Natalia Arkhangelskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Natalia Arkhangelskaya - Actress Theater and Cinema, People's Artist of Russia. Having preferred a career on the dramatic scene, she infrequently became a star of filmtin. Her filmography is small, and the role in which the artist is remembered to the eldest generation was the Dunyha from the "quiet Don".

Childhood and youth

Natalia Arkhangelskaya - Muscovite. She was born on December 4, 1937. The girl's father was executed in the same year when the daughter was born. Mother accounted for daughter to General, who was also shot, but during the revolution times. When Natasha was 7 years old, Mom married again. We stepmate gave his last name and brought up as his own. On the stage, Natalia performed under the maidest last name of the mother.

About becoming an actress, a girl dreamed from an early age. She was engaged in the theater section and was educated in a music school. Once the graduate, Arkhangelsk decided to prevent a dream into reality and submitted documents to VGIK. This step brought her amazing dating and laid the beginning of a cinematic career. And to obtain higher education, Natalia still preferred guitis. The girl received a girl in 1959.

Personal life

First love came to Natalia Arkhangelskaya still in student years. Its chosen one was the actor and screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili. Feelings were mutual, and the young man made an offer of his hand and heart. For the blessing, he went home, in Tbilisi. But the mother of the artist refused it, and the engagement had to terminate. The paradox of fate was that the son of Georgian princess nevertheless married Russian actress, however, it turned out to be Lyudmila Gurchenko.

New Beloved Natalia became the director of Yakov Segel. The age difference between them was 14 years old, but this did not prevent the development of the novel. Its result was the proposal of hands and hearts. Later, Arkhangelskaya recognized that he did not experience hot feelings to the segment, but he agreed to become his wife. Wedding celebration took place in the country.

Marriage problems appeared almost immediately. Spouse Journal Natalia to men appearing in sight. The girl of the public profession could not withstand such pressure and after 3 months filed for divorce. By that time, she already understood that it would begin to build relations with the writer Alexander Fadeev.

For two years, the couple was inseparable, but the speech about marriage did not go. After an unexpected parting, Fadeev married Gurchenko. This has become a great blow to the pride of Arkhangelsk. To restore self-esteem, she took the courting of actor Vladimir Andreev. He called Natalia on the scene of the theater. M. N. Yermolova.

Natalia Arkhangelskaya in the film

At first, the couple lived with the Parents of Arkhangelsk, and having bought an apartment, decided to get married. A month after marriage, the husband went to Natalia Selezneva. The spouse knew about his treasures even during the cohabitation, but did not seriously perceive them seriously. After the divorce, the former wife Andreev was met for some time with Andronikashvili, who by the time he went to Gurchenko and planned to restore the past relationship with his beloved. But Natalia has already cooled and after his time left him.

Vlad Vishnevski, French correspondent of Russian origin became the third spouse of Natalia Arkhangelskaya. At first, the man was married, and the romantic relationship was hidden. But Vlad decided on divorce and creating a new family. The wedding was celebrated in the restaurant "Prague".

Correcting the gap in a personal life, Natalia abandoned his career in the theater and began to attend receptions at the embassy, ​​changed the wardrobe and often had in expensive restaurants. True, happiness lasted not long. After the time, Vlad diagnosed Alzheimer's disease. The actress returned to the scene to make money on her medicine. She often went to tour and managed to care for his spouse for 10 years. After his death, Natalia Arkhangelskaya did not connect his life with anyone.

The children from the actress did not appear. Height and weight of celebrities are unknown.

Theater and films

The first role, easily given in his youth, was a passing ticket of Arkhangelsk to a big movie. She met Sergei Gerasimov's director Sergey Gerasimov on the entrance exams in Vgik. Temperament and charisma actresses completely coincided with what was looking for a film director.

In 1960, Natalia received an invitation from Andrei Tarkovsky to work on the roller and violin ribbon. It was the third painting of the master who had already established himself in the professional community and the public. By fulfilling a major role, Arkhangelskaya flew in the corn over the expanses of Armenia, feeling not the most pleasant impressions. But the picture became a noticeable milestone in her creative biography. Then followed the shooting in the belt "Lubushka".

After Gitis, Natalia Arkhangelskaya entered the Sovremennik's troupe. She fell on this scene at the invitation of Oleg Efremov. The debit of actipers was held in the formulation of "two colors" with the participation of Igor Kvashi. Then followed the role in the play "Nobody", in which Arkhangelskaya went on the stage with Efremov. In 1962, she left the "contemporary" and moved to the theater. M. N. Yermolova.

Among the roles that the directors were offered actress, classical images and characters of modern dramaturgy were found. In 1962, the performer received a nomination for "Crystal Turandot" for "Pat, or the game of kings." Vladimir Etush became a partner of the actress. With this formulation, artists often had on tour in Europe.

Natalia Arkhangelskaya preferred the theater of cinema and, implemented on the dramatic stage, subsequently appeared only in the Cadre of Telplexactles. Among the rare kinocartin with her participation films "Tanya", "Death Tairova"

Natalia Arkhangelskaya now

The actress is still part of the theater troupe. M. N. Yermolova and continues scenic activities. Now it leads a modest life and does not attract the attention of the media. Photos of Natalia Sergeyevna appear in publications in connection with memorable interviews of artists, and there is no news from the actress itself in 2020.


  • 1958 - "Quiet Don"
  • 1960 - "Skating and Violin"
  • 1961 - "Lubushka"
  • 1969 - "Living Pages"
  • 1971 - "Saturday, Sunday, Monday"
  • 1974 - Tanya
  • 1974 - "Time and family of Conway"
  • 1975 - "Last summer in Chulimsk"
  • 1979 - "Mountain Nest"
  • 1984 - "Green Room"
  • 1987 - "Dresser"
  • 1988 - "And the light in the darkness shines"
  • 2000 - "Pat, or the game of kings"
  • 2004 - "I love you"
  • 2004 - "Death of Tairova"

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