Martha Dogkin - Photo, Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Third Wife Ivan Grozny



Marfa Dogkin is the third wife of Ivan the Terrible, the young beauty chosen by the monarch and his assistants at the bride. This marriage turned out to be the most powerful in the biographies of the Russian ruler. The union of the couple ended up the death of a young woman, the memory of which was preserved in the art.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Martha Vasilyevna Dogian does not replete a large number of details. She was born in Kolomna on October 28, 1552. The girl came from not the most secure and famous kind, so there is no information about childhood and youth.

Historical sources say that Marfa accounted for a daughter of the Novgorod merchant. But some experts are confident that the father of Vasily Stepanovich Dogkin was an Ochrichnik and a descendant of Germanists who were held in Novgorod. The ancestor of the family, Danil the dog, served as Prince John IV. There are theories that he and other representatives of the surnames were associated with trading fishery. This was the association with merchant business.

There were rumors that Martha had a detailed relative of Malute Skorahov, who allegedly protigerated at the court. At that time, Skuratov had already had a decent reputation and enjoyed an authority among the boyars.

Personal life

In 1570, the widowed Tsar Ivan Grozny decided to marry reuse. The ruler began to pick up a passion instead of the Temryukov who died in marriage. Brides were collected from different ends of the state. In the "Competition", 2 thousand girls participated in the right to become the wife of the monarch. All the beauties were noble origin, so historians had doubts about how the teacher's daughter was among high-ranking maidens. This is a weighty argument in favor of the noble origin of Martha.

Acquaintance with the brides lasted a year during which each was assessed not only in character and appearance, but also by physiological data. First of all, the contender on the heart of the king dressed in festive clothes and invited a short date. It took place in the presence of 2-3 attorneys. Ivan the Terrible looked around the maiden, she gave up a few phrases and said.

Those who seemed to the monarch small-reaching, cast a minute leisure, others were married to the executioners or servants or returned to the ravis. A 24 girls left for the final, from which 12 contenders were selected.

Document on wedding Ivan Grozny and Martha Dog

On June 26, 1571, the king was invited to Alexander Slobod to the most interesting girls for himself and her son and arranged the last view in the presence of a doctor. It was necessary to check the health and ability to give the monarch of the heir.

Choosing Marfu Dog, Ivan Grozny played a wedding. Wedding took place on October 28, 1571, on St. Michael's Day. The ceremony was held in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexandrovsk Sloboda. This temple was chosen for the celebration, since Moscow burned the Crimean Khan Devlet Gerai. Malyuta Skuratov made a friend from the newly-made groom, the second in the same quality appeared Boris Godunov.

The girl's personal life has changed overnight. She became famous and inherited the throne in the role of the queen. But happiness lasted for a short time. Marriage Marta Dogian and Ivan Grozny ended 15 days after the couple appeared before the altar.

Poor well-being of the royal chosen name immediately after the engagement. Already after the wedding party, Marfe became bad, and she left the festival.


On November 13, 1571, the third spouse Ivan Grozny died. To clarify the cause of death, they conducted a medical examination, which was supervised by Malyuta Skuratov. There were several versions of the conspiracy, in which the potion appeared, contributing to the death of a girl. As a result of the court intrigue, 20 people were executed, among which the opponents of Malyuts Skuratov were also. Dolkina also fell into disfavor. It was assumed that the mother of the bride was out of her daughter, so that she would give birth to children faster from the sovereign.

The third wife of Grozny died, like 2 previous ones. Marfa buried in the Ascension Cathedral, in the tomb next to Maria Temryukovna. In the 1930s, the remains moved to the Archangel Cathedral.

The study of the dust of the queen and exhumation in the 1990s showed the absence of poisonous substances, but the vegetable components would have passed from cells during this time. The survey of the remains helped to recreate the portrait of Marta Dog. Reconstruction of the skull led to the creation of a sculptural bust. Today, descendants can personally make sure: the girl was attractive.

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