Sri Aurobindo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



Sri Aurobindo is called Gegel East. The philosopher, perfectly knew Hinduism and Western Christianity, in his youth was an atheist, and in maturity - agnostic. The Indu Huhtri's business was the case of Savitri's poem - the largest work in the world written in English.

Childhood and youth

Aurobindo Ghosh, known as Sri Aurobindo, was born in August 1872 in Calcutta in the family of Assistant Surgeon. The word "Sri" means "saint". The boy had 2 senior brothers, younger sister and younger brother. The colloquial language in the family was English, on Hindustani (Hindi and Urdu Mixtures) in the house communicated with the servant.

To protect children from a mother who has progressed the mental illness, his father gave them to an English-speaking boarding school in Darjeling. The institution was led by Irish nuns, and Aurobindo in childhood became acquainted with the postulates of Christianity.

The father dreamed of her sons, having matured, became employees of the Indian civil service - the elite division of the British Empire in India, which has numbered a thousand people. There were only the Hindus who graduated from English educational institutions. In 1879, the family came to live in the UK.

However, the aspirations of the father were not destined to come true. One of the sons chose a literary career, the behavior of another did not meet the requirements of the elite service. Aurobindo was disqualified due to late for an exam on horseback riding, and his father agreed on the employment of the offspring to the administration of the city of Baroda, now called Vadodara.

In 1893, the young man returned to India. But while Aurobindo sailed on the ship, the Father reported that the ship was sank off the coast of Portugal, and the man died of grief.

Over the next 13 years, the future philosopher worked as an official and a teacher, having reached the post of rector of the National College in Calcutta. Then Aurobindo joined the Indian national liberation movement and visited the bars twice.

Personal life

About the personal life of a man knows little. Under the memory of his student, Sri Har Kischen Singha, the philosopher was quiet, shy and never shutting a teacher.

At 28, a man married the daughter of a high-ranking official - Mrinalini. It is curious that Aurobindo, who knew 7 European languages ​​and considered himself an atheist, wanted to be married only with Indian, he was important to comply with national wedding rites. The bride was 2 times younger than the groom. Friends and relatives of Mrinalini called the hands of the girl made of cotton - so soft, gentle and not knowing the work they were.

After the wedding, the young went to the country house uncle Aurobindo on the maternal line. The photo of the philosopher with his wife has been preserved. But a joint life lasted only a year. In the future, the spouses lived apart, work and spiritual quest were too occupied by a man.

18 years after marriage, Mrinalini died. A woman killed the influenza epidemic.

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Spiritually close man for the writer became the French Jewish Mirra Alfassa, which Guru called his mother. For the first time on the philosopher, a woman learned from his 2nd husband to the field of Rishar, who met the Hindu during a trip to India. 4 years of Mirra and Aurobindo exchanged thoughts in letters.

At the meeting at the end of March 1914, Alfassa learned the spiritual mentor in a man, who led it from his thoughts since childhood. If Mirra read "Eugene Onegin", then would exclaim:

"You came to me in the dreams,

The invisible you was mile. "

In 1915, due to the World War I began, a woman and her husband left India, but in 5 years they returned. Paul soon went to France, and Mirra, replacing several hotels, moved to his mentor's house.

The like-minded people created Ashram - a kind of yoga center, the leadership of which after complete care of a man in meditation (since November 1926) passed to Mirr. In 1968, a woman founded the international city of Auroville, in which more than 3 thousand people lived in 2019, citizens of 58 states.

Teaching and book

In 1910, Aurobindo broke up with a socio-political life and focused on the integral yoga. For this, he moved to Pondicherry - the French colony in southern India.

The teachings of Sri Aurobindo are the synthesis of Indian and European philosophy. The desire to combine the theory accumulated humanity and practice is visible in the Aphorisms of the author about Russia:

"The life experience of mankind would be incomplete without the experience of Russia"

According to the teachings, the emergence of a person is not a finite point of evolution. At the next step, the integration of man and God will come, the consciousness and transformation of matter with the help of Divine Energy will come.

Peru of the philosopher belongs to the healing mantra, elimination of obstacles. Kitatat Sri Aurobindo on viruses and diseases:

"When we are cleaned, transparent, no bacteria can do with us."

The main works of the thinker - "Mystery Vedas" (Vedas - the Scriptures of Ancient India, including the hymns of the gods), "Life of the Divine", "Letters about yoga" and the poem "Savitri", the central theme of which is the dialogue of love and death. The work was written for 35 years and has 10 handwritten options.

Poems from Savitri have become an epigraph to the book of the mother "Flowers and their spiritual meaning", in which Mirra united the understanding of flowers in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sintoism and attributed to each certain human quality. Thus, Georgin personifies vanity, and gladiolus is supermental susceptibility.


Sri Aurobindo died in December 1950. 60 thousand people came to say goodbye to the philosopher and the poet. After 23, the teacher followed the 95-year-old Mirra Alfassa.

Quotes and aphorisms

  • "Atheist is God, playing with his hide and seek."
  • "When the Asian massacres are satisfied - this is atrocity when Europeans are political need."
  • "Imitation is a good training vessel, but never wave over it to the Admiral flag."
  • "Out of the righteous people who are even loud. Very soon you will see how they commit or forgive the very acts that are so violently condemned. "


  • "Mystery Vedas"
  • "Divine Life"
  • "Letters about yoga"
  • "Savitri"

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