How to please Metallic Bull: 2021, Health, Relationship, Work, Money, Study, Children, Plans


On the change of the year, white rat comes 2021, the symbol of which will be a noble, confident and hardworking white metal bull. Plans to make plans for a year should be given in mind the characteristics of the nature and behavior of a totem animal. As opposed to 2020, the next period promises to be relatively calm, measured and will be held in the works and everyday troubles. Bull loves volitional, decisive, balanced and wise people, as well as those who are not afraid of difficult work, both physical and mental.

In the material 24cm - a selection of tips and recommendations to how to please the metal bull.


White bull is the owner of strong berthish health, therefore noticeable problems in those who follow their body and adheres to a healthy lifestyle, not foreshadowed. Totem of the Year is favorable to athletes and people of physical work, as well as those who are not lazy, are not inclined to depression and apathy, has a good appetite and a positive mood.

Thinking how to please the metal bull, listen to the recommendations not to treat too lightly to your own health, do not ignore the unpleasant symptoms that indicate the starting disease. At the first signs of ailment, please contact the qualified help, do not wear a "wonderful healing" and do not self-medication.

Do not love the bull of those who are inclined to eat alcohol and has bad habits. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the number of alcoholic beverages not only after the New Year's table, but also, if possible, refuse their presence in the house throughout the year. It is also worth reconsider the usual lifestyle, more physically engaged in physical labor, not allowing themselves to be lazy.

Totem favors those who want to change their body in the coming year to change their body for the better: to lose weight, play sports, start keeping a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the harmful habits.


Totem of the year is an animal honest and hardworking, he does not like lazy people who are accustomed to sick and lean from work. Material well-being depends on your professional qualities, so do not look for easy paths. Note the main objectives, make a plan of action to achieve them and move in a given direction. Each step should be deliberate and suspended: do not fuss and do not make hasty conclusions.

Metal Bull - How to celebrate New Year 2021?

Metal Bull - How to celebrate New Year 2021?

In financial matters, the year promises to be prosperous. Good luck accompanies those who will be able to express themselves in working as a decent and reliable employee, a specialist of his case. Listen to the warnings about the danger that lies in the conservatism of the bull and the unwillingness to let changes in your life. Dynamically developing promising companies and industries are advised to adhere to a given tempo and direction. Move the target systemally and stubbornly, do not count on fast and easy profits.

Refuse participation in adventures and projects related to money risks. Beware of fraudsters and do not try to get rich using illegal methods and methods. Success expects creative personalities if they do not cross the norms of morality.

Earned money should not be embarrassed on useless little things. Bull patronizes serious and hardworking people, so appreciates finances earned by considerable efforts. Those who are used to "scatter" with money, it is recommended to revise the approach to spending. Try to give up optional payments, and spend the savings in the desired and useful thing for home and family. Good luck will accompany those who know the money bill and knows how to save on large acquisitions: car, accommodation, profitable business.

Relations and family

A bull - an animal that loves privacy and with difficulty opens the soul to new people. Therefore, in relation to dating and change in the personal sphere, everything is not so unambiguous. Do not build ambitious plans for new relationships, do not plan in advance large-scale events and cardinal changes on the love front. Thinking on how to please the metal bull, focus on strengthening existing related and romantic ties.

In relations with a permanent partner, adhere to the principles of equality, together discuss exciting questions and problems, build plans for the future. However, you should not plan too far from distant events and events. It is also recommended to transfer the emotional component to the secondary plan, and in the first place to put love, mind, nobility, restraint and calm.

The same who has already acquired a family, the symbol of the year promises peace and pacification in the house. It is not necessary to demand and expect the manifestation of bright feelings and emotions from the owner of the year, because the bull is a restrained animal and conservative. Under pressure, he is able to show at all what is expected from him, so do not provoke close and favorite people and do not require them impossible. Listen to the voice of the mind and adequately evaluate what is happening in the family circle and in the house. Sufficient attention is given to children and parents. Do not take hasty decisions under the influence of surpassed emotions. Try to weigh all the pros and cons of the situation and find the best way out.


The symbol of the year is patronized to those who decide to get the second or third higher education, master the new profession, to learn unfamiliar skills. Try to seek everything yourself, work on yourself to absorb new knowledge.

To please the metal bull, to study should also be treated seriously and weighed. Totem loves hardworking, serious and responsible people. Therefore, schoolchildren and students will have to work hard to ensure that the symbol of the year is favorable towards them. It is not recommended to give preference to meetings with friends, classes of classes and postponing the study of educational material "For later" so that at the last moment the invokes to try to learn the specified volume and perform accumulated tasks.

It is also recommended to independently and honestly engage in sciences, and not to use someone else's results. The symbol of the advancing 2021 does not like cheaters and cunning sites seeking easy ways. If granted the granite of science will independently be an unbearable challenge, try not to throw started, ask for help from knowledgeable people to understand all incomprehensible moments.


The upcoming period will be held in everyday affairs and concerns. But it is recommended to solve them as they occur, and not invent non-existent problems.

Bull respects those who love and appreciate their relatives and loved ones, listens to the opinion of colleagues and work for the benefit of a family hearth. Place your life for a year to devote the family and work the same amount of time, do not try to make the advantage in favor of one of the aspects to achieve well-being in these areas.

Totem for years does not forgive betrayal, lie and betrayal, so try to be honest in relation to the family and others. Do not use trick, deception and distortion of information to achieve your goals.

Do not forget to support friendships: you give a sufficient amount of time to proven and reliable comrades. In difficult moments, we will certainly help those who need it, do not turn away and do not be indifferent.

Build plans, put serious and large-scale goals, move in a specified direction systematic and slowly. So you will achieve much better results than if you chase for quick profit and not take care of the quality of the efforts.

Good luck in 2021 will accompany those who want to change their lives and fate: get an education, change work, achieve career success, open your own business or move to another country.

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