Callieopa (muse) - image, sculpture, muse, which patronized, erato


Character History

Callieopa - the supreme muse in ancient Greek mythology. According to legends, the patroness of singers and the companion of the kings is considered. Among her spheres of influence there was a heroic poetry, and it was from her that the tradition of chanting courage, valor, honor and self-sacrifice emanating.

History of character appearance

Callieopa (emphasis on the third syllable) is literally translated as "having a wonderful voice." Such a meaning of the name, as "Beautiful", immediately predetermines the place of the character in a row revered by singers. However, the sphere of influence the heroine of the legends of ancient Greece is much wider.

Muse was considered a prison, and also associated with philosophy and science. Dionysius copper called poetry "Calp Kallopa", putting this inspirational above her sister Erato.

Callieopa is the eldest daughter of the most important god in ancient Greek pantheon. Her mother, Titanide Monsina, was seduced by Zeus in the form of a shepherd. She had 9 girls, including Eutherpo, Terraticor, Urania, Klio.

Beautiful Virgin had wonderful voices, so they sang on the feasts, delighting the gods. And then inspired poets, putting rows and rhymes in their souls. Hesiod wrote that these heroines are able to give mortal talents, the feeder of his "delicate heavenly dew" immediately after birth.

With antiquity, the cult of music was very common. They were honored to honor, because poetry was considered the most powerful factor in the development of civilization. Interestingly, initially among the music there was no separation of functions. Later began to allocate the areas of the influence of each of the daughters of Monsina. So, the eldest appeared the goddess of science and epic literature.

In the Union with Apollo Heroine, the legends of Callieopa gave birth to Sons Lina and Orpheus (in some legends, Homer is also mentioned here). Also considered the mother of Rea (his father -Regnoy God is streaming). A controversy with a canon go myths that the patroness of the epic gave the life of Coribant, the father of which is called Zeus himself.

Image and biography of Callopa

For ancient Greek mythology, it is characteristic that all deities are connected with people. They worshiped them, brought gifts and believed that without the participation of the great should not begin to begin a single case.

Callieopa helped those who chose the goal of their life. Poets and singers appealed to her to fold the heroic poem or the song. If it was necessary to compose a comedy, then the waist came to the rescue. Melpomen helped in the tragic genre.

Alkman, Stsisikhor, Vergili addressed to the image of an ancient greek muse. The popularity of the goddess did not bypassed the work of artists. In the painting of the heroine, it appears more often with constant attributes - stalie (bone stick) and wax plate.

She keeps in his hands these written accessories, demonstrating philosophy, science and poetry commitment. Sometimes a musical instrument appears in the images of the Divine Inspirator - Harp. In the sculptures of the master place in her hands.

Her clothes are freely falling tunic, the golden crown is banging on his head. This is a symbol of superiority over other muses, as well as a sign of distinction. Once Zeus even left the older daughter to deal with Olympus in his absence.

There is a legend that Callieopa headed the trial between Aphrodite and Persephone. These goddesses did not share the attention of the excellent adonis. As a result, the patroner of poetry commanded the young man to celebrate 3 equal periods in the year, 2 of which he should be carried out with each of the heroines.

The supreme muse is also associated with patriotism, sacrifice and love of his homeland. When the "beautiful one" spoke about honor and nobility, even the gods were silent and did not interrupted, since nothing was more important than these words.

Calliopa inspired warriors to fight brave and bravely. And the poets inspired that each line of their works should serve aside the victory, the protection of native land and honor.

The asteroid discovered by John Hinda in the XIX century. Interestingly, in honor of the character also named the brass musical instrument. His sound resembles a shrill beep, so Kalline was used on steamers.

Calliopa in culture

It was believed that the ancient Greek patroness of the arts chose the place at the foot of Parnassa. There they enjoyed the beautiful music of Apollo, sang and danced. This plot is based on the reproduction of the Renaissance artists, and Rafael Santi used him, working on images in the Vatican halls.

Another famous picture called "Parnas" belongs to the brush Andrea Manteny. This cloth today is in the Louvre. There you can also see the famous sarcophagus museum, which was found by archaeologists in the XVIII century. It depicts Apollo, Athena and 9 adorable patrons of art. The goddess of epic poetry stands to the left with a scroll in his hand.

Among the sisters "Beautiful Holy" most of all began his friends with uranies and Terratichery. This trio is often depicted in the paintings. Pierre Minyar, a French painter, always placed the majestic goddess with the harp in his hands in the middle.

Simon VEU became famous for the "Apollo and Music" web. And his picture "Muses of Callieopa and Urania" today is presented in the National Art Gallery in the United States.

In antiquity, people erected in honor of these beautiful inspirationors of the temples, which were called Museyon (hence the root of the word "museum"). Inside them were the majestic statues depicting young and adorable daughters of Zeus and Monsina.

Today, the description of the image of the goddess has gained unexpected development. It appears as a cruel heroine. So, according to legend, Calliopa kills the author of the poem (which herself inspired himself at the time of writing the last word. And everything so that the masterpiece is preserved in a single copy, without repetition style.

This belief was based on the plot of one of the episodes of the series "Supernatural". The bloodthirsty goddess played Hanna Levien.

Interesting Facts

  • In honor of the patroness of the heroic epic, a part of the southern coast in Antarctica, devoid of ice, was called.
  • The role of inspirational of poets and singers in the 8th Hercules animated series of 1997 voiced Lillias White.
  • The reactive system of salvo flames used by Americans during the Second World War is called Sherman Calliope in honor of an ancient Greek character.
  • The Beatles group in one of his songs used the records of sounds published by the musical instrument called Callieopa.


  • V century BC - "Book IX"

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