Film "On the edge" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


At the end of the autumn of 2020, a film "On the edge" director Edward Bordukova was released on a wide screen. After sports drives about hockey, basketball and football project events unfold around the fencing, which has become popular after the Olympics in Rio in 2016. Interesting facts about creating a project and actors who performed key roles - in material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - confrontation of two athletes. Alexandra Pokrovskaya is a classic approach to fencing, where even in training the etiquette and aristocratism "ballet with weapons in hand" is important. He is in opposition to a talented, but dyed girl from Kira Egorov, who ignores the system and does not recognize the authorities.

The athlete coach pursues his own interests and deftly manipulates girls from whom he seeks to make champions. Daily training sessions at one mentor temper the rivals, they are ready to go across. However, over time, the duel between the ladies is seeps into a personal life, and then stops in the plane overcoming itself.

Actors and roles

  • Svetlana Khodchenkova - Alexander Pokrovskaya, a titled athlete who benefits from tactics and experience. Ahead of the Olympiad, which will become the last in a career. However, the Kira Bunkarka is becoming an eminent saber, gifted by sports talent over.
  • Stasya Miloslavskaya - Kira Egorova, an athlete who does not recognize defeat. Her life is messy, and the desire to conquer the whole world is a smile. The internal conflict of the heroine becomes an obstacle to success. After the crisis, she expects the adoption of people who stretch the hand of help, and the world reveals his arms.
  • Alexey Barabash - Pokrovskaya's husband, the marriage with which hangs on the balance. The hero supports his wife and believes in her capabilities, but the beloved is too busy to pay attention to the spouse.
  • Sergey Pustepalim - Gavrilov coach. He was lucky to train two strong athletes, but the approach to the girls mentor uses different. For the success of the wards, the coach is ready to sacrifice a career, and its techniques are at times suggesting.

The film also starred : Eugene Fold, Sophia Ernst, Hilda Carmen, Kirill Degtyar, Christina Kucherenko, Timofey Solin and Maria Kiseleva in Kameo.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the film was originally planned on March 26, 2020. But the pandemic of coronavirus infection has changed the plans of the creators, and the premiere was postponed to November 26.

2. The director and screenwriter of the project Eduard Bordukov knows what rivalry in sports is not obstacle. In his youth, he survived a sporty drive during athletics competitions, but later made a choice in favor of cinematic career.

3. Earlier in the filmography of the director there were two sports kinocartins. The project "Box" was devoted to the problems of the courtyard football.

4. The creators argue that the film "On the edge" is based on facts from the world of sports, but there are no prototypes from the main characters. Although the duel of Pokrovskaya and Yegorova reminds the confrontation of Sofia Great and Yana Egoryan in Rio in 2016. Nevertheless, Borders emphasizes that this is an art project and carry out the parallel between women-rival stands.

5. For the role of Pokrovskaya when working on the scenario, Edward Borders initially planned Svetlana Khodchenkov. But for a heroine Kiru for a long time was sampled. The creators were important that the partners "played" among themselves. The casual in casting was the opinion of the actresses.

6. The locations of the project were Pavilion VDNH, the roof of the building on the former Badaevsky factory, as well as Moscow clubs. Especially for Heroin Khodchenkova, a multi-level apartment was rented.

7. Actresses had to be accomplished to learn to wear a mask in one movement, work the rack, injections and blows. Operators removed the episodes of fights also in a sports mask.

8. To prepare for the role of Stara Miloslavskaya as a guideline chose a manner of fencing Yana Yegoryan. The actress even met with an athlete and received valuable recommendations from it, which were useful when shooting episodes of fights.

9. Director Eduard Borders paid attention to the maximum image accuracy. The frame will appear in the frame of the saber's approach to the "armor" of the heroine.

10. The film "On the edge" is the first Russian project on fencing. The premiere expectation rating was 84%.

Film "On the edge" - Trailer:

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