TV series "Pass Dyatlova" (2020): Release date, interesting facts, TNT, actors


On November 16, 2020, it became a significant day for lovers of all kinds of mystical secrets and unsolvable mysteries. After all, he had a date on the ether of the project dedicated to the tragedy, which occupied no last place in the list of the most inexplicable incidents of the XX century. TNT and online cinema PREMIER presented the series "Dyatlov Pass".

On interesting facts related to the creation and content of a new multiserial film - in the material 24cm.

60 years later

Upon the suggestion of the investigation, with the greatest probability of the death of the group under the guidance of Igor Dyatlov, which consisted of nine tourists, occurred on the night of February 1-12, 1959. The teaser of the series devoted to the distant event, the creators first demonstrated on television on February 1, 2019, timed to the 60th anniversary of the mysterious tragedy.

Two in one

The series "Pass Dyatlova" includes two storylines at once. The first of which is dedicated to the latest ascent of the dead tourists on the mountain ruined. In the center of the second - the investigation, which holds the protagonist of the film - Major KGB Oleg Kostin, whose role did the actor Petr Fedorov.

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Particular lines included in the series "Dyatlov Pass" not only tell different stories, but also presented in different ways. That part of the story that concerns the investigation of the incident, removed on the color film. And those scenes that are restored by the diaries of dead tourists fragments of the last journey of the Dyatlov group, are shown in black and white gamma.

Person with photos

By creating the series "Pass Dyatlov", the cinematographers were a lot of the selection of actors, seeking to achieve the external similarity of the artists involved in the draft artists with members of the deceased group of Igor Dyatlov. And the diaries left the diaries remaining from the 1959 tourists who collapsed in February 1959 tourists who left the characters in the painting scripts.

According to these papers, the directors and screenwriters who went into their last path in the Northwood Mountains, people actually resemble the heroes of the old Soviet film stitches their own unmandant faith in the bright future and ideals of universal equality and fraternity.

With attention to detail

According to cinematographers, Oleg Kostin and two of his assistants are the only fictional characters in the plot of the series. The remaining active persons of the narration, both tourists, and conducted by the experts, are real people. Their biographies were recreated with detailed accuracy of the documents collected since the tragedy of the decade.

For dive

In the current digital age, the series "Pass Dyatlova" noteworthy does what they decided to remove him. Thus, the cinematographers sought to achieve that indescribable, immersing atmosphere on the screen on the screen, which distinguishes such modern projects as the American Horror History, the new Twin-Pix, "in all grave" and others, when working on which the creators used Film instead of the usual and ubiquitous now "numbers".

Also, such an approach, in the opinion of the Creative Group "Pass Dyatlov", should send the audience as soon as possible to the Cinema of the TRAGEDIA - 50-60s of the last century.

Official version

The series "Pass Dyatlova" was not the first-oriented mass audience, and not on fans of documentaryist projects related to the study of the mystery with a group of students near the Holychachl Mountain. Previously, they went out, for example, and the fantastic picture of the director Renny Harlin "Mystery Pass Dyatlov", and the Kholat computer game from Polish developers from IMGN.PRO.

However, in both mentioned cases of work, only collections of the tragedy of the myths flagged in the Sverdlovsk region of the tragedy of the myths flagged in the Sverdlovsk region.

Unlike them, the new series is based on official information - the creators of the detective became the first to have access to closed archives. Both to the materials of 1959 and conducted in the "zero" reference. However, in the "Dyatlov Pass" various versions of the occurrence - the main character cuts them off as they investigate, coming to the only right conclusion.


Initially, the series "Pass Dyatlov" was planned to show on the TV-3 channel. However, subsequently the decision was revised, as a result of which the project premiere was transferred to TNT and Internet video service Premier. Moreover, each of the platforms showed its version: 16+ - on television, 18+ - on the Internet.

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