King Hydora (Character) - Pictures, Films, Against Godzilla, Mythology


Character History

King Hydora - a three-headed monster from the franchise about Godzille. A cosmic creature is designed to kill all living on Earth. From the film to the film, the image of the monster and its biography was repeatedly recycled, while maintaining the overall concept in appearance.

History of character creation

Alien Kaizu's debut in the 1964 picture. This film was 5th in a franchise, in which the main role is given to Dinosaur Godzille. This legendary character muttered due to the tests of the hydrogen bomb, responds to a threat from space, repeating attacks of messengers.

Conditionally universe Godzilla shared for several periods: Syuva, Haysei, Sinsay and Reva. Franchise shelted many terrifying creatures, both completely fictional and "grown" from myths and legends.

King Hydora Pure Externally, the Russian viewer reminded the regulatory epic and fairy tales - Snake Gorynych. This villain is practically immortal, exhibits fire, flies and keeps whole cities in fear.

The initial idea of ​​the image of the character belonged to Tanakus Tomoyuki, the author of Godzilla. The source of inspiration for the film producer was the illustration of a Lerneysian hydra in the book in Greek mythology, as well as the Yamata-orothe from Japanese folklore - a dragon-famous dragon with eight heads.

The author delighted the idea of ​​battle between Godzilla and the new character, but he considered that so many heads would be superfluous. The final version was impressed by viewing the Soviet film about Ilya Muromets, struggling against the snake of Gorynych.

The name of the kinheroyan in translation means "King Hydora", where the second word is formed from the consonant word "hydra". The fantastic villain was well adopted by the audience, having received the fame of the most famous enemy Godzilla. For the antagonist, the franchise of film critics used such epithets as "pure evil", "the destroyer of the planets" and "deadly beast".

After the release of the film "Godzilla 2: Monsters King", Michael Larson published an art picture, which later became a popular meme. Three heads of Kaizuy differ from each other: the first personifies anger, the second is thoughtful, and the third is just stupid.

Image and biography King hydraulic

The appearance of the character is a golden-colored dragon without front paws. He has powerful legs, a shot down torso with two spiked tails. The body is covered with scales, and the design of the wings is borrowed from the anatomy of the bat. 5 horns grow on the heads.

At the first appearance of the kill, its biography is described. Hydora himself comes from Venus, which brought to the state of absolute unsuitability for life. True, he did it at his own request or at the pointer of more developed beings - it is unknown.

Direct participation in the plot begins with the fact that he is taken under the control of aliens from the planet X - Xilian. They are going to attack the Earth, so they seek to destroy Godzilla. The dragon ultimately loses to a more powerful hero.

The character is found in a comatose state and turn it into a cyborg. So, it will acquire a mechanical wings and a chest, having received a new name - fur King Hydora.

When the monster flies to the ground, it creates a dome around him. This is a tricky trap for any creature. All its perimeter is covered with tentacles. Once there, a living organism does not have the opportunity to get out, and its energy is reset and transmitted to a three-headed monster.

In all films franchise, Kaizu has a similar description - shows incredible power and stability to damage. The main feature is the possibility of flight with supersonic speed. In space, the figures reach incredible indicators - up to 490 thousand km / h due to the fact that the dragon places itself in a kind of design, which is like a diamond.

Hydow with a lever erupts gravitational rays. In terms of its characteristics, they resemble the atomic breathing of Godzilla, but have a much larger angle of defeat. When they fall into another monster, there is a powerful explosion.

The dimensions of the wings of Kaizhu reach 150 meters, and the squeaming of them create a tornado of such force that the highness is thrown out of the ground.

The protective abilities of the Dragon are that his scales creates a barrier that does not leave the chance to damage even Godzilla. In addition, King Hydora has regeneration and is able to restore lost parts of the body from small fragments, including to grow a new head.

Being under control, Kaizhu can manipulate other consciousness. True, only those who are less developed, such as people. Having lost the "pointer", the antagonist begins to think independently, which adversely affects his fate.

He is still angry, but completely disoriented. His actions are inconsistent, because each head has separate consciousness. Such a vulnerability leads to the fact that it allows Earth monsters to win the victory.

King Hydra in films

In his debut film, the main antagonist appears an ancient extraterrestrial creature, which lies with the responsibility for the destruction of the Venusian civilization. 5 thousand years later he goes to Earth, but his attack reflect Godzilla, Rodan and Motra. In subsequent film guides, he continued to perform on a pawn in the hands of an alien race.

The scriptwriter demanded that the crucibles of the messengers produce from light silicone materials. So, the actor was given great mobility when shooting. Shoichi Hirosh was moved in the Costume created by Akira Vatanaba, while the heads, wings and tails were controlled remotely.

The artist confessed that the shooting was held hard because it was important to coordinate their movements and not to conflict with those parts of the body that did not depend on it. Interestingly, despite the main role in the plot of the film, the on-screen time is not so much an alien creature.

In the era of Hacey, the antagonist will acquire a new biography. Create his travelers in time, returned to the past, 10 years before the events of the 1st part of the franchise. They take three pets with them, which because of the explosion of the hydrogen bomb turn into Kaizu.

And after the defeat, the monster resurrects the Emmy Kano, converting it to the furs.

The amplua villain acquires positive features in the 2001 film "Godzilla, Motra, King Hydora: Monsters attack." Now he becomes one side with his main enemies, however, only in this picture the character acts as a positive hero.

In the Pattern of 2019, three-headed mandeship awaken, freeing from the ice of Antarctica. It is called Monster Zero. Only to the final film it becomes known that he is the same King Hydora.

Interesting Facts

  • According to the legend, the three-headed kayizu affected the disappearance from the face of the dinosaurs.
  • Even without wings, the character does not lose the ability to fly due to zero gravity.
  • Initially in the design of the costume of the hero prevailed the green color. Later decided to replace him with gold, as Venus was considered the Golden Planet.


  • 1991 - "Godzill against King Hydetics"
  • 1996 - "Godzilla saves America: a battle with a monster in 3D"
  • 1997 - "Godzilla 2000"
  • 1998 - "Godzill against Monsters Robots"
  • 1998 - "Godzilla against Space Monster"
  • 2011 - "Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters"
  • 2011 - "Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliapha"
  • 2011-2012 - "Godzilla: Legends"
  • 2012-2013 - "Godzilla: half a century war"
  • 2013-2015 - "Godzilla: the rulers of the Earth"
  • 2014 - "Godzilla: Cataclysm"
  • 2015 - "Godzilla in hell"
  • 2016 - "Godzilla: oblivion"


  • 1964 - "Hydra, three-headed monster"
  • 1965 - "Godzill against Monster Zero"
  • 1972 - "Godzilla vs Gaigan"
  • 1991 - "Godzilla against King Hydra"
  • 2001 - "Godzilla, Motra, King Hydora: Monsters attack"
  • 2018 - "Godzilla: city on the verge of battle"
  • 2019 - "Godzilla 2: Monsters King"

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