Movie "Running" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


The release date of the film "Running" in a wide range - November 19, 2020. Mystical Thiller will tell the story of an athlete who has received an unusual ability after the automotive accident. In the material 24cmi - a selection of interesting facts about filming the film, the plot, the actors and the roles they executed.


In the center of the plot of paintings - professional athlete Sergey Borozdin, who is forced to forget about the sports career. The hero was injured in a car accident and can no longer be seriously engaged in her loved business. However, after a runner, the runner discovers that he has a unique ability: in high speed he sees events from the past.

At this time in the city where Sergey lives, a dangerous maniac appears. Women are becoming victims that in one way or another are associated with champion of athletics. An investigator in the case of a cruel maniac becomes an employee of the police named Anastasia. She is sure that Borozdin is involved in this case and contributes to the list of suspects. The athlete decides that it should stop the criminal using the acquired gift. But the hero does not even suspect what price will have to pay to achieve this goal.


Keywords in the picture executed:

  • Evgeny Romantov - Sergey Borozdin, champion in athletics, who received a mystical ability and wants to use it in the capture of the maniac, who operates in his city;
  • Polina Maksimova is an investigator Nastya, who suspects Sergey in the commission of a series of crimes;
  • Danila Yakushev is a rival of Borozdin;
  • Maria Minogarova is a journalist;
  • Maria Akhmetzyanova - Alina;
  • Alina Andreichenko - criminalist;
  • Leonid Gromov - Noiseev;
  • Ekaterina Sokolova-Juber - Natasha.

Also in the film starred : Oleg Vasilkov, Danil Golov, Svetlana Brojanova, Sergey Sosnovsky, Nadezhda Markina and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Slogan to the film "Run" became the phrase "at the speed of the heart".

2. The director of the film was Andrei Zagidullin, who had previously removed the paintings "Quest", "whirlpool", "Unknown". The scenario wrote Yulia Idlis, who worked on the popular TV series "Farca".

3. In the plot, the filmters use a complex theory of movement in time and space, which borders on fantastics. Therefore, the scenarios had to study the mass of special literature so that the action on the screen was substantiated and possibly in theory.

4. The picture was removed with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Shooting took place in the fall of 2018 in the capital. In the frame, the audience will see the picturesque places of the Park "Sokolniki", hidden from extraneous eyes.

5. The performer of the role of investigator Nastya, Actress Polina Maksimova, shared in an interview that the triller genre for her "the faint path", she also had to try on the "men's profession" for the first time. She considers her heroine a strong woman.

6. Actor Evgeny Romantics, who fulfilled the main role in the film, he was engaged in sports since childhood and has a good physical form. This factor helped the actor cope with the role of an athlete at a high level and greatly facilitated the work in the cinema. Evgeny Romantov remembered TV viewers on the TV series "Molodezhka", "Dancing to death", "Ivanov-Ivanov", the paintings of the Galaxy Goalkeeper, "Volve Reception" and others. In 2020, the actor also appeared in the historical multi-section film "Pass Dyatlov", as well as the tapes "Sovie to me the truth" and "Sherlock in Russia".

7. The general producer of the project Artem Viktkin said that they decided to approach the popular sport theme on the other hand. Mystic, according to Vitkin, became a key element in the movie of the Gum Treller. Also in the picture there is a love line between the main characters.

8. According to the director of the project, the film "Run" is a kind of metaphor "I will not run away from myself."

Film "Running" - Trailer:

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