Agunda - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Tipan 2021



Agunda led the life of an ordinary schoolgirl, but secretly dreamed of conquering a musical scene. Its purposefulness and love for creativity were fruitful, and already the first release of the actress became a hit, headed by Chart in Vkontakte.

Childhood and youth

AGUND CIRICHOVA was born on October 6, 2003 in Vladikavkaz, by nationality she is Ossetian. The childhood of the future celebrity passed in a friendly and loving family, parents paid a lot of attention to the upbringing of Agunda and her younger sister.

The girl grew a diligent and responsible, pleased adult successes at school and planned to associate life with mathematics. But even then it was interested in music, in the adolescence Agunda began to write poems that he read friends and relatives. Later, Cyrich was fascinated by the creation of songs, but he was shy to fulfill them in public.

The list of works continued to replenish, and the creative plans of the girl - grow. Then she even did not even imagine that her tracks would sound on the whole country, and once in the morning she wakes up the famous.

Personal life

Every free minute singer tries to pay creativity, and there is almost no time for personal life, but it is not against the relationship in the future.


The turning point in the biography of the artist happened in the spring of 2019. On that day, Agunda, as usual, returned home from school, and she came to the mind of the lines of the future hit "The Moon does not know the path." In order not to forget, the girl recorded them on the recorder and gave to listen to the sister, which praised the track.

Since during this period she was interested in the work of the group "Tipan", especially heard by the composition of Medina, then decided to write to the leader Roman Sergeyev. In Agunda, Agunda expressed his delight on his work and told about his own enthusiasm music.

In the process of the dialogue, the young performer sent several of their works, among whom was the "moon". So there began their cooperation, which did not prevent the distance between Vladikavkaz and Kursk. To record a demolism of the future hit, Agunde had to spend a lot of time searching for the studio, because it did not receive a response from most.

However, luck still turned to her face. The preparation of the material was held in 2Man Records and cost the Cyrian total of 500 rubles. After that, the participants of Taipan took up the design of the future track, which was presented to listeners in December 2019.

Shortly before the release of the artist laid out the working version of the song to the network and received a lot of enthusiastic reviews. It is not surprising that when the studio entry "Moon does not know the path" became available for listening, she quickly broke into the Top Chart in VKontakte.

Success was overwhelmed by Agunda, because she did not even imagine that her work would make such an effect. Fans actively stormed her pages in social networks, and classmates began to congratulate with the debut. But the girl understood that Glory did not get her just so, she cost big works, not only her, but also teams.

At this time, the "moon" continued to gain popularity on the network. Soon several trowes appeared on it, and the Bread Group even introduced its version of the musical video to the hit. The singer began to invite to perform concerts and pour out comments. Not all of them were positive, some users noted that the girl needs to pay more time to the vocal lessons.

Yet grateful listeners were more, and their support inspired the artist to continue to create. Soon she introduced new songs "You've alone" and "ship" recorded together with Tapane. Although they failed to repeat the success of the "Moon", but the performers did not remain without attention.

Agunda now

In February 2020, the singer gave a large interview to the "Autoradio", where he told the story of creating a track that made it famous, and shared his creative plans. The money received as a fee for the song, Agunda decided to spend on buying a smartphone and new things, and the rest gave mom.

In addition, the performer wants to continue cooperation with the Tipan group. Roman Sergeyev said that she had already written for the team of the track under the working title "Sorry." In the record, the girl did not participate, but glad that the composition would sound the voice of the idol.

In March, the premiere of the clip was held for the Hit "The Moon does not know the path." The video was warmly greeted by fans and quickly start typing views on Yutubeub. Now Agunda continues to engage in the creation of songs. She leads a page in "Instagram" and a group in Vkontakte, where the photo is divided and talks about news.

Discography (songs)

  • 2019 - "The Moon does not know the path"
  • 2020 - "You are alone"
  • 2020 - "Ship"

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