of Maria.

Favorite food Politics - Dumplings with cottage cheese and mold (rolls of chicken or turkey breast with greens and egg). Favorite dog breed - German Shepherd. Daily Leonid Makarovich takes 100 g of health gills and is bathed in the bath.

In the 2010, politician survived several hospitalizations. In June 2011, doctors restored his sight with the help of replacing the left-hand lens crystal. In 2017, at the age of 83, Kravchuk removed plaques from vessels. In an interview with the ex-president compared the medical manipulations with the planned technical inspection.

Career and politics

After graduating from the institute, a graduate for 2 years taught in the financial institution, and then began to move along the party line. By 1967, Doros to the head of the propaganda department of the Chernivtsi Committee of the Communist Party. In 1970, a man defended his thesis dedicated to the essence of profit under socialism.

Over the next 18 years, Kravchuk passed the path from the head of the sector to the head of the Department of Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Party ideologue, coming to his native village to spend a deeply believer mother, at the request of an elderly woman sat in the corner under the icons.

In the 1980s, Leonid Makarovich, Leonid Makarovich issued several books about the inviolability of the Soviet Union. At the end of the decade, Krachuk, who became a candidate for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Republican Communist Party, launched in the newspaper "Evening Kiev" a discussion with supporters of Ukrainian "neglence".

In the 1990s and the first half of 1991, Leonid Makarovich combined the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR parliament with membership in the Republican Committee and the All-Union Central Committee of the Party. After the August Putch, Leonid came out of the Rows of the CPSU, one of whose leaders was. On August 24, 1991, Kravchuk signed the act, proclaiming the independence of Ukraine, and headed her Verkhovna Rada. On August 31, Leonid Makarovich banned the party on the territory of the state they head, thanks to which he made his career.

President of Ukraine

The presidency of Kravchuk lasts 2.5 years. On the 1991 elections, he went like a non-partisan candidate and received support for both most members of the prohibited communist organization and many National Democrats.

On the first winter day of 1991, the candidate scored almost two thirds of the votes in direct elections. A week later, the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the cessation of the existence of the USSR was signed. The world had a photo of Kravchuk, Yeltsin and Shushkevich, having laid hands. Newsreel Events entered the Master Series Documentary "USSR. Wreck.

According to political scientists, it was the Ukrainian leader who initiated the death sentence to the Soviet Union. In an interview with Dmitry Gordon in 2016, Leonid Makarovich said about Russia:

The "older brother" always sought to strangle Ukraine with his arms. "

According to the political figure, during trips to Moscow, he always felt the Great Russian Chauvinism of the Soviet leadership.

Among the advances in Kravchuk in the status of the President - the world's world recognition of Ukraine as an independent state, the development of a multi-party system, adoption of the Land Code. Among the failures - the decline in industrial production and impoverishment of the population. Under the pressure of the crisis Kravchuk agreed to early elections and lost their names to Leonid Kuchme.

After the presidency

A man three times (in 1994, 1998 and 2002) was elected to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. From 1998 to 2006, he was part of the management of the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine.

Leonid Makarovich repeatedly expressed the Crimea and his transition to the Russian jurisdiction in 2014. The former leader believes that the uncomfortable should be fighting for the peninsula, and it believes that "the Crimea will not survive without Ukraine."

Leonid Kravchuk now

In January 2020, in the program "60 minutes" on TV channel "Russia 1" Kravchuk commented on the words of Vladimir Zelensky on equal responsibility of the leaders of the Third Reich and the USSR for the discontinuation of the world slaughter. He reported the fact of the meeting of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in 1940 in Lviv. Organization "Officers of Russia" by the mouths of Major Major Mikhail Makarchuk accused the former Ukrainian president in detachment of Russia.

In March 2020, Leonid Makarovich entered into a discussion with the companion of Peter Poroshenko - Irina Geranoshko. The woman argued that the dialogue between Kiev and Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics is impossible. Kravchuk recalled the lady that LNR and DPR - participants of the Minsk agreements signed on behalf of Peter Poroshenko.

"Vladimir Putin, when signing you, beat you," the politician stated sadly.


  • Order of the October Revolution
  • Two Orders of the Red Banner
  • 1996 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise V degree
  • 1999 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise IV degree
  • 1999 - Big Cross of the Order of St. Stanislav
  • 2001 - Hero of Ukraine (with the presentation of the Order of Power)
  • 2004 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise III degree
  • 2007 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise II degree
  • 2014 - Order of Freedom
  • 2016 - Medal "25 years of independence of Ukraine"

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