Peter Gromov (character) - photo, "Ugryum-River", author, film, series, prototype


Character History

Peter Gromov - the character of the novel "Gulm-River". A merchant who was inherited from the Father-Robber Indecent Wealth, dreamed of a wealthy life. The money was spoiled by the hero, turning it into a dishonest, grantic and even crazy man who destroyed several destinies with his actions.

History of character creation

The author of the work - Vyacheslav Shishkov, a hydrograph in its specialty. After the end of the technical school, it began to work. In one of the expeditions in Siberia met with Nikolai Efimovich Matonin, who told him a legend of his kind.

This story about the gold miners of the Yenisei Taiga laid the basis of family saga. We are talking about two brothers, Averyan and Lavrentia Matonins, who arrived in the Krasnoyarsk Ostrog, to acquire in a new place by wives and children.

Peter Grigorievich Matonin, one of the descendants of Averyan, became famous for criminal affairs. He robbed merchants driven by trade routes. Before death, the man told the grandchildren of Kosme about the place where the unmeasised wealth was buried (probably Matonin's shyman - a real person who became the prototype of the literary hero of Peter Gromov).

To the received means of Kosima founded several ministers in the Yenisei Taiga. After the death of the entrepreneur, the family business continued his son - Averyan (Prototype Prokhor Gromova). But unlike his literary successor, the man did charity and often sacrificed money for the construction of churches and schools.

At the wedding of the niece Averyan gave the bride pendant. Among the guests there was a person (son Fedot Balandin), who found out in the decoration the thing belonging to his killed mother. After the incident, there is practically no information about Matonins. However, the people's legend alive, she pushed Vyacheslav Shishkin to writing family saga.

For two decades, the future author of the "Ugryum River" performs expeditions in Siberia. Its observations are colorfully demonstrated in the novel, and the breathtaking nature, as if another character of the book, acts as a living scenery of the events described.

In the work that the writer created for 12 years, you can see how Siberians lived. As we became millionaires and how the wedding wealth changed the fate of people. There are also the history of poor workers, mired in injustice and repression.

"Ugryum River" is a real chronicle affecting several generations and clearly demonstrating the laws of being. The terrible crimes of the robber grandfather Danil reflected on the fate of descendants - the Son and Grandson. And if the latter acts in the book by the main character, then his father becomes the very person who brought up a "worthy" shift.

Image and biography of Peter Gromova

The work begins with the fact that Danil causes the Son before his death on the conversation. The author writes that Peter, being a father who lives the last night, was in an excited state. After all, he will finally receive the inheritance and heals in luxury.

Grandfather Danil repented in that he made a state due to the split and murder. But it seems that the merchant does not embarrass this fact. And even requests to bring the ass to repentance, he missed past ears.

I barely learned about the location of the cache, Peter immediately rushed in search. Actually, the grandfather emptied the spirit of the same night, but his son at that moment worked a shovel near the cherished pebble.

After the man dug the Chan with gold, his life has changed. Now he sat down great holidays, where the tables were leaving from the diet, and the approximal cried in front of him. Soon thunder-senior stopped portraying an exemplary family man and head of the house.

Her son of Prokhor, hero sent to the "exploration" on the sullen river. Father wanted the young man in a new place, and in the future established a profitable case on these lands. He himself became interested in the time the young intrinsic insfisis of the trumps.

This love turned the tragedy for each of the thunder family. Anfisa sympathized with Prokhor, and the merchant began to go crazy against jealousy. The result is the murder of the trumps, in which the Gromov-Jrked is to blame. The news of the death of his beloved chained Peter to bed, and his wife Marya died from shocks.

Prokhor, the true killer Anfisa, sent his father to a crazy house, and moved to the Gulm river himself. Subsequently, his spouse Nina contributed to to free the test. The merchant recovered, married again, but still remained a dishonest person who he was ready to harm others.

The image of this character clearly demonstrates how permissiveness and wealth in the root change the ideas about morality. Peter, taking care of his own pleasures, destroyed the life of the Son, caused the death of two women - the wife of Maryia and Anfisa.

But the main thing is that, rich, he completely shifted the responsibility for the family on the shoulders of the heir. And this in many ways was the cause of the rapid take-off and the fall of the main character.

Peter Gromov in films

In 1968, the Soviet director Yaropolk Lapshin was shielded by Roman Vyacheslav Shishkov. The audience conquered not only the cast, but also a fascinating plot. This work for Lapinshin was clear and close, because he himself lived in Siberia for a long time.

In the cinema based on family saga, the story begins with how Grandfather Danil will make his descendants of wealth. Peter turned out to be a man with a weak will, he did not have a business grip. Therefore, all concerns about the family-owned enterprise lay on the shoulders of the grandson.

Throughout the film with an increase in well-being, the character of the hero, played by Viktor Chekmarev, is changing. From firmly standing on the legs of a man, he turns into an alcoholic that dreams only that the wife disappears and did not interfere with personal happiness with anfisa.

The screen version of 2020 (Russian TV series Yuri Frost) is a new look at Roman Shishkova without stopping at the class struggle, demonstrating the life and text of the Russian people at the junction of the XIX-XX centuries. This is a story about misconceptions: as wealth exalts a person, as it hurts after imaginary greatness to fall down.

The creators of the 16-serial film promise that the main task of the picture is to reveal the work from a completely new side. Interpersonal relationships, "Sick Love", led to tragedies. It was not without a mystical factor that became an original idea in the filmization.

The main thing is the film tells about how the woven money impregnated with the blood of innocents bring some suffering. Alexander Baluyev, who played Peter, does not need it in the presentation. A talented actor starred in a pair with Yulia Peresilde (the executor of the role of anfisa), demonstrating the short path of the humbled man.

His screen fate differs little from the life path of Prokhor (Alexander Gorbatov). A decent father heir to healthy ambitions with each series causes less and less positive emotions. And his biography is a visual example of a breaking expression: "Not in the money happiness."


"Prokhor, that's what, brother ... Take you a person, do you go on the ruffle of the river ... I heard?" "Do not listen to women, do not pay attention ... Go to hell, do not be afraid of anyone, you will be happy." Remember the grandfather Danil, my parent ... twenty times the death in the teeth was, and, thank God, read, for a hundred years lived. "

Interesting Facts

  • The scenery to the new series is great landscapes. Especially for filming near Yekaterinburg, a village was built.
  • The surname of Heroes (Gromov) Vyacheslav Shishkov borrowed from a merchant family company, which was engaged at the expedition of a specialist to collect information about gold-bearing areas on the Tungusk River.
  • Among the locations for filming the film Yurii Frost, the manor was a stone key. There, more than half a century ago, we worked on the creation of Soviet filmms.


  • 1928 - "Ugryum River"


  • 1968 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2020 - "Ugryum-River" Peter Gromov

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