Yulia Tymoshenko: biography, personal life, 2020, husband, children, in youth, now


It is part of the category of a few fair sex representatives who have decided to associate life with great politics. She was called the "Gas Queen" and "Iron Lady" of Ukraine, included in the ratings of both the most influential and sexiest women in the world, admiring that beauty, then a hairstyle, then a business grip.

On November 27, 2020, he noted the 60th birthday of Yulia Tymoshenko, about remarkable facts from the personal life and the biography of which in the material 24cm.

1. The family question

Yulia Tymoshenko repeatedly over the political career convinced representatives of the press in the fact that in her family on the mother line to the tenth knee all - Ukrainians. And on the paternal - all Latvians, too, until the tenth knee. He said that the real surname of the ancestors of the Father - Grigianis, because of the error of the passportists, reeued in Grighyan.

But Dmitry Chobit in the book "Makuha. Strokes to the political portrait of the Julia Tymoshenko block, "based on certificates found in the archives, argued that in reality the surname of Grandfather Tymoshenko - the Capitelman, which is somewhat not mounted with the Latvian image.

However, regardless of the reliability of the investigation of the Ukrainian historian and the publicist, it is known that Comrade Grigyan Joseph Josephovich, who, according to Yulia, Vladimirovna, and accounted for the great name, whose family name was overpowering at one time, managed to distinguish itself - was engaged in fascism propaganda, for which Twisted 10 years in camps.

2. Commercial vein

It is now Yulia Tymoshenko - a famous politician in the world. But the path of the Ukrainian political Olympus ladies from entrepreneurship began.

Tymoshenko's business has become even in the late 80s - together with his spouse, they borrowed 5 thousand rubles and opened a video rolling point. Subsequently, the family enterprise has expanded and transformed into the youth cooperative "Terminal", specializing in film rental and organizing concerts of popular musical performers.

3. Patty education

The representatives of beautiful sex infrequently lies in politics, but Yulia Vladimirovna in a male society feels quite confident. The latter and understandable, because in the childhood of "Iron Ukrainian" preferred the society of boys - in the Girl's Games team quickly bored.

The years spent in the company of children were influenced by the life position of Yulia Tymoshenko and formed a number of character traits such as perseverance and a grip in achieving the goals.

4. Hobbies of "Iron Lady"

Yulia Tymoshenko loves dogs. Fastfud is not frightened from McDonalds and prefers all sorts of morning tilt-leisure crosses. Among musical preferences, politics - heavy music, including groups such as Metallica and Nightwish. Also, Tymoshenko likes to experiment with its own hairstyle.

By the way, they say that the famous Spit is invented by stylists before the beginning of the political career of Yulia Vladimirovna. Moreover, among the goals of a rush of such a "bagel" on the head, in addition to giving the woman a national flavor, there was a decrease in its causing attractiveness.

5. The most charming

Yulia Tymoshenko fell into a monthly Esquire magazine of the sexiest women in the world as the most attractive Ukrainian woman in an intimate plan. It is worth noting that the compilers of this top as the very sexy attractive Russians indicated Natalia Vododanov, and also did not forget to mention the Pope of Roman.

6. Fear for health

In 2020, as with a dozen years before that, the health of the People's Deputy of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko was threatened. This time, quite real - politics managed to cope with the pickled coronavirus infection far from immediately.

Perhaps thank for recovery is a strong immunity, which remained in the patient since that time, when the future politician was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. Moreover, it has demonstrated impressive successes that allowed to assume to coaches that in the future a flexible girl waiting for a career of professional athletes.

However, leaving gymnastic shells, Tymoshenko's physical education did not start - continues and now run in the morning and do a charging.

7. Together

All his life, Julia Tymoshenko lived with one man - Alexander, who became her spouse in 1979. About the acquaintance of the future people's deputy and her husband in the media, it is customary to tell a romantic story "as a young man, calling a friend, by chance a wrong number."

However, according to Antonina by the Whorakhichina, which comes to the Ukrainian policy, the case was more prose: Julia's students and Sasha simultaneously settled in the camp, after which they were not only shoved, but they fell in love.

Together, her husband and his wife began to build their own business, together overcame the difficulties associated with criminal prosecution, as far as possible supporting each other not only in new endeavors, but also in overcoming the burden and adversity.

In marriage Yulia Tymoshenko gave birth to Eugene's daughter, who graduated from the London School of Economics in the specialty "State Administration" and married to the English Rock Musician and Entrepreneur Sean Carra. With the last younger Tymoshenko divorced in early 2012, afterwards, after the entrepreneur, Arthur Chechetkin, who gave birth to two children, her son and daughter.

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