Roman Viktyuk: biography, personal life, 2020, death, theater, performances, illness


Roman Viktyuk walked director, forcing the audience to disclose the inner "I". Contemporary art he called "Besysky", the theater considered her elitar, and his style called "conscious eclecticism." On November 17, 2020, the epoch man left his life, leaving behind fresh ideas in art, inspiration for the younger generation and the unforgettable impressions of the audience.

Interesting facts from the life of the legend of two centuries - in the material 24cm.

1. In the beginning was Shakespeare

In an interview, Roman Viktyuk has repeatedly stressed that there is no accidents in the life. He can not even explain how an idea appeared in his children's head for the first time to visit the library with a request to give "Hamlet." From surprise, the librarian extended a book without even looking at the student ticket. Later, the director admitted that he did not return that Tomik.

2. Desperate optimist

Roman Grigorievich said that it was impossible to understand the purpose of man. It must be felt. "Go and do - everything will be as needed!" - I urged Viktyuk in an interview.

This confidence once helped Roman Grigorievich to go from Lviv to Moscow. An hour before the train departure, he was met by a teacher, who two students sent a telegram with a request to stop the novel, because "there are such many here." Then young Viktyuk clearly realized that if you believe in myself, then fate will lead the hand and will send to victory.

3. Mystery of Viktyuk

By the way, faith in itself has not been helped in life then a little-known and not corresponding to the Soviet ideology director. After he was fired from the theater in Kalinin, a cross could be put on his career in the USSR. However, this was not afraid of a talented director.

He clarified the name and surname of the head of the department of the Ministry of Culture of the Lithuanian SSR, and, introducing himself as a higher officer, asked to hire the director Viktyuk, who would definitely help revive theatrical culture in Vilnius.

Roman Grigorievich was taken as chief director. There he set "Masters and Margarita" before in the "contemporary", and the play by A. Vampilova "Valentin and Valentina" first in the USSR.

4. Always 19.

Roman Viktyuk knew how to speak with metaphors and heard a mystifier not only in the eyes of journalists, but also friends. However, the personal life of the director and remained a mystery.

"Yes, I am nineteen years old!" - insisted the theater figure when he was asked about the age. Viktyuk was convinced that if the brain "stitches" for this age, then in a person there is a cosmos energy that helps leave the stereotypical representation of age groups. This allowed the shocking director to look like a boys and stylish, while remaining at the peak of fashion trends and understandable to any generation.

5. "Love in slavery"

Love director considered the main commandment in life, which was expressed in sensuality, which was traced in a leitmotif in his productions.

A manifesto of the new theatricality was the performance of the "servants", which he invited him to put Arkady Raykin in Satirikon. With the easy hand of the humorist, where women's roles perform men, was left in the repertoire. Later, the story of a collision of dreams and reality responded in the soul in the audience around the world.

6. Evaluate should spectators

In the creative biography of Viktyuk, hundreds of works, but he did not exhibit the performances for theatrical awards. The director believed that "the spectators should assess the deculations."

The director called its relationship with the public with the public, and the performances equated to the management of fate. Creativity helped, according to the director, break the waves of loneliness and sense harmony. It was this sacrament that he watched, leaving the audience in the lobby to communicate.

7. Reincarnation

His 84th birthday, theatrical classic met in the hospital, where he was restored after the contamination of coronavirus. Later, the actor went on amendment after the disease. Suddenly, the state of health deteriorated sharply, Roman Grigorievich was transferred to intensive care with stroke, where he died on November 17, 2020.

Roman Viktyuk believed that after the death "the soul returns, if there is a soul on Earth, her related, filled with the same joy, the same comprehension of the world in awe." In Instagram-Account, the Theater of the Roman Viktyuk, after sad news, the audience thank Maestro and say that he will remain in the hearts and minds.

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