Series "Helstrom" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


The series "Helstrom" came out on the online platform Hulu on October 16, 2020. The fantastic picture was removed within the framework of the Marvel Universe and is an independent story about the characters of the comic of Damon and Satan Helstroms. In material 24cm - about the plot of paintings, actors and roles that they played, as well as a selection of interesting facts.


Damon and Ana Helstroms are the heirs of a serial killer who brutally spread with the worst representatives of humanity. Mother of his brother and sisters - a patient of the clinic for mentally ill people. But, despite the difficult childhood, Ana and Damon matured and found each of their calling. Damon is a professor of ethics and part-time a freelance officer in the Vatican, to which the servants of the Church in secret are paying for help in mystical situations requiring exorcist intervention. And the ana is connected with the art: engaged in the sale of antiques. But with evil spirits, she also has to deal: at night she crashes with criminals, using not the most humane ways to fight evil.

Ana and Damon grew apart and therefore do not communicate with each other. The only thing that connects them is Victoria's mother, who lost his mind and fights with his own demons. The terrifying news about a terrible monster makes you unite your brother and sister to forget about the past and think about the future.


The main roles in the series "Helstrom" performed:

  • Tom Austin - Damon Helstrom, the son of a cruel killer;
  • Sydney Lemmon - Ana Helstrom, Damon's sister;
  • Elizabeth Marvel - Victoria Helstrom, Mother of Anna and Damon;
  • Robert Wezdom is a keeper.

Also in the film starred : Jun Kerril (Louise Hastings), Ariana Gaerra (Gabriella Rossetti), Alain Yui (Chris Yen), Daniel Cadmore, David Muri and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. In May 2019, it became known that the shooting of the series "Helstrom" for the Hulu platform. The ribbon was planned as the beginning of the "Travel to Fear" franchise from Marvel.

2. The first season of the multi-sized film consists of 10 episodes.

3. The shooting process went from October 2019 to March 2020 in the Canadian city of Vancouver.

4. The executive producer and the Showranner of the Master Series was the floor of the Zibyshevsky, which is known for the works on the series "Stay alive", "New Day". He also became the author of the script of the film "After Sunset". Paul Zibyshevsky twice became a nominee for the AMMI Award.

5. In April 2020, the contract with the producer of the Zibyshevsky was terminated, but he continued to work on the project.

6. The working title of the picture originally sounded like Omens ("Prebelniki"). Later, the fantastic horror tape was named Marvel's Helstrom, however, in July 2020, the creators removed the mention of the brand so that the viewers are in search of films of the Marvel Universe films did not meet with Horror.

7. For the Sydney actress Lemmon, who performed one of the main roles in the series, this work became the first serious TV project.

8. Actress Elizabeth Marvel, who played the obsessed mother of the main characters, admitted in an interview that this role was responsible for this role, having studied a lot of material to understand the feelings and motives of the behavior of mental people. Elizabeth dragged inspiration from the paintings of "Obligrant" and "silence of lambs." Also, the actress said that Horror lovers are waiting for "secret messages" in every episode with her.

Series "Helstrom" - Trailer:

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