Doja Cat - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Doja Cat is an American singer, who started a career in the 2010 with the world's hit song and video titled Mooo! Another work from the discography of the performer entered the Birds of Prey soundtrack: The Album and accounted for millions of fools of foreign movies.

Childhood and youth

Amalaratna Nondila Dlamming, known under the stage pseudonym, was born in California in 1995. A family that consisted of representatives of different religions and nationalities, by the time of the appearance of her daughter lived in Sunny Malibu.

The father named Dumisani Dormini was from the Zulus tribe, in the United States of America he studied and starred in the cinema. Unfortunately, becoming a great actor involved in cash films, a leaving from South Africa was not destined.

The only work, worthy of mention, was the picture of Sarafina!, Where the man appeared in the stellar company of Wu-Air Goldberg and John Kani. The money received from producers went to buy a spacious home and a device for a comfortable life of a family of families.

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Mother and grandmother Amala were members of the Jewish community. They were engaged in applied art and creating decorative paintings. Thanks to their hobby, the girl at a young age met with a number of popular women and men who had attracted to the work of popular women and men.

In an interview with DOJA CAT reporters, he told that in childhood he was engaged in dancing, and also mastered the adhesive letters in one of the California music schools. The elder brother was fond of rap and visited thematic events in the days when he did not play with comrades in rugby, basketball or football.

A girl who has naipped rhythmic sounds tried to write songs in the style of Christina Aguilers, Gwen Stephanie and Niki Minazh. Also, she was close to the spirit of Jamiroquai composition, which in the late 1990s caused an excitement from the public.

In school years, a passion for the Indian and Japanese culture and mysterious traditions that had their own flavor came. Amala studied such epites like "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", whose original language was dead ancient Sanskrit.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of the American singer of the public, because she hides from journalists and fans of potential guys. Bright photos in "Instagram" Amala are heated in interest in the performer and generate comments of thousands of not indifferent people.

A girl with a growing 165 cm closely monitors the figure and thanks to the classes in the gym supports weight 55 kg. Shooting outfits, makeup and hairstyle, demonstrated in the pictures, cause envy and respect for those who are enthusiastic fashion ladies.

As weighing the zodiac sign, Doja Cat is not afraid of experiments and carefully thinks out its own image, getting ready to shoot a video clip. For each single and album, a girl who inherited the talent of the decorator, thinks over the cover composition and draws a unique logo.


At the beginning of the creative biography, Amala wondered over the pseudonym. As a result, the performer compatible the name of the cat and the name of the weed. Then the girl wrinkled the song and took off a trial video, placing it on the Internet platform, where the views are provided for sure.

In 2013, Doja Cat has signed the kittens with the studio RCA Records and released a debut mini-record with a cute and funny name Purrr! It was harmoniously combined rap trends, R & B and dance disco, as well as elements of other genres included in the concept of modern glamor.

The video for the song SO HIGH, submitted to the public, was highly appreciated by critics, the performer was called the Popotel Psychodkind and a sequence. The girl understood that he was holding up with the times, after reading the positive comments, and decided to take a new audience in the near future.

In mid-2015, California collaborated with popular musicians, releasing original remixes for early rating hits. The regular update of the portfolio on the hosting hosts YouTube and SoundCloud acquitted hopes for recognition and began to frig.

This fame came to the performer shortly after the release of the Single Candy, which was used in viral video after publication on the Titstok platform. The composition pushed Doja Cat to the creation of a full-fledged debut album, which in mid-2018 became available on the Internet.

Along with the LP-plate, the Singer Amala recorded individual tracks that made decent places in the charts of a number of European countries. Information about the booty beauty from California went beyond America and flew over the ocean.

The listeners delight called the Roll with US and Go to Town songs, as well as the song not included in the album with a bit absurd name Mooo! Video clips that have signed millions of views on the Youtyub Channel, were similar to chaotic cuts from modern surrealistic cinema.

In 2019, Doja Cat updated the debut track sheet and released remixes for some songs with the participation of popular singers. Variations of the compositions of Tia Tamera and Juicy came to lists published in BILBORD, and brought good fees in late 2010.

Feeling your own relevance, the girl closed in the recording studio and in a short period of time made a new album Hot Pink. For a photo that appeared on the cover, the singer was barely exposed and put on long gloves and a bright pink wig.

Compositions Boss Bight, Streets and Say SO have become independent singles, with their release, the recently represented plate hit the American hit parade. Increased ten "billboard" and participation in the show Jimmy Fallon Steel for a young performer of the highest awards.

In an interview with the new disk, Doja Cat admitted that it was always striving to paint their own music with paints, loved ones from orphanage. Because of this, the compositions were warm and comforted from the compositions, and every fan of the radio or visiting the concert was fan of the atmosphere.

In the work on Hot Pink, the popular American performers Salaam Remi, Blaq Tuxedo, Kurtis Mckenzie and Tyson Trax helped the girl. Thanks to this, creative directions were presented in the album, which had long awakened positive feelings from representatives of cultural masses.

Doja Cat now

At the beginning of 2020, DOJA CAT published a series of video clips, a talented Haley Sharpe was shot at the Say So SO video. Working with the director Khan Lux Davis was a new experience for the singer and demanded patience and incredible labor from it.

Now the girl plans to tour in support of the new album. Concerts scheduled for summer and autumn will have to cover most of the country. After Amala reported large-scale plans for the future, the fans wrote support words that performers are always needed.


  • 2018 - Amala.
  • 2019 - Hot Pink

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